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Break's Frost Shuriken

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
(From Megaman Zero)​

Intent: Break needed a blade that matched his pictures and description to a tee, so I helped make him one. :3
Development Thread: Crystalline Reverberations (10 posts cryastium, 10 posts construction)
Manufacturer: The Crystal Heart Workshop
Model: Frost Shuriken
Affiliation: [member="Break"]
Modularity: Absolutely and unequivocally none.
Production: Unique - One
Material: Force-Aligned Cryastium, Alchemized Permafrost Focus Crystal
Description: The Frost Shuriken crafted for the one known as Break was forged at the Crystal Heart, an alchemy and smithing lab deep in the cavernous underworld of Crystalsong. It began its state of being as chunks of raw cryastium ore mined on location and smelted in a crystal blast furnace into purified bars. These bars were then heated in the furnace over an alchemically altered flame, further tamed by one of the Cryastfire Signets. In a ripe and malleable state, Saera and Break began hammering away at the bars, merging them together and sealing tight folds of metal together, increasing its density and tightening its molecular structure - a process made easier by the presence of the altar at the nexus. After hours upon hours of hard labor and concentration coupled with the extreme precision forging of a droid, the blade was completed. The final touch was a small permafrost crystal bonded into the center of the ring-hilt which was connected via Saera's own blood and meditations in the Force. The final product was a blade of astonishing quality and near-perfect balance.
The Frost Shuriken is roughly 80% transparent frost-blue, perfectly refracting light through its sides based on angle. It carries a slight yellow, glistening iridescence on its surface and has a thick, baby-blue aura of light surrounding the whole item. It is very sharp and extremely hard to dull, capable of withstanding the impacts of blaster bolts and lightsaber blades. The permafrost crystal married to its heart, due to alchemic treatment, as well as the naturally high thermal conductivity of the metal leave it very cold to the touch, slowly freezing moisture around it, though not flesh or the like. Because of the extremely fine, high frequencies given off by a vibroblade and the rigidity of the tight natural molecular alignment of cryastium, sustained contact with one for a few moments or more could shatter a prong of the blade or the entire item itself, ruining the harmony of the Force imbued into it and rendering its effects nulled. This extends as well to a very particular range of resonant frequencies produced by other such means as sound. Whenever the blade is anywhere within several miles of Saera Savan, she will immediately recognize it as the blade she forged and married, and it carries a similar signature as that of her and the Crystal Heart.
Classification: Hand Glaive (Force-Imbued)
Size: One-Handed
Length: 1.036322 meters
Weight: 7.07604 kilograms
Other Features:
  • Fully Lightsaber/blaster resistant
  • Preternaturally sharp
  • Cold, radiant aura
  • Extremely hard and glasslike
  • Can be broken by vibroblades, requiring complete reforging
  • Makes a piercing, high-pitched hum when struck against metal


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]
Okay, couple of things here.

First off, unless you can find another way to do the cold aura, that has to go. Lightsaber crystals only offer color changes, regardless of what they're in, unless they can be used as a refracting device for a weapon (ie. blaster, laser, etc.) or a focusing node for those with Force powers. You can keep the crystal, not asking you to ditch it, but you'll need to drop the aura.

Second, if it can be broken by the vibrations of a vibroblade as described here:

Særa Ayña Savan said:
high frequencies given off by a vibroblade and the rigidity of the tight natural molecular alignment of cryastium, sustained contact with one for a few moments or more could shatter a prong of the blade or the entire item itself, ruining the harmony of the Force imbued into it and rendering its effects nulled.
This implies that a sufficiently high vibration will shatter this blade. Since vibroblades do vibrate at a high frequency, but such vibrations can be made naturally and artificially elsewhere, this means the weapon is vulnerable to sound waves and sonic waves as well. A sufficient resonance wave would, theoretically from your description, shatter the blade.
I do not appreciate the throw-away mention of Alchemy having been used to give the blade the permafrost-esque qualities you've stated it having. To leap from "it's the crystal" to "alchemy" without then incorporating the how into your development thread is poor game; I see that you forged it, and that alchemy was used, but not once have you stated how you've alchemised it to portray this quality.

Either incorporate it into your thread, with a legitimate way of making a blade give off this quality, or remove it. It may seem petty but Alchemy shouldn't just be handwaved, especially when you're giving it a unique-ish angle with regards to what it's doing (outside of the standard aspects)

[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
I want to make two things extremely and transparently clear.
1) I. Do not. Hand. Wave. My developed creations. *look of death*
2) I am not going to work even harder for a "unique" ability that is the literal equivalent of condensation on a cup. It's aesthetic flavor. Right now, you can't pay me to do it, not for something like that.

The only thing in poor game is telling me I have to work even more for a shiny coat of paint, then telling me I didin't have the integrity to walk the mile to buy it.

That said, if you still feel the need to deny a cold cup, [member="Break"] is free to resubmit this to however suits him.

[member="Kyra Sol"]​

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"] - Denied for mouthing off to staff, and for handwaving a new alchemical effect.

Since this is far from your first time arguing with staff in the Factory, please tread lightly in the future. Don't force us to consider a Factory ban.

Also, some notes for whoever handles the inevitable second chance:
  • If the weapon reverberates at a high pitch when it hits metal, and if the weapon is vulnerable to vibration, almost any strike against metal could shatter the blade.
  • There's no functional way to hold or use this.

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