Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bounty on unknown Bounty Hunter

Name of Bounty: Information and or capture of Unknown, an image is provided below.

Name of Contractor: Anonymous (A slicer could find that the bounty was posted on the holonet from an internet cafe on Corellia, by a human who frequents the place. Interregating the human would find that he was hired to post the bounty and deliver any payment by a protocol droid named C3-K7, who was bought at a Junk shop on Tatooine by an EMBU combat droid, who paid in credit coins. (The combat droid is owned by Mrrew, but good luck figuring that out. :p)

Bounty Price: Dependant on the level of information. 10,000 credits for a name, 20,000 credits for a clear picture of his face, 100,000 credits for live capture.

Condition: If captured, alive and intact. Harm is allowed, but no removed limbs, or permenent damage.

Additional Info: The man is a bounty hunter, known to wear a identity-concealing helmet. Information on the identity on the man will be rewarded, ecpecially name and facem But capture is preferred, if possible; unarmed and alive. Contact npc@huttmail.holonet for delivery information.


(Right, so basically Mrrew optimally wants him captured, but will also pay for information. He's [member="Ceran Moerelle"], go find him bounty hunters!)

(Also, this is my first bounty posting. Do tell if I did anything wrong.)
I like how you posted a bounty on a Bounty Hunter within the Bounty Hunter's Guild. Which means that No one from that guild will go after him.... which is like almost the entire site's worth of Bounty Hunters.


The Bounty Board isn't the Guild, its just where we pick from. It's totally viable that someone not in the guild, or someone not even a Bounty Hunter tries to collect on this.

(Let me have my moment damn it.)


Morality Policeman :)
[member="Nickolas Imura"]

There are unaffiliated mercenaries who might just take up this job if they can be guaranteed anonymity.

*sage nod*
[member="Ceran Moerelle"], Then have your moment.

[member="Mehrk Gorbi"], I know. But last I checked the Guild has a good number of the Bounty Hunter PC's. Just mentioning it to [member="Mrrew"] here so he knows. *shrugs shoulders* Not trying to be contradictive.

[member="Mrrew"], Good Luck with your Bounty on the Bounty Hunter.
[member="Nickolas Imura"] - Ty for the heads up. :D I figured none of the guild hunters would participate- but there's a few mercenaries and the like that I thought might do it. :p

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Anyone can. Bounty hunters are just greedy pirates, the only difference. *pretends he didn't say that*

[member="Nomad Crimson"]

(Why are you hunting Spencer :p)

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