Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bonding Time

Lira Dajenn

Nemene let out a sniff, as if Evelynn's answer had been suitable but clearly not enough. Still the ragey little Queen did not ask another question, she simply turned the living hilt around in her hand and placed it upon the chair behind her, storing it for later. She had learned quite a bit from this girl, a surprising amount really, but one question still stood out within her mind, one thing that truthfully started this all.

“Why can I hear you in my head?” The question was almost a whisper, almost.

It was really the thing that began all this, the ability for Evelynn to speak Telepathically to Nemene, something that Moridin had even been unable to do. It frightened Nemene in truth, and every time that Evelynn “Spoke” it still sent a tingle down her spine.

She decided to inform the girl a little more. “You're no master of telepathy. I know this. I've had them try to speak to me, i've had my own father try and fail. No one has ever been able to speak within my mind, and yet you. A Stranger were able to do it without any second attempt. Why?”

She was hardly infallible after all.



This explained so much.

The woman's raw reaction to her telepathy in the mines, this explained perfectly why there were so much hostilities, why this woman held a blade to her throat and all just because of a simple hello. Ironically, things had become so much more clear.

A horrifying realisation.

Being a well-read girl that found a wealth of knowledge at her fingertips in the libraries of both Thule and now Panatha she had spent a large portion of time reading up on as many aspects of the Force as she could. This was bad. Very bad. Despite her swollen face, the expression of horror must have been very clear for Nemene to see.

We appear to

Oh gosh. With her? No. She's too unstable, she's too angry, too viscous. Frankly in that moment Evelynn would have rather been bonded with a perverted Jawa.

...a bond...through the force. But I don't understand! Why us? Why would...why would we be connected? I mean I're so...

Obviously there were greater schemes at work in the galaxy.


@[member="Nemene Talith"]

Lira Dajenn

“A bond?” Nemene's expression seemed to sour, as though she had just eaten a lemon. Bond? With this fragile little daisy? No, that couldn't possibly be it. The frown on her face grew, she had never heard of a bond in the force, though she would venture to guess that such a thing was indeed possible, after all she could use the force to snap someones neck from miles away, so why should this be against the rules. Suddenly she came to a realization.

Eyes narrowing she spoke. “I'm so what?”

The haughtiness in her voice nearly filled the room. Nemene was the perfect picture of an insulted queen, a woman ready to explode again.

Still the insult barely registered. A bond? Was there a way to break it? To test its limits? She already knew that it didn't really effect her in regards to feeling pain, she had beaten the woman half to death without consequence, would killing her be the same? Or would it effect her as well?

Nemene scowled, oh no the Queen did not like this one bit.


Oh no! Keep her calm! Tell her nice things! She's got exotic fruit? Oh no, that would never do. Breath. Breath. You are a Sith, and a strong independent woman. You can handle this. Clearly the anxieties of a certain skittish creature called Evelynn Dorn still lurked within the recesses of her brain.

But you're so pretty.

OH GOSH. ABORT. Evelynn's head perked up once more and she moved her head back as much as possible. Was her life about to become a comedy caper? A horrifying double act of Temper Tantrum and Blondie? No. No. It couldn't be. No, it had to be.

Experts of telepathy, her own extremely powerful farther could not speak to this woman's mind but Evelynn could. It was the only explanation. Bile travelled up her throat. She was blind, mute and helpless. At the mercy of this vicious brat who, oh dear, she now shared a bond with through the Force with.

A bond.

The girl's mouth began to salivate, a sign of doom. She tried in vain to swallow it back but it was no use. The mute had thought that she had conquered her trauma induced nausea but evidently not, as the unfortunate creature vomited down herself.

@[member="Nemene Talith"]

Lira Dajenn

A spike of rage ran through her, but somewhere in the back of her mind Nemene knew better than to strike this woman least for now. Instead she let out a long, hot breath. As the girl vomited on herself Nemene merely stared, looking at her in complete and utter disgust. If what the girl said was true, She was bonded to this creature through the force, bonded emotionally, physically, and evidently mentally.

Her own stomach turned over, and though there was no hint of bile within her mouth Nemene felt decidedly sick. She was stuck with this creature, stuck with her for likely ever. Her scowl turned into a look of despair and she wondered if there was a way out of this. She thought for some time, it seemed to drag on forever, and then finally she spoke.

“If what you say is true...Then I cannot let you die.” Her words were reluctant, and she sounded as she truly would be sick.

With one hand Nemene touched Evelynn's face, wiping away vomit and spittle from the girls mouth. A shiver of disgust ran through the Queen as she did so, touching the filth nearly made her want to die right then and there, but it was necessary. Slowly the regal woman leaned forward.

She planted a single soft kiss on the other womans lips, and the moment she did so a rush of energy jumped form her.

The Darkside poured from her in drove, corruption spread form her lips into Evelynn's and then quickly spider webbed out across the girls skin. Energy flowed through her and light sizzled and crackled as it began to heal Evelynn. A Queens kiss.


Well then, you know what they say, every cloud has a silver lining. Suddenly this woman was a major shareholder in her life and in one way that was a form of insurance but this also held true the other way around. After all how could she trust such an unpredictable woman? Her rage would ultimately lead to her downfall, unless of course Evelynn could intervene.

Wait. What was she doing?

