Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Building a legacy..


Well-Known Member
Zaiden walked along the desert of Tatooine, one of the best places in his memory. He was happy here. Happier then he had been nearly anywhere else, until the recent months. Looking to the sky, he took a deep breath. Enjoying the smell of the terrain, he smiled.

Losing his smile, Zaiden became very serious very quickly. He had come to the planet for a reason. Stepping into the courtyard of a massive warehouse, he whistled loudly.

Not long after, emerging from the shadows within, came a young man of maybe 15, "Where is your master youngling?" The man questioned the young boy softly, not to startle him. He needed a warehouse. Not a scared boy that could possibly run to his master and deliver the message that a man was at the door scaring people.

"He's at the market picking up something. Wouldnt tell me what." The boy spoke as if he was mentally deficient. After closely examining the boy, he found that the young mans face was covered in minor scars and small ablasions. Shaking his head, he spun on his heal and strode from the courtyard and back into the sun.

Crossing the sand quickly, Zaiden debated his next moves. He could just find the man, buy his ware house and send him on his way or maybe do something about the boy. He had been beat most of his young life, and he realized instantly that he had to help.

As he was leaving the boy, he had spotted a man with shortcropped red hair in his recent memories. That was his best bet, and he would seek him with revenge behind him.


Well-Known Member
Looking threw slit eyes, Zaiden sought the man whom would begin his smithing career. The man would sell him his warehouse, as well as all of the workers the man owned. Slaves or otherwise. And afterwards, Zaiden would rob the man of the right to breath. It was not acceptable what he did to the boy, a person may be a slave but that does not make them less then a sentient being. Being sentient, the boy deserved food shelter and protection. If he was to do work in exchange of these, that is how it is. But they deserved those few things.

Around himself were the many races of the galaxies, so many that Zaiden found himself not recognizing several. There were Anx,
Arcanian, Dulok, Echani, Ewok, and several dozen others. The number one species though, seemed to be humans. With a slight smirk Zaiden thought to himself, like all planets.

To his left he saw different stalls selling goods. Among the goods beings blackmarket weaponry, planet specific delicacies, everyday goods, and slaves...he quickly brought his eyes away. He couldnt kill every man on the planet...

Going further and further into the market, Zaiden searched every stall and every face. All of a sudden, he smiled... Walking to the man he sought, he looked him in his eyes and growled out, "You must return quickly to your warehouse, it is on fire."

The man gazed stupidly at Zaiden for a moment, "My warehouse is on fire..." Then suddenly he blinked, realized what he said and bolted in the direction of his home. Zaiden followed leisurely, knowing the confusion the man would have when he arrived to find his home fine. He would probably end up questioning his slaves, and in the end he would begin his trek back to the market.


Well-Known Member
Approaching the courtyard yet again, he stepped inside and spotted his target. The man was in the middle of slapping around another young servant, yelling about setting his fire on shop and the damages that could cause to his income.

"Stop!!!" He bellowed, the man immediately responded and looked at Zaiden, "I have come here to speak with you and will not have abuse of children around myself! I am Dark Jedi Knight Zaiden James, Hand of the Empress! Come to me!" He pushed his will onto the man pulling him to himself quickly.

"What are you doing!? Release me now! This is my-" the man squirmed against Zaidens control. But Zaiden did not release him, instead he began squeezing the man's skull. Hard at first, growing in severity with quick ease. The mans screams began to hurt Zaiden's ears, so he relinquished the pressure but continued holding him.

"Never command me. Ever. Now here's the deal. I'm going to take your warehouse and all of your equipment. I'm going to take all of your servants. I am going to take EVERYTHING from you." Zaiden stated.

"Fine do whatever you want! Just let me go!" The man said, clearly not one with a pain tolerance.

"No." Zaiden said, crushing the man's skull instantly. Releasing the body, Zaiden called to the servant girl he had been beating on, "Gather the servants. Your heard him, your mine." He said, watching the girl run to do is task.

When they all gathered, he looked to the boy he met originally, "What's your name?" He questioned.

"Pexim." The boy said, trying to hide his fear.

"Pexim, you will now be in charge of everything that goes on around here. Everyone will report to you, and you will report to me. You will stop all products you were making prior. You will study, all of you, the art of smithing. Armor, weaponry, anything that takes folding metal. Our team will start small, but when we get going it will be easier then any life you have had before this. I will not punish you wrongly, only when you deserve it. Do justice by me, and I will do everything in my power to do right by you. All of you." He said, matching several of the servants gazes. They all seemed to understand, so he took Pexim to the side and began to converse with the young man on how they would start.

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