Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Banking on it

Alize sipped away at her tea in an upscale restaurant on Mandalore as she awaited the arrival of her company, a banker by the name of [member="Benedict Rotadaria"]. Though she knew little about the man, she took interest in opening a business account at her bank which would be her second corporate account for Quaint Gardens.

A little bored, she stared out into the streets of the bio-dome - something she had found to be quite odd - as armour clad men and women went about their day. "Mandalore is quite a curious place isn't it, dear Fred?" she asked her bodyguard who sat beside her.

"It's Nate," the muscular man corrected her with a frown. "Your odd is another's normal and vice versa, Miss Rosenheim," he continued annoying Alize with the way he addressed her.

"It's Lady Rosenheim to you," the Epicanthix-hybrid scolded him. "I pay you so I can call you whatever I want," she added and continued to stare out the window having lost interest in maintaining a conversation with the man.
Benedict hurriedly ran off to the meeting place where he'd meet [member="Alize Rosenheim"]. He was to do business with her, a bank account most likely. A large restaurant appeared out of no where and nearly scared him.

"I could've swore this was never here. And I've lived here my whole life."

Taking his seat, he took notice to Nate sitting next to Alize.

​"Eh, excuse me madam. Is the giant hulking bodyguard really necessary? Nevermind, I want to know what exactly you're here for first. Give me, specifics. This needs to be genuine."

A datapad was pulled from his pocket as he pulled up her records.

"You may begin."
"You need not worry yourself, Mr Rotadaria. Fred here is perfectly harmless," Alize smirked at the man who sat beside her. "But after my recent assault, I feel much safer in his company," she continued. The bruises of her recent beating still ached.

"How would you like me to begin? What information do you require from me?" the Epicanthix-hybrid inquired. "Excuse my ignorance but I am still relatively new to this and have only opened one bank account prior to this one," she added and gestured at a waitress.

"I would like a pot of Darjeeling tea, first flush and a tray of petit fours to share," Alize recited her order once the waitress arrived at the table then shot a glance at the blue alien before her. "What would you like Mr Rotadaria? I find that business is best conducted over good food and drinks," she smiled at the man.

[member="Benedict Rotadaria"]​

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