Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Blitzkrieg Bop

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
Sannika allowed the blankets hug at her small frame as her comrade tucked her in with what seemed like motherly care. It made her feel a little more confident; more secure in the hope that they would get out from prison unharmed. She was grown up physically--as humorous as that may sound for such a short, adult woman--and still filled to the brim with youthful energy like her father, but there had always been a lack of something more calming and consoling in her life. Being tucked into bed was very strange, and yet the Rogue appreciated someone her senior looking out for her so. "Goodnight, Poy," she murmured, then stared up at the dimly-lit ceiling and contemplated their doom or salvation.

"Great Mother..." the Rogue began silently, folding her hands underneath her covers as her vision blurred. "Great Mother Kikkalekki, save your daughters. If you are there, help me believe. Please let us escape. I'm afraid, Great Mother. Don't let us die." She continued staring into space and mouthing her words for the next few minutes, then glanced over to the shadow of her cellmate. "Thank you for sending Poy, Great Mother."

Sannika continued whispering her prayers to the spirit of their people's traditions for hours into the night, until she unknowingly faded into slumber.

[member="Poy Luroon"]
[member="Sannika Brynn"]

The sunrays streamed into the cell and illuminated those two small cots and their inhabitants. Poy stirred in her sleep and rolled onto her side, blinking her eyes several times, adjusting to the brightness. She sat up on her cot and saw that Sannika was still asleep and curled up underneath the blanket. Sounds of cells being opened and Stormtroopers giving orders were heard outside. They were coming this way and would be opening up the door any moment now.

“Good morning ladies. Breakfast is in ten minutes, and then you will be told of the decision in relation to your transfers to another facility...” the Stormtrooper then handed over two freshly cleaned prison uniforms; the two Twi’leks would now be known as “R-28971” and “R-30546” for their period of detention. As he moved onto the cell next door, the Stormtrooper told them to get dressed with all possible speed, because their meeting was right after having breakfast.

“Sannika, wake up. It seems that we’ve been given some new outfits to wear, thanks to our captors,” Poy stripped out of the dress, standing in the cell only in her bra and briefs, allowing one final moment of freedom, before she slowly put on the uniform. It consisted of a tight white singlet, an orange top, orange bottoms and white loafer type shoes. It was much more rigid, and conforming, than the long flowing dress she wore before, but that was to be expected.

She neatly folded the dress up and placed it at the foot of the bed. One of the last vestiges of freedom had gone. Poy just had to hope and pray that the two of them would be transferred to a minimum-security prison, where they would be able to plan their eventually escape to freedom in relative obscurity, due to the fact that minimum-security prisons had lax systems and also procedures - the pair would be able to mingle with the others and maybe find some allies.

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
"I don't wanna wake up..." Sannika grumbled, curling into a tighter ball underneath her blanket when Poy announced the break of morning. She had been taken somewhere far away in her dreams, and she would rather not return to this brutal reality that she was contained in a Coruscant prison. Her small body quivered as her eyes finally crept open. "The Great Mother didn't come, did she?" Not that she expected them to be magically whisked away. Even if she was beginning to accept her people's faith, she was still skeptical about what prayers and alleged miracles actually entailed.

Whipping off her covers after a tormenting struggle with weariness and the cold, the young pilot kicked herself into a sitting position and glared at the uniform presented to her. "Really?" she sighed, picking up the singlet by the tips of her fingers and sneering at the cloth with disgust. "I have to wear this?" Sannika was by no means a fashionista, but there were just some things that any sane individual would not clad themselves in by their own volition. Greatly irritated, the tukian removed her dress and then took off her leggings.

Of course, neither the singlet nor the uniform was her size, which incited more scowls. "Don't make fun of my butt, okay?" the pilot huffed as she tucked the shirt into her pants. She then rolled up her droopy sleeves and pant legs and continued to complain. "I'd almost rather just wear my panties." Being confined to a prison was bad enough. But having to suffer this indignity just made it even worse.

As the clattering footfalls of the guards neared their cell, Sannika waddled over to Poy's side and took her hand with a firm squeeze. "Keep praying, Poy. I'm scared."

[member="Poy Luroon"]
[member="Sannika Brynn"]

Poy held onto Sannika’s hand and she watched as the cell door opened. Two of the Stormtroopers came in and they escorted the Twi’leks to the dining hall, where they would have their first interaction with their other prisoners. Taking a tray, and handing one to Sannika, Poy moved slow down the food line, and she received scrambled eggs, hash browns, toast, jam, butter and a cup of coffee; it was good to know that they did not deny prisoners their basic rights here.

Waiting for Sannika to receive her meal, she looked at her fellow inmates; the prisoners were a mix of Human, Near-Human and Twi’lek. She took a seat at a table closest to the window, so she could see the outside world. Sannika got her meal and walked over to Poy and joined her at the table. Tucking into the hot food, Poy wondered what the final interview would consist of. Hopefully Great Mother Kikkalekki would intervene and have them moved somewhere safe.

