Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Battle Sim: First Lesson

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
[member="Isamu Baelor"]

Darth Vanitas's feet carried him off the shuttle that he had taken to the Military Executor's Flagship. Heavy boots hit the durasteel of the hangar. There was a time when Haytham would've stepped lightly, so lightly that even when he was encased in armour, or at least these armoured boots that he wore now, he would've hardly made noise. But now, he relied heavily on the Force. something that went against what he had taught himself before and after he had first started to hone his powers into something more.

"Take me to the Executor," he said before the attendant that had come to greet him could speak. He didn't care for pleasantries, not with those that were beneath him. He had things to do, things to learn. And oh, he meant to learn as much as he could from one of the military minds behind the One Sith's countless victories.

There were things that Haytham wanted in the Galaxy. To return to his homeworld of Dromund Kaas, to see what it looked like in person. Even if it had never been the safest of places, it was still home to him. In recent times, it had been reclaimed by the Silver Sanctum. A bunch of Jedi. A bunch of Jedi that [member="Joza Perl"] identified with, his ex-lover and currently complicated mess. Regardless, he meant to reclaim the planet in the name of the Sith.

In the name of his ancestors.

In his own name.

There had been a reason he had changed his name to Darth Vanitas, from... The oddity Orcus had given him the first time around.

Within a few minutes, he'd be before Isamu Baelor and his clear, young, yet rugged face would watch him. Those grey eyes of his glowing brightly, much more than they should as he pulled the black hood off of his head.

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