Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Askar

Region: Outer riml
System: asol system
Suns: 1 asol
Orbital Position: 1st
Moons: none
System Features: none
3 planets orbiting Asol. Askar, Vito and Asop. none of which support life
Coordinates: 7 / 26
Rotational Period: 10 hours
Orbital Period 200 days
Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 711 km
Atmosphere: 3
Climate: Temp 700 °C
Gravity: Surface Gravity 1.1 g
Primary Terrain:
Native Species: none all extinct
Immigrated Species: none
Primary Languages: na
Population: 0 save alge in quadrillions
Demonym: na
Major Imports: none
Major Exports: none

Affiliation: none

Major Locations: none several barren continents
ans vast oceans o Lava

Culture: none
Technology: none
traveling close to its star whit a carbon-monoxide atmosphere it is a burning hot ball of lava

Notable PCs: na
Intent: to finnish off the Asol system

Greetings. As it currently stands, this submission is not complete. For instance, one line for the history is not appropriate for a chaos custom planet. If you need guidance on how to go about beefing this up, you can assuredly contact codex judges or staff and we can guide you. Though I would urge you to peruse approved planets, prior to that, to get a feel for what is an appropriate level of effort for a planetary write up. And please remember: Without an appropriate intent, this will be denied as 'filling space' is not a valid reason for creation of a planet.

I will mark this as WIP and archive it. Once you are prepared to have this judged in its complete format, contact either myself or [member="Lorelei Darke"] and we will put it from archive and assign a judge.
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