There was a look of a puzzlement on the silent girl's face as the spew and saliva was wiped away, the young woman obviously due to lack of sight didn't understand what she was doing, and for what motive. Not until it was too late.

What are yo-

For a split second it was just a kiss.

The calm before the storm as a blistering tidal wave of agony crashed down upon her mind and body. The poor girl's body erupted into violent tremors and convulsions. Her wounds began to heal, the bones in her knee and face knitting back together, sight slowly returned to eyeballs long since rolled back into her skull. Yes, it healed her wounds but in the same breath it seemed like life was leaving the girl.

Her flesh grew anaemic, hair losing its shine and lustre, even her eyes had lost their colour. Any brightness that Evelynn had once clung onto through her trials with Kaine were lost.

It may have been dressed as healing, but this was pure suffering at its core and the girl had never felt anything like this before.

When what felt like eternity ended a limp girl was left behind, her ragged gasps punctuating the moment. Trauma hung in the air, and when Evelynn finally managed to lift her head wild and panicked eyes revealed that she had not only seen hell, she had been taken there.

@[member="Nemene Talith"]

Lira Dajenn

Nemene drew herself up with a regal straight back a look of satisfaction on her face as she watched her “healing” go to work. What Nemene did was not a normal sort of healing, it was not even darkside healing. When a Jedi healed they utilized their own energy and that of the force in Order to knit flesh and muscle back together, using gentle currents to mend. When a Darksider healed they stole the energy not from themselves, but from the life around them. They forced wounds closed, holding them tight and stabbing them together with thick needles of the darkside until wounds were no longer there.

Her own healing was unique, a mix of the two. She used energy from herself, and the life around her as well, but she added a third twist, one that made the process far more...painful. She stole life from those who she was healing.

She did not do it in a literal sense, the energy for the actual healing did not come from them, but she took a “toll” from them. She ravaged their minds and bodies, took their memories, their thoughts, their feelings, everything that she could grasp, twist, and contort. Nemene's version of healing left one twisted and broken, a husk of their former selves filled with pain and suffering.

Doing this brought Nemene joy, it was her price for saving someones life.

Suddenly her face contorted as she realized what she had done. She had kissed a woman...that had just vomited. Her eyes bulged slightly and her stomach overturned itself. She tried to exact control of herself but it was too late, she hunched over and emptied her stomach onto the ground, becoming very...un-Queen like.


It was a peculiar scene, one that was filled with far too much vomit.

The girl tried to collect her thoughts, finding that everything that had been on her mind, that made up her mind had been scattered upon experiencing that brand of torture disguised as healing. In that moment she merely sat there, eyes coming to term with vision once more. It couldn't be denied, the healing worked, I mean she was no longer blind but the price...

...the price was too great.

Had Evelynn been given a choice, had she knew the price of this twisted brand of healing then it was likely that she would have refused.

There was a hollowness within her, one that wasn't there before.

A swell of nausea took over as this time it was the other woman's turn to be sick. Now given the nature of said woman, most people would have tiptoed past this delightful moment. They would have bit their tongue and ignored the Queen of Vomit, Evelynn included, well, until about five minutes ago.

Through the aftershocks of pain and terror the young girl's body began to shudder, no, no she wasn't having a seizure. She was laughing. Silently. A truly disconcerting sight to behold as Evelynn took a peculiar sense of pleasure in her regurgitation. It bordered on hysteria.

@[member="Nemene Talith"]

Lira Dajenn

Nemene turned to regard the girl, her stomach completely empty and her eyes seemingly having formed a certain hollowness behind them. She hated this, she despised it, she felt like her entire world had been shattered. She had not only touched vomit, but vomited herself. A shutter ran up her spine as she thought about what had just happened, what she had done.

Disgust spiked through her like nothing before, shadowing even her anger.

Out of pure reaction Nemene returned to her earlier state of anger when she saw Evelynn silent laugh. The Queen whirled about and backhanded Evelynn across the face one more time, striking the girl and causing a loud CLAP to echo through the cargo hold.

“This is not funny!” She commanded the girl, her words harsh and cutting.

Then she whirled back around, walking to the exit of the cargo hold with a sniff and a flick of her hair. She still had some dignity remaining and she would not allow this girl to take it all. She would clean herself up, put on different clothes, and then re-address As she walked out the door a slave greeted her, and Nemene shot a look back at the mute. “Clean her up.”

A simple command. She would not speak to someone covered in their own vomit.


There's the ticket.

Evelynn had fully expected the woman's fury in return for laughing at her, she wasn't exactly the type of person that could handle being so openly mocked. Oh yes, this surely wasn't the last time that the girl was going to be on the receiving end of a hard backhand from Nemene Talith.

Although, was that such a bad thing?

The thundering slap had elicited an unexpected reaction within the girl. A thrill. She found herself at the edge of her metaphorical seat as the woman's hand left a beautiful stinging sensation in her face. Evelynn's heart thumped hard against her chest, as if threatening to escape. What was this?

Pain had always been obvious for her, like the majority of the galaxy around the girl had found pain to be unpleasant but now, now there was pleasure to be found.

Her mind was a flurry.

No, don't leave.

Come back here!

What have you done?!

Do it again.

On the outside her expression was one of wild-eyed fervour, her tiny fists clenched as she pulled herself against the bonds that held her, the grew taught against her flesh and while that gave her an ounce she wanted a pound.

They had a bond, after all.

@[member="Nemene Talith"]

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