Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Building a Better Weapon

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
Lilythe had been considering things for awhile, ever since Iferetes was introduced to the galaxy. She needed a better weapon, something up to speed with weapons in other part of the galaxy. Her simple wooden long bow wouldn't make the cut anymore. If her home was ever invaded she wouldn't be able to fight with the weapon she had currently. It wouldn't work. She'd get destroyed. She had to come up with something new that she could use. She had heard rumors of energy bows existing in certain parts of the galaxy and had even managed to obtain a basic description of their design and function. She planned to use this to come up with a better version.

She growled and kicked over a chair.Plans were nice, but she was having trouble coming up with ideas on her own. Someone was coming to help her with it, but until then she was on her own. She was getting frustrated trying to come up with a plan by herself. She hoped her assistant in this adventure would arrive soon.

As it turned out Ticon Defense Industries was looking for new partners in the business. Colap was a Raven sure, but he was also a business man. When he had heard there was an add for a weapon building project on the underground channels he had come flocking and now here he was.

He walked into the room with a contingent of welding droids and various other types as well. A cigar smoked in his mouth and a Westar-35 hung loosely at his side. He was clad in a tan t-shirt and a black vest with spacer trousers.

"Hey there Colap Ticons the name. Saw your add on the holo net. What you need?"

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
"A new weapon for my own personal use. A better version of an energy bow, made of songsteel which I've been working to obtain. I've been trying for a week to come up with plans on my own, but I'm not particularly familiar with the original weapons. I've come up with some ideas for arrows as well, but I've no idea how to implement them," Lilythe explained, walking around one of the droids, inspecting it with careful, curious eyes. She was unfamiliar with these mechanical creatures, but this man obviously knew something about their function as he had brought them. She paused for a moment before throwing him a cloak. "I imagine you'll need this if we end up needing to take this production project outside. The harsh snows on this planet can leave you quite cold and I'd hate to see you catch your death out there," she explained in a very matter of fact tone. [member="Colap Ticon"]

"Ah you know theres a very old design called a wookie bowcaster!"

Colap flipped open his datapad and pulled up the schematics.

"Obtaining songsteel would take entirely too long, what I can do is take a bowcaster, make it larger and create a magnetic field to hold an arrow shaped plasma charge."

He kept thinking and came up with another idea.

"Or you could load it with custom arrowheads, like an explosive tipped or maybe EMP type."

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
"I want the songsteel. Don't worry about getting it for me, I can do that on my own I already have it set up. My arrow idea included some kind of incendiary arrows, and an armor piercing paralysis-causing arrow. I like the energy bow style. The plasma string makes it a little more useful when you're out of ammo," She explained. Lilythe was determined to have the bow design the way she had imagined it in her head. "If we make it a recurve style bow with a pulley system on the string it will increase range and power, but give it a lower draw weight so it's still easy to use. Trust me, I know my bows."[member="Colap Ticon"]

"Ok then give me the steel."

Colap drew up the design on his app that she asked for. Recurve bow, plasma string, that required a power cell for a gravitational field to contain the plasma. Given the fact that he already had the gravity field generator on a bowcaster he could certainly reprogram the generator to make it work the way he needed.

"Droids bring the bowcaster from my ship."

A few minutes later he was holding the bowcaster, and his skilled finger began to remove the small gravity generator from the bowcaster...

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
"The string will need a grip so I don't burn myself trying to pull it back. If we design the paralysis arrows to be able to contain a small vial of crystal snake venom that would shatter when it penetrates armor or flesh it could have the desired effect, right? This is my first time developing a weapon that wasn't a simple bow or sword, so I'm not quite sure what I'm doing," She admitted, glancing at the design on the datapad. She gave him the songsteel and continued to study the design. She'd need normal arrows too that were compatible with the bow. [member="Colap Ticon"]
@Colap Ticon

Within a few hours of hard work Colap had managed to strip the magnetic generator and reinstall it to her bow. The bow was a bit harder to make as it was songsteel and had taken about an hour to melt, with the droids heating it up and recasting it in a new mold. Normally Colap would charge very hefty for something like this, but this time was really just a charity job.

As the songsteel was strung up with generator he nodded at the girls statement, and handed the bow to her.

"Honestly you'll just have to find one. I put the pulleys in reformed the steel and added the plasma string for you. Problem is the magnetic field generator needs an energy cell and the plasma is drawn from the same source. I'd recommend getting a separate cell for your plasma energy and one for the containment field."

The arrows, that was a whole different story.

"Have you ever considered just coating the tips of the arrows in the poison, or just having the bottom of your quiver contain cylindrical slots that holds the arrowhead in the poison until you withdraw it for use?"

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
Lilythe examined the bow and smiled. The grip on the string was also made of songsteel to prevent burns. She thought about what he said in regard to her arrows. "Having them soaking in poison could be effective enough, but they'd still need to be able to pierce armor. Also, I'm fine with your idea for the energy cells in the bow. You have more experience with this than I do. What about incendiary arrows? How could we make those?" The ranger asked as she pulled back the string experimentally. The draw weight felt comfortable, and it seemed powerful enough, though she wouldn't know for sure until she could test it. [member="Colap Ticon"]

Ah yes incendiary Arrows. Colap had to admit he was pretty stumped here.

"Hold on a second."

Thoughts swirled through his head now. could they attach a thermal detonator to the arrow? No to big. they could put a timed charge but that had the ability to explode prematurely.

Another long plume of smoke escaped his cigar as he stood there silent and musing. This was a serious deterrent to his plans. Very serious.

"Honestly not sure about that. My best guess is to take it to a company in the market place and see if they have what you need. Maybe [member="Darth Morgoth"] might have something useful? He did make a bow that essentially shoots lightsabers after all."

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
"I'll check into it. For now lets work on armor piercing arrows for poison and normal arrows. Oh and getting the energy cells and whatever for the plasma to work properly," Lilythe replied calmly. She had someone she could talk too about the incendiary arrows. She looked over at Colap and smirked. "So are we nearly done?" she hoped his answer would be yes. [member="Colap Ticon"]

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