Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ariadne Tzimiskes of Clan Ordo

Ariadne Tzimiskes

Amethon's ulcer in human form...
[member="Amethon Tzimiskes"]​
Ariadne Tzimiskes
"Sometimes, you gotta make your own path, no matter who's toes you step on, no matter who you disappoint. That's just part of being human, of being a Mandalorian, of being anything really. So i'm plotting my own course, regardless of what my uncle or mother... or father would want me to be."
Gender: Female Species: Human Faction: Mandalorian​
Age: 19 Height: 1.6764 meters Weight: 58.9670081 Kg​
Jet pack, armor, blaster pistols, and grenades.​
“Thank the powers that be that as a kid she liked running away from boys rather then…ugh, get an ulcer just thinking ‘bout it.”
“That kid can lie faster then I can take breath. Wait, on second thought, scratch that. That isn’t saying much.”
“....she never shirked the work, in fact she got most of it ‘cause of that lazy brother of hers.”
“Sure, she can outdraw me, out-shooting is a different matter…”
"Most unruly child I'd ever laid eyes on."

“My worst fears are realized, she’ll end up like her mother and I’ll end up with heart medication. No mistake about it.”
Little respect for authority​
“Dang kid‘ll get herself killed with that attitude of hers.”
“Rancor;s less excitable then her, I can tell you that.”
"She's gotten to writing. Good, