Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bring me her heart...

The 'free' people of Coruscant had been gathered together to stand before the massive fortress that housed the Will of the Emperor where a 'very important' announcement would be made. A massive balcony of black stone jutted out over the people.

A few moments after they had been gathered together, there was a flourish of trumpets and a massive black figured glided out onto the terrace.

"Citizens of the Empire," Shacath spoke with a thousand evil voices, magnified a hundred times over the roaring of the crowd, "today, the great Whore of the Galactic Republic, pretender to the throne of the Emperor, usurper... and accursed." On cue, the crowd hissed and booed sonorously.

" [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] issued an order that authorized her... apostates," all soldiers and Jedi were apostates now, "to slaughter our citizens without provocation!" The crowd hissed even louder now. Cries for her death resounded.

"This unprovoked act of aggression will not be tolerated, this... Prime Minister," he mocked, "shall answer for her crimes. The Will of the Emperor hereby issues a bounty of FIVE MILLION CREDITS on the head of the Prime Minister of the Galactic Republic. Dead. Or. Alive!"

"Good fortune to the righteous bounty hunters, LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR!" The crowd echoed his chant of good health to the Dark Lord as Shachath exited. Perhaps the bounty hunters would be successful. Shachath would take great pleasure in presenting the head of the Prime Minister to the Dark Lord.
Viktor had watched the Republic Prime Ministers speech on the holovid from his office in the Palace on Balmorra. It was particularly troublesome considering his close proximity to Republic space. He hit a button summoning the Army and Navy Generals stationed on the planet.

As he did so he flipped over to another screen that monitored transmission in and out of Coruscant just in time to see [member="Shachath"] publicly post a bounty on the Republic Prime Minister. He shook his head. First the defection of Darth Venefica, and now two heads of state posting bounties on half the galaxy.

And people though war was unforgiving. Politics was no different much of the time.

He looked at his pseudo council.

"Gentlemen we have a problem." "I would recommend putting your forces on an alert status." "Our proximity to the Republic border means a hornet's nest as just been stirred up in our back yard."

He paused.

"I am not going to declare a curfew or anything like that until absolutely necessary." "However you may want to increase patrols and tighten up travel in and out of the system."

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