Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Boan Rein


FACTION: The One Sith​
RANK: Vice-Admiral​
SPECIES: Human, Anaxian​
AGE: 27​
SEX: Female​
Strategist: Boan has from a young age exhibited a keen interest in strategy and analysis. This interest led to her becoming a leading Dejarik player within her primary school as well as secondary school, ad eventually caused her to join the Republic Navy and attend the Republic War College on Anaxes. It was here that Boan's skill and mastery in strategy became apparent and she quickly became one of the top students. During this time Boan was also educated in the aspects of Teras Kasi, making it impossible for Force Users to touch her mind. Boan understands the theories behind most tactics and strategies and shows a specific capability of adapting to her opponents.​

Cruel Pragmatist: The most powerful personality trait that carries through Boan is her Cruel Pragmatism. In the end, Boan always believes that the ends justify the means. In her mind if something is done with a reasonable end goal, then whatever was done was forgivable. This has led to her not only accepting actions like the vongforming of Alderaan, but actively encouraging them. She believes that through such acts the Galaxy will come to understand what the One Sith is doing, and why.​

Narcissistic: Perhaps her greatest failing is another strong personality trait. Boan believes herself to be the best. Top of her class and praised throughout her entire life Boan thinks herself as a Master strategist, planner, and genius. She believes herself to be invincible and walks around with an air of pride. An intelligent individual would exploit this in a matter of seconds.​

Agoraphobia: A psychological issue that has run with her since childhood, Boan is completely and utterly terrified of Open spaces. Perhaps it is because of her upbringing with the halls of a Starship or because of her lack of experience with such things, but Boan has found herself unable to function in large open places. This is not to say that Boan is incapable of going outside, far from it. She functions well in cities, the pressure of the buildings relieving her stress, however, place her in a large open field and Boan will begin to break down, having anxiety attacks and struggling to breath in a matter of moments.​
Boan has the appearance of a typical Anaxes Aristocrat.​

She is tall compared to the average woman in the galaxy, standing at six foot one. She has stark blonde hair usually kept in tight braids running long down her back with accompanying bright blue eyes. Her face is angular and tightly cut, her high cheekbones and ever smiling lips coming off as slightly intimidating to anyone that wished to approach her. Most would call Boan pretty, if not down right beautiful.​

Her body is much the same as her face, slim and tight. Most would regard her as little more than flesh and bones, with little muscle hanging to her and even less fat. Boan appears to be the perfect specimen of a female in the military, with confident eyes and a stark sense of confidence and a hint of superiority about her.​
Boan Rein does not have a long history, nor does she have a particularly detailed one. She was born to a mother and father on Anaxes twenty seven years ago. Both her mother and father worked on the shipyards in orbit above Anaxes, and indeed it was on one of those ships that Boan was accidentally born.​

Her parents brought her up in the Anaxes Drive Yards, taking her to work and letting her have her way all around Anaxes and the Drive Yards themselves. She had a mostly pleasant childhood, and early on exhibited signs of high intelligence, playing riddles with adults, winning mind games, and often beating other children her age in most contests. These signs lead Boans parents to return to the surface of Anaxes, deciding that Boan required the best schooling that the fortress world had to offer.​

It was here that Boans agoraphobia was discovered.​

During this time in her life Boan was raised with praise and encouragement. She was often told how smart she was, how beautiful she would become, and how she was the perfect daughter. Invariably this led her personality to become somewhat narcissistic, a trait that sticks with her to this day. Finishing school early Boan was admitted to the Anaxes Naval College.​

Here she excelled, learning quickly and becoming one of the best students in the college itself, eventually reaching the top of her class with both the best test and simulation scores. Eventually she graduated, joining the Republic Navy and being given command of a small patrol ship within the newly founded Republic Navy.​

It was here that Boan rotted away.​

Instead of being allowed advancement or a chance to prove herself Boan was kept in the outer reaches of the navy, commanding her small ship with her tiny crew of thirty men and women. Eventually bitterness set in, and Boan found herself deeply despising the position she had been put in.​

Eventually, when the One Sith attacked Coruscant Boan saw an opportunity. Not to prove herself to the Republic, not even to leave, but instead to join a military that she saw as truly success. She watched as with Ancient Ships the One Sith took Coruscant, then to her slight disappointment saw the loss of Carida. Her interest quickly reignited however as the One Sith showed a rate of adaption that no navy had ever had.​

Ships like the Dark Blade, the Wyyrlok, and a dozen other vessels began to pop up in the Sith Navy, quickly expanding and making it one of the most powerful Navies in the galaxy.​

This rapid expansion and adaption to their opponents deeply endeared the One Sith to Boan, and ultimately due to her own need to succeed and her drive to defeat those that had snuffer her own ambitions, Boan defected.​

She along with more than half of her crew defected from the Republic and joined the One Sith.​

With a gift of a ship, as well as tactical information and her tutelage at the Anaxes War College the One Sith were more than happy to welcome Boan into their navy, giving her the rank of Commander and command of a single Assault Frigate, The Imperial Dawn. Satisfied with her upgrade in both command and vessel, Boan was pleased with her decision.​

Her first task set by her new Empire was a simple one, find the pirates plaguing the outer reaches of One Sith Territory, and put an end to them. Boan gladly accepted the assignment, knowing that if she did well, the Republic was next.​
PM To RP!​


[member="Mordecai Tal'kyr"]

Nah. She'll be remade under a new account And used eventually when my partners in crime have more free time.

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