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AXIS Combat Probe

Image Source: Here
Intent: Baseline Mandalorian Combat Support Droids

Development Thread:
  • As Needed
Manufacturer: ArmaTech Industries
Model: Mk3
Affiliation: Mandalorians
Modularity: Yes
  • Aesthetics
  • Programming is easily updated and modified
  • Modular Primary Weapon (Slug, Blaster, Ion Rifle, Charric, Ripper, etc)
Production: Minor
Material: Mandalorian Steel, Duraplast, Agrinium, Droid Components

Classification: Fourth Degree
Weight: 20 Kilograms
Height: 60 Centimeters
Movement: Repulsorlift
Targeting, Sensor, and Scanner Systems
Support Systems
Learned from the Lessons of the MK1 and MK2 Probes, the Axis is the third generation Combat Assistant Probe. Whereas the first generation had numerous variants to fulfill a few battlefield roles and assist soldiers in combat, it required too many probes to accompany its controller. This caused confusion, strained the Drone Controller, and required too many commands. The second generation provided a solid fire support platform, but was unable to assist in anything but direct combat.

The AXIS is the merger of the two concepts into one. Rather than be followed by three or four probes specialized for a single purpose, the AXIS is able to fulfill a multitude of roles in combat, operating as a secondary soldier. Each one is linked to a small, command Node clipped to a belt, and is able to understand verbal and non-verbal commands. By synchronizing only a single probe to each soldier, each probe has a range of almost five hundred meters, double that of the MK2 Probes, though it is rarely intended to operate so far away. Other than being bound to a soldier in combat, the probe is a fully functioning battle droid. It has a recorder, comlink, and various other basic systems that would normally be found on a battle droid.

In combat it has several systems designed to allow it to assist its assigned soldier. Slicer Tools and slicer programming, so that a probe can slice security doors while the squad is in combat, a multitool and fusion cutter to preform basic sabotage or repairs, sensor and scanning equipment to act as an observer or monitor, and a laser designator with a range of about one hundred meters for targeting assistance with other squads and artillery. Using these it is also able to map and determine the best possible route to an objective, acting as a guide for a fire team, synchronizing with their HUD to highlight detected threats, objectives, and provide active scan data the soldier may not have access to. The Drone is able to make use of several anti-security technologies, an EMP Disruptor to temporarily disable small electronics, a Security Field Overloader to disable certain security systems, an anti-security blade to help open low security doors, and an Individual Field Disruptor to allow it to pass through security shields, though this cannot be active at the same time as its shield projector.

It has a camouflage coating, capable of adjusting its colors to match its surroundings, like from forest to desert or solid Mandalorian colors and symbols. Additionally, so long as the droid is not in combat or using systems that put out high energy signatures or signals, it provides a form of sensor negation, making it difficult for them to be picked up on sensor scans. Effectively, if it is just floating around using passive sensors, it is difficult to detect on basic sensor and scanner systems.

The drone makes use of an adjustable Retribution Feedback Personal Energy Shield. It has two modes, Standard and Protection. In standard mode the Retribution shield is a personal deflector shield, able to defend against a handful of particle and energy attacks, roughly equivalent to a Military Mobility Shield. It defends only the probe, however the barrels of the probe stick out about a centimeter allowing the probe to remain active in combat. In Protection Mode, the shield's resilience is cut in half, but its range extends to a four meter radius. The energy drain in this mode is extensive, limiting the max altitude to three meters, its weapons are unable to fire, none of its other systems beyond propulsion are able to remain active, and it is barely able to keep up with a running soldier, with many soldiers able to outrun the probe. Because of the ancient Mandalorian Retribution technology, when affected by energy blasts, a portion of that energy is reflected back in the direction of the attack in an energy feedback.

For weaponry, the AXIS has two, a Primary Weapon and a Secondary Weapon. Its primary weapon is a triple light repeating carbine, like a Repeating Blaster, a T-21, or an automatic Slugthrower carbine sized weapon. Sometimes these are exchanged for similar sized weapons, like Rippers or Charrics, depending on the owner or commander's preference. The Second weapon is always a Viper 2 Grenade Launcher, arguably the best attached weapon on the market and is a favorite for providing grenade support fire.

For aesthetic purposes only, it has a Kill-Tracker, able to keep track of its kills and its soldier's kills and casualties throughout an engagement, often comparing the two. If ordered to, it will remark about its soldier's progress and skill during a combat with certain phrases. It may also insult its soldier should it have a significant advantage in count. It also has a taunt mode, in which it may insult its opposition, with standard and anti-Vong phrases programmed in. The AXIS can also play music as requested, both off Radio or via internal memory storage.

Special Features:
  • Modular Weapon
  • Minor Sensor Negation
  • Multi-Kill Awards
Factory Judge
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
Factory Judge
[member="Draco Vereen"], I will be judging your submission today.

This droid is doing a lot for just a ,quote, "Baseline Mandalorian Combat Support Droids."

I would like to see at least a 10 post development thread to explain how you acquired the Shadowskin, as well as all of the equipment and modularity that you have on these droids.
[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
It does no more than a soldier or battle droid is able/intended/expected to do with the exception of being able to drop all other functions for a short term wide area shield.

Not a problem on the ten post thread though.

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