Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bunny Bunny Foo Foo Please Don’t Eat Me

[member="Vheissu Ireles"]

“OH! SHHIIII…” Amari shouted as she ran for her life. Thunderous crashing all around her made the shouting seem like whispering. The woman was running serpentine to dodge the flora and the swipes from the rancor that was closes to her. The others were trying to get in the lead for their chance. What caused this little misunderstanding was her mind working to pull her into a memory and angering the Felucian shamans.

Shouting out again, “I swear I’m sorrrriiiiiaaahhhh.” Trying to apologize yet again for her error; however, it was interrupted with a big rancor hand smacking her. Her forward momentum instantly stop, she shot to the right. Crashing through one large plant’s trunk and flying in the air, the next plant stopped her ability of flight from the smack of the rancor. The armor she made as a Jensaarai took the abuse. It stopped her having broken back, leg and an arm, but it caused her to be stuck with the armor. She had a little more distance cause of the hit. So a quick removal of the armor that was stuck into the plant, then she removed the rest of her gear. It was thankful her bodysuit always fitted under the armor.

Grabbing her axe, but her saber was attached to the side of her armor that was stuck, so Amari booked it further into the jungle but now bare foot and without her armor. Axe in hand, she sprinted faster because of the extra weight was gone. They were still following but the thunder was not drowning her out. Although they might have been holding back, the jungle was changing to such an unknown looking landscape. Massive boney spikes rose up into the air, and the air itself began to smell of wet rotting life. When the tentacles waved into the air and one came crashing down towards Amari, it clicked to where she was. Not turning back to flee, she turned left to dodge the strike and moved to stay out of the sarlacc’s reach.

Staying in the area to rest, Amari believed she could do so because those chasing her seemed to stop. Although the air smelt and tasted bad, it was the safest spot for the moment. She did not know how far she had gone or how far back her gear was if it was still there. Only thing that matter was a little resting just in case there was more running coming.

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