Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bestala Vizsla



Bestala Vizsla was a Mandalorian bounty hunter, assassin, and mercenary, as well a ranking member of Clan Vizsla. A humanoid female from Mandalorian space, she was raised to live by the Mandalorian culture early in her life. She banded together with Valerie Vizsla and others in the creation of Clan Vizsla. In the early years of the Clan's existence, Bestala and her new family spent much of their time as hired guns due to a lack of funds for the Clan. Once a small amount of reputation had been gained by the startup clan in 837 ABY, they began grander pursuits of glory for the Clan and Mandalorians as a whole.


Name: Bestala Vizsla
Sex: Female
Height: 167 cm
Build: Slender, Firm
Faction: Clan Vizsla, Mandalorians


Bestala proved to be a mix of sugar and spice. She could easily become one of the most vicious and torturous members of Clan Vizsla - perfectly willing to do the heinous if it meant the clan's security. She said that such a thing was an honor in itself, as despite it being abhorrent to most people it still served the purpose of fulfilling two of the tenants of the Resol'nare. She afforded no mercy to her enemies, yet asked for none in return.

However, Bestala showed a very human side - or at least something that was not made of violence. She was found of literature - both classic and contemporary. Mandalorian texts were always an interest to her. Such a hobby furthers her conviction in her Mandalorian beliefs.

For her allies - specifically those loyal to Clan Vizsla -, Bestala would afford as much compassion as she could. She believed that their benefit would benefit Clan Vizsla as well. While she was a spymaster, she believed that betrayal within one's own clan would be something very noticeable. Therefore, she had no issues with her unconditional aid to fellow clan members and would go to great lengths to ensure their survival.

Among several hobbies that she has, Bestala enjoys Space Tarot.


Only Valerie Vizsla knew of what was beneath the armor that Bestala always wore in public. Were it not for the nearly form fit of the suit and the feminine voice coming from the helmet, even Bestala's gender would have been an unknown.

In an attempt to keep the armor she wore iconic, Bestala normally wore green with a moderately lengthy skirt. The skirt itself allowed Bestala to hide weapons from plain view if necessary. Due to the nature of her helmet, she used the same one in each of her missions - never revealing her face. Being spymaster, it was possible she used the fact that her face was unknown in order to perform more covert operations.


The majority of Bestala's past is known through her stories and those that were raised with her. Either abandoned or orphaned, Bestala was adopted at a very young age by a male Mandalorian wanderer named Aloric Vizsla. He ended up teaching Bestala about how to be a Mandalorian. It was also him that gave Bestala her name - feeling that it was more appropriate for Bestala to discard her past, non-Mandalorian name in favor of her new future.

Just after her adoption by Aloric, Bestala journeyed with him and several other Mandalorians. A young Mandalorian named Valerie Vizsla was among the group. Together, they were very effective together in hunting big game beyond what's normal for their age - from tracking to bringing it down. The entourage they traveled with saw them as proteges and wondered if there would be any clans to attempt to adopt them. The two came to know each other as siblings.

Yet not all went well for the group as tragedy befell Bestala and Valerie. On a frontier world, Aloric and the group found themselves up against heavily armed mercenaries. The brutal fight had cut Bestala and Valerie off from the rest of the group. They managed to escape to the group's starship. It was then that a mortally wounded party member caught up with them and described the carnage - claiming that all others had died in his passing breath. With Aloric presumed dead and just Valerie at her side, the two left the planet in grief in order to find a new purpose.

Yet years later, Bestala had helped form Clan Vizsla with Valerie and several others. Their plan was simple: to bring glory to their clan through conquest and fights. After years of fighting as mercenaries, in 837 ABY they had gathered the funds to launch their first campaign.


Under construction, naturally.


[+] Asymmetric Advantage: Using technology in new and uncommon ways, Bestala strove to use that as her advantage in each fight. Her sophisticated helmet in particular made her seem as if she had the senses of a Force user.
[+] Strategist: As the plotter and schemer of Clan Vizsla, Bestala was very attuned to the long-term effects of the Clan's actions. With a sharp, strong mind, this also gave her resistance against Jedi Mind Tricks.
[-] Size: Short and slender, Bestala was hardly capable of physically dominating a foe. This pushed her to rely heavily on technology in order to be of use in combat situations.
[-] Master of None: Varied in combat techniques from range to melee, Bestala is not a master in any. Just as her size, this pushes her toward using technology in order to make the fight in her favor.


Under construction, naturally.


  • The character was created on December 22, 2014.
  • Bestala's avatar is a Warlock from Destiny.
  • Bestala's name comes from the combination of "bes" from "Bes'uliik," which literally meant "iron beast," and "tal," which meant "blood."

Looking at my history as a Writer, I've noticed that the majority of my time with my main characters has placed them in an antagonistic relationship with the Mandalorians. So when the opportunity arose to join up with another Writer in a quest to make awesome Mandalorians, I could not resist. I look forward to roleplaying with what should be an intense Mandalorian.

If you feel like adding a hook to your character via Bestala's background, feel free to contact me. I will usually be amendable to such a thing.



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