Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ziost, the icy gem that had once been a crowned jewel to many a Sith Empire now stood desolate, unclaimed by its inheritors. The planet brimmed with Dark Side energies from the countless Sith tombs and ruined temples that spotted its vast expanses. The corruption of the Darkside blanketed the world’s surface thicker than any layer of snow could possibly hope to and beckoned Dark Siders to brave its perilous surface in search of unspoken secrets. It would be here, nestled deep within its sinister bosom that one such secret would awaken from his slumber, one of the last Sons of Ziost, a conqueror, a Sith of Pureblooded lineage.

Below the ever flowing veins of ice, nestled within a Stasis pod, the slumbering monster rested, his mind reminding him of the glory of battle and the taste of blood. Audroti, the Dark Juggernaut, rested calmly as he had for countless centuries undisturbed by outside interference. However, blissful memories of conquest and bloodshed would be disrupted shortly as his pod’s energy core finally expired. But for now, he slept and dreamt of war.

Audroti’s eyes peered across the battlefield, gazing onward at the carnage that lay before him, his life’s work. In his own time the Juggernaut was an avatar of war, an aspect of death, a being that mercilessly butchered his enemies and who’s plans laid waste to worlds unfathomable. It was here, in his mind’s eye that he saw all the devastation he had caused in a single glorious event and it pleased him. His sanctuary was once built of flesh and bone, sinew and innards, blood and gore; a palace fit not for a king but for a conqueror and overlooked the vastness of death that he had been responsible for.


The sound shattered Audroti’s world leaving only emptiness where a monument of his triumphs had once stood. Anger flared up within his mind at the sudden interruption, Audroti’s eyes peered into the darkness as he searched for the source of this…noise. In the distance, despite the impenetrable darkness, Audroti’s eyes barely made out the faintest of light. It was barely the size of a pinhead, but the mere existence of it caused shivers of fear to crawl up the Sith Juggernaut’s spine as he wondered if this was death, if he had passed on into Chaos.


The sound echoed again, shattering Audroti’s concentration and ruining his attempts to steel himself for whatever laid before him. The Pureblood’s eyes widened as the light slowly began to expand and draw closer towards him. Audroti took a step backwards, shrinking from the all-consuming brightest of the purest of white lights.


The racket boomed as the light rushed forward, consuming everything around Audroti and burning his flesh. The Juggernaut felt everything being ripped apart, down to the tiniest molecular level until there was nothing left of him, and nothing left of his legacy. The only reason Audroti knew he hadn’t died was because of the overwhelming sense of dread he felt within him, but it was that fear that brought clarity. The Sith recognized the fact he was breathing through the emotion, he realized the fact he was alive and that this was only an illusion.


The sound echoed one final time before a sharp hiss of oxygen escaping the pressurized stasis pod announced the impending awakening of destruction. For a moment it was silent, the chamber hidden under centuries worth of ice fell quiet before the echoes of a gasping rebreather bounced from its walls and ceiling. For the first time in hundreds of years, the golden eyes of Audroti opened, the Sith had awakened!

Slowly, the once glorious conqueror forced the lid to the stasis pod off of his torso and gazed about his surroundings in the tall-tale red hue of his Colossi-Class Armor’s helmet. For a moment, Audroti remembered nothing about the place nor had he arrived there but slowly, very slowly his mind would begin to piece the events leading up to his hibernation back together. A small smirk appeared on the Sith’s face as he slung his legs free from the pod’s confines before he slowly and shakenly began to rise to his feet.

The long slumbering Sith Lord remembered his hibernation chamber, he remembered his “tomb”, and he remembered sealing himself within it. What Audroti didn’t remember was how fast time passes while in stasis, and what seemed to have only been a few decades was far longer than he could have anticipated. A harsh reality that would strike him the face once the door to his tomb finally slid open and he faced thousands of feet of darkness, solid ice surrounded his tomb, sealing him off from the outside world.

Audroti felt it rise up in his throat, the frustration from his own oversight, the anger at being denied the splendor of battle and the glory of conquest. Rage and hate manifested itself in that moments, breaking forth from Audroti’s silence in a terrible scream, that caused the ice before him to splinter up to the surface far above. The shockwave from the cry ripples outward from the planet’s surface, the dark side carrying its signature into the mind of those strong enough to feel it and bold enough to listen to it’s simple message.

"I have awakened"

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