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Aurelio Murtix

Aurelio Murtix

The Ambitious Noble

NAME: Aurelio Murtix
TITLE: Baron of the Murtix family
FACTION: The Nationalistic Front
RANK: None as of yet

AGE: 22
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'10
WEIGHT: 161 lbs
EYES: Dark Green
HAIR (Head): A short style of Brown color
HAIR (Face): clean shaven usually, but sometimes has a bit of a stubble
SKIN: Caucasian skin, but he always makes sure it's never too pale.

Build and Features: He is of decent frame and muscle build for a young man in his prime, although it was mostly done in the name of appearance. Aurelio is considered handsome by many as well as himself, who declares that he has little to no imperfections in his visage. He does have one long scar going down his left arm from a practice injury, but he considers it manly enough to even add to his grand looks. The young man is always wearing the most fashionable clothing he can find in the Tapani style, but really anything he thinks looks fancy enough will do.

Personality: There are two words that would be used by most to sum him up; ambitious and vain. Aurelio considers himself extremely handsome and talented, going so far as to (supposedly) joke that he was one of the "finest examples of humanity". Besides that he has a wicked wit that he regularly puts to insulting use, and an arrogant charm that the young man considers irresistible. His desire to be in charge sees him regularly try to question the orders of superiors at any opportunity if it will make him look more qualified, but he has shown some capability as a commander in specific situations.

He also shows sign of jealousy when in the presence of force-users, since it's just another source of power that he will never be able to have. Aurelio is a bit of a human supremacist, even if he does not outright hate or dislike other sentient species, and believes that just as in the days of the old Galactic Empire Humans should reign supreme. Aurelio is more than able to work with others who are not human, but deep down there is always a small sense of superiority that usually only shows itself outright if humans are the target of racism.

Even with all of these bits he is quite brave and does have an idealistic side that wants to see a better galaxy, even if his ideal galaxy differs greatly from that of other people, which is one of the reasons he wants to become a leader. He can show a surprisingly caring side to those he personally befriends, admires, or is infatuated/in love with, which once again comes off as a surprise to those who believed him to only be a selfish fool. Some see Aurelio's outward personality as a way to hide the pressure and what he is really felling. He also carries the usual code of honor that the nobles of Tapani held in high esteem, even if there are moments when he wished he could break them to advance his goals in a quicker fashion.


{+} He has an above average intelligence, which he exaggerates to extreme levels, thanks to his birth and expensive education.

{+} Trained in the use of blaster pistols to a decent effect, and has also been trained in the art of light-foils to a considerable degree. His sword-style is somewhat similar to Makashi, but he is not trained in it.

{+} Aurelio has very good reflexes and is quicker than some expect when it comes to attacks.

{+} Is left-handed, which throws off some opponents when he fights with his foil.

{+/-} He is a charismatic person, once again overrated by himself, as his confidence draws many to him. Although his arrogance, vanity, and sometimes insulting nature pushes others away, he is able to inspire loyalty from those who follow him, and the ones that stay by his side will be fondly credited, richly rewarded, and might even become someone for him to actually care about.

{+/-} Is extremely confident in his abilities and ambitious, which is a double-edged sword. It helps him achieve surprising feats, but it also puts him in some situations his actual skills might not get him out of.

{-} Is easily taunted when he is being personally criticized.

{-} Is not as physically powerful as he could be, but his speed makes up for it in most situations.

{-} Has almost no survivalist training and is unused to difficult living conditions, so if he was lost in the wilderness or put in a serious warzone it would most likely mean death.


Aurelio Murtix was born on Soterios to a noble family of the same name within the Tapani greater noble house Melantha. The Murtix family never truly held too much power beyond that of their Baron status, but back in the days of the Galactic Empire a few of them went into the Imperial military and served with distinction. Their pride and earned glory in being a part of the imperial machine was dashed when the empire crumbled, forcing them to hide their allegiance to it and resume being a weak family for many years afterwards up to a bit before the present time.

Their hidden wish for a return of the empire's glory was almost realized more than once, and every time it seemed to be ready to make a comeback the Murtix family was ready to even secretly send some of its members to serve. Each time proved futile however, and through the years this secret patriotism has been passed down from generation to generation. The most recent head of the household, which was Aurelio's mother since his father was a man of low birth who just happened to charm a noblewoman and died shortly after his birth, imbued within her son not only the idea of imperial supremacy, but the idea that it was their family's only chance to return to the supposed greatness of their ancestors.

From a young age Aurelio was tutored and trained to be the perfect officer for the hopefully returning Galactic Empire, but it was determined that since no one was able to truly resurrect the old glories that it would be better to simply make the Republic more like their old benefactor. Once Aurelio became old enough he trained in the arts of combat, even with a light-foil simply because of its elegance, and determined for himself after his mother's death and inheriting what little the family had left that he would rise through whatever political or military ranks necessary to achieve that goal.

To himself he also kept another goal as well; to become the emperor of this newly arisen galactic body.

One KYD-21 Blaster Pistol​
His trusty Light-foil. Although it has similar characteristics as a lightsaber it can be wielded successfully by NFU's, but in a prolonged duel against an actual Jedi or Sith weapon his weapon will short out and deactivate until repaired. (​
His own HCE Slipstream Personal Shuttle
ROLE-PLAYS (In Chronological Order):
A Leisurely Stroll through Nar Shaddaa
Do Battle Droids Dream of Blowing Up Meatbags?

Adventures on Hoth: An Icy Demise
What Must be Done to Have Order?

In All Its Glory!

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