Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Billy Goes to Bandomeer - Bandomeer - Open

Gilberts ship was stocked, the hyperdrive beak was attached, the course was plotted and he was stoned to his ears on anti-nausea meds. In short, it was time that Billy the Squid had her inaugural journey to see if she could do what she'd been designed for. And if he had to make a proper trip, he was going somewhere useful. Bandomeer. Deep in Mandalorian territory, but then, Gilbert had never had any trouble with the Mandos. This might be because he'd never met any.

He cheerfully, and somewhat wobbily, piloted his way out to the Mara Corridor before jumping. Since he was in the Corridor, he let the auto-pilot take control, it was set to drop him out at Celanon where he would manually hop onto the Hydian Way until he reach Bandomeer.

In the meantime he had a fair chunk of time on his hands. Might as well start figuring out where he could legally mine, and start the plans for what he was going to do once he had. He didn't figure it would be a big problem, he wasn't a corporation, just one guy. He'd buy some independent landowner if there wasn't an unoccupied and unclaimed patch of likely land, get a ton or so of useful material, and be on his merry way, free to tinker to his hearts content. It would likely be much more complicated if he was looking for ongoing mining rights for a mass production company.

For now though, he was feeling happy, but a little woozy. Maybe it would be a good time to lie down for a bit.
Gilbert tumbled out of his bunk and popped to his feet, blinking owlishly.


He eloquently asked the universe. Within about a moment however, he realized it was Billy dropping back into real space that had woken him, they must have reached Celanon then. Making his way back to his captains chair, and oh wasn't it nice to have a comfy chair?, he pulled up the charts to confirm.

"Yep, right on target! And a little ahead of schedule too! Good job Billy!"

He affectionately patted the console before him. switching to manual, he manoeuvred the ship onto the Hydian Way and made his second jump to hyperspace.

"Not long now."
Gilbert was just starting to need to hang onto the arms of his chair and turn a little green when the matter was exacerbated by the ship dropping into real space again.


He hurtled himself from the chair and pelted for the refresher. Several disgusting minutes later he emerged, still looking rather pale. Seating himself a little less smugly in his chair he turned the ship towards Bandomeer. As soon as he got within a reasonable distance he started to hail several landowners sitting on promising locations.

"Hello? Hello? This is G- uh, this is Mr Skolnick, businessman, I was hoping to get mining access to your land?"

The first place didn't answer. Neither did the second. The third did.

"Meg cuyir ibic?"

A gruff voice demanded.

"It's uh, it's Mr Skolnick? Gilbert Skolnick?"

"This some kind of joke buddy? I'm not in the mood. I swear I'll o'yarida ner cuyr bid chaaj'yc laam gar sheb!"

That one took Gilbert a moment to work out, brow scrunched and lips moving silently.

"Uh, no Sir, no joke. I can pay?"

"Buddy I don't care what the frell you do, I'm busy looking for my son, you can tear this planet apart if you like."

"Oh uh- thank you, I mean, good luck Sir, with, with your son and all."

"You see a boy just into his teens you call me!"

"Yes sir."

"Course you'll probably never see him coming.."

The connection cut out at that rather ominous remark.

"Well that's comforting. Funny people these Mandos. On the plus side, looks like we won't have to pay! It'll be all profit! When we uh, when we actually make something to sell that is."

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