Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Caedo Kel

Standard Profile Template

NAME: Caedo Kel
FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: Mandalorian
SPECIES: Echani/Sith
AGE: 13
EYES: Light Blue
HAIR: Originally white but now dyed black.
SKIN: Tanned Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :


Mandalorian Youth Conditioning: Though, he is only now just joining the rank of the Mandalorians he still is conditioned as a capable warrior.

Caedo is known to be quite versatile in his tactics and battle still almost like a sense for battle.

Survival: Mandalorians are trained from a young age to be able to survive in the harshest conditions.
Tricky Shot:
Caedo is no shooter while not the worst, he definitely won't be leading the troops when it comes to his shot.

Arrogance: He is assured by his trials and his training that he can not fail. As such he is more likely to fight to the death then give up.

The Force: Even though he is force sensitive his connection is weaker than it should be because of the shame it would bring his name as a Mandalorian.

Eyes: They are slowly worsening from not being allowed to adjust properly.



Most would tell you traveling to the Unknown Regions was a very stupid idea. Though none would be able to tell you why and that's because they won't remember or were told not to tell anyone of what they say.

In truth they Caedo's family was boarded by lone Sith who disobeyed orders on remaining out the galaxies view. As he used the force to easily obscure his presence he watched on as he learned that the two benefactors of this ship wanted a son.

And noted with interest that the Arkanian was quite skilled in it, and the lone Sith made sure he kept updated notes on it's practice. However, the temptation to have someone on the outside of their dominion was too much to not take so he took a sample of his blood and mixed it in the Arkanian's blood sample.

He was born in as an experiment to combine the Arkanian species with that of the dwindling species of Echani. Given the dna of his mother Aiani Metrinous and Averaire Kel of the Echani hidden guard. His growth was only accelerated to the age of five so that's where everything starts.

Alarms were ringing deafeningly loud for the somewhat newborn. He was literally startled into reality as he looked around eyes still fresh so unused to the new lights and colors. It was very disorienting for Caedo who had only knew his name for a reason beyond his current understanding.

You see inside that tube he learned only what someone his age would know but to a better understanding because of his Arkanian intelligence. Although unlike most of his age he was given a higher determination that his parents had. They wanted him to be great and not crumble under the galaxy as their races had.

An explosion rocked him and the ship hard to the left. He slammed against the wall biting his tongue hard in the process now bleeding from several parts of his body. He struggled to stand up as the ship was hit one more time causing it to make a heavy shudder noise.

Without warning several battle armored men walked into the room. He heard screams of orders he was too young to understand, and as his parents ran into the room they were easily knocked out and bound. He tried to scream but couldn't find a voice instead he grabbed a scalpel next to the table he was laying by at first and ran for the Mandalorian.

As swift butt of the gun to the face ended the would be hero's action. He fell to the floor hard, but something in him wouldn't give up. Struggling back to his feet wiping blood from his mouth, he leaned forward as if to attack again and the Mandalorian knocked him cold.

Caedo woke up to foreign smells and a foreign environment but considering the fact that he had technically just been born not too long ago anything would be foreign to him. Around him was several boys around his age in the barracks he found himself awakening in. Some wrestled while the others went a little further than playing and others working on a blaster of some kind.

Caedo tried to easily move off his bunk and ease out the room but not only did his body now remember the pain it was in but the boys now seemed to notice him. The first few weeks were horrible not only was the training grueling and slowing his own personal recovery but the boys always ridiculed him about his white hair and not knowing his own past.

Though at one of his lowest points when he was in the battle circle once again about to lose, he felt a fire in his chest one that was sick of simply laying back. And after his narrow victory a new Caedo was being seen. Within months he was the champion of the battle circle no matter what age group he was in. It was because of his martial and melee skill that the Sergents would over look his repeated bad shooting scores.

The simply had him spend more time with the Champion of the adult battle circle. With him Caedo rose to heights that he didn't think exist as his own arrogance and winning streak had him riding a confidence high. His first lesson was humility as his trainer took him down to the ground within seconds.

Two years went by before Caedo's 13th birthday where he would become a man in Mandalorian culture. Him and the other would be men were sent off into the forest with only a blade and a blaster for two months. Luckily, they were given enough rations for a month so the first month would purely be surviving the elements and wildlife.

Caedo traded his blaster to another of his class who preferred blasters over blades. With two vibroblades Caedo embraced his test to become a true man and true Mandalorian. A longer haired with stubble Caedo emerged two months later with only his friend he traded weapons with.

They had figured halfway through it to simply stick together which unbeknownst to them was half of the test. The Mandalorian's of this age prided brother and sisterhood the most as they believed a unified strength tied in with supreme individual strength would conquer all. And after that they gave him a small ship and his personally made armor to embark to the core planets and gather intel.

None yet.

None yet.


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