Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Atuli Akk Akk Fenee


*Note, inaccurate height comparison.

NAME: Atuli Akk Akk Fenee
RANK: None
SPECIES: Atuli Kaalonian
AGE: 17
HEIGHT: 2.5 meters or 8'2''
WEIGHT: 254kg or 560lbs
EYES: Green
SKIN: Black


  • Strengths:
  • Good night vision and flexible ears allows him to operate well in the dark.
  • Poor sense of smell allows for operating in disgusting terrain.
  • Very good ability to operate in cold environments due to increased nasal passage for warming air.
  • Often underestimated for intelligence by other races that either know what they are, or assume they're another rodent species.
  • Physically very strong, capable of overwhelming unprepared combatants.
  • Natural resistance to many types of disease
  • Adapted stomach acids and saliva to breakdown carrion.
  • Youthful curiosity to the galaxy
  • Weaknesses:
  • Youthful curiosity to the galaxy
  • Has difficulty grasping too advanced of technology and slow to understand more complex ideas.
  • Easily fooled into the value of items, particularly flashy or pretty items.
  • Fur is riddled with various pests and chunks of decayed flesh.
  • Strength in numbers, weakness alone. Will often flee if odds are stacked against and no companions.
  • Visually unappealing due to decaying features


Atuli Akk Akk Fenee, known as Akk Akk, was born after Kaalonia had been visited by the Hutts. So he grew up in an environment of curiosity and trying to understand the Hutts and the ambassadors that had come to the world. The Petty Kingdom he was part of was particularly receptive to the Hutts as they provided weapons that gave their Petty Kingdom more power over the neighboring states. The downside of this effect was that the Petty Kingdom was slowly becoming more of a puppet to the Hutts with the goods they were bringing in and the expansion of Hutt culture over them to the point that their Prince was basically a puppet to one of the Hutts who had established himself a lair. Other Hutts, and non-Hutt species that had come to live in Vinsidj (the only non-Kaalonian city on the planet), were becoming wary of the idea of someone controlling the Petty Kingdom.

This led to arming a revolution and a pretender to the throne which torn the Petty Kingdom apart. By Akk Akk's birth, he was trapped in the seemingly eternal conflict of the planet through his growth. So while he learned Huttese as a secondary language, there was a great deal of hostility towards Hutts in general for their attempt to control the Kaalonians. Due to being born with the Kaalonian mutation gene, Akk Akk was quickly put into strengthening training to make use of his large size. By the time he was nine, Akk Akk was already capable of wielding standard Kaalonian weapons as well as handheld blaster weaponry from offworld. When he was thirteen, Akk Akk knew how to utilize heavier weapons in combat, though he was unable to perform maintenance on them with such tasks being given to non-mutated Kaalonians or surface dwellers.

His great size and strength led to him being used as a shield bearer of sorts for the vanguard of an attack, with a large durasteel plate latched to his arm to provide cover for himself and other soldiers with a heavy, if outdated, blaster weapon in his free hand for blind firing around the barrier. Akk Akk, as part of that vanguard, found himself cut off from the rest when the Hutts counterattacked and was captured. He was kept less for his ability in combat and more for his size and stature for the Hutt. He was enslaved and utilized as a guard for the palace.

From there is future is uncertain, whether he is to remain as a Hutt pawn, escape, be purchased, or be set free remains to be seen...



The Galaxy put them in the Dark for a Reason

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