The Stormtrooper commander came to the dining hall and he pointed to the two Twi’leks and beckoned to them. It was time to find out their fate, so Poy’s hand gripped Sannika’s tightly and she got to her feet. A shiver went up, and down, her spine, causing her to shake; she tried to stop it, but it was no use. It was make or break, but Kikkalekki would show herself to Poy and Sannika.

“Come along, right now.....” the commander ordered, so Poy hurriedly finished her breakfast, and motioned for Sannika to do the same. Poy cleaned up her plate and stood up, staring at the commander, through his helmet, and also deep into his soul. “We have to go now Sannika. And don’t be scared, I’m with you all the way,” she whispered to her comrade, holding onto Sannika’s hand.

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
Breakfast was neither extraordinary nor inedible, and Sanna found herself eagerly awaiting her serving of the simple food while her stomach gurgled like a hippopotamus about to surface. Being afraid of your fate tended to make one very hungry, apparently. When, at last, she was allocated a tray of what was practically prefabricated food, Sannika made her way to her comrade's table and scooted up the bench and right next to her. It was a slight relief to be opened to a more-or-less social environment, and yet the pilot hardly wanted to be among these people. Some of the bulkier inmates looked like the type of ruffians you see in police holos or read about in detective novels. For a 149-centimeter woman, their very presence in this prison context was extremely threatening.

She tried to keep from acknowledging the eyes of the other people in the mess, however, and wolfed down her breakfast like it was her first meal in years. She finished none too soon, for the stormtrooper commander had arrived not a few minutes afterwards. He called for the pair of pilots specifically. And that was when she felt like regurgitating her entire meal. This was it.

They were probably going to be processed now. And this might be the part when they wave goodbye to the perks of being a civilian prisoner and be dragged into the life of a prisoner of war. Needless to say, that did not rest well on the green twi'lek's mind, and her hand noticeably quivered in the grasp of Poy's own. "We're gonna be eaten alive..." she whispered. All felt lost now.

Great Mother. Great Mother, please...

[member="Poy Luroon"]
[member="Sannika Brynn"]

As Poy stood up to face the commander, those prisoners stopped eating their breakfasts, and they stared at the two. “We will not Sannika. I promise you,” she said, giving Sannika's hand a tight squeeze. “I will protect you as if you were my own sister,” the commander got on the comlink and asked for two Stormtroopers to come, and then forcibly bring the two prisoners to the interview room, where they would be told of the final decision.

A few minutes later, the two troopers came and they flanked the commander as they stared down the prisoners. They slowly walked towards the two and Poy clenched her fist, ready to attack the troopers if they started grabbing. As she watched, the two troopers removed the stun batons from the holsters, and their batons were turned on, ready to deal out punishment to the disobedient girls. Poy was going to deal out some justice of her own.

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
All eyes were on the pair of flygirls now. Sannika could feel it in her lekku. "You know, we can maybe not get zapped, and just go with them?" she suggested, eyes widening at the advance of the baton-wielding stormtroopers. "We're not going to escape any sooner if we fight out in the open. We've got nowhere to go right now."

The tukian held out her hands peaceably, aware that, not only was there no route of escape for them in the mess hall, but that she was much to small to do any damage to an armed and armored prisoner guard. That just was not going to work out. And even if Poy was a good enough fighter to take these two goons out, it would just prompt an entire wave of guards to rush in and take care of business. "Pooooyyy. Use your tchun-tchin." She tugged at the bigger girl's arm and shot her a pleading look, headtails twitching in alarm. "Don't do this. Not yet. The Great Mother will provide another, better way for us, right?"

[member="Poy Luroon"]
[member="Sannika Brynn"]

Poy reluctantly nodded; she did not want to be stunned and lowered her fist to her side. Please help us Great Mother Kikkalekki, I’m begging you, please... it was not often that the older Twi’lek begged for help, but this was one of those rare times where it was needed and her silent prayer would be answered.

All of a sudden, those escape alarms rang out - it seemed that someone was trying to make a break for freedom, so the guards immediately left to join the hunt for the escapee. But this was Great Mother Kikkalekki reaching out from beyond to help her daughters and give them more time to formulate a plan.

The guards hunted high and low for the escapee, so they spread out from the holding facility and searched through Coruscant, going through each home to see if the prisoner was hiding out with sympathizers. The prisoners went back to their breakfasts and the Stormtrooper commander felt utterly annoyed.

“With me, now!!” the commander growled, so Poy grabbed Sannika’s hand and twitched her lekku from side to side. I just knew that Great Mother would help us out; thank you Kikkalekki, I am forever in your debt.

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