Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Been around for a long long year (Tatooine/Open)

Nyrrea opened the door to the cantina and surveyed the room briefly before entering. She could feel the force flowing off several different people, some of it clean and fresh, some of it dark and oily. The hot climate meant she left her cloak aboard her ship. Her bare skin was beaded with sweat, as she wandered to an empty seat, her hands brushing the hilt of her lightsaber and the strap on her blaster holster, as she places her back to the wall.

Motioning to one of the many servers wandering the room, she orders a simple juice drink and watches the room.
Kelictu slightly opens the door, poking his head in and scans the room, looking for any other Barabels in the cantina. Not seeing any at all, he enters the room, sits next to the Twi'lek who recently entered, and orders some simple cider. "There anyone here who might have a droid they don't need anymore? i have a personality chip, and i need to put it into a droid..."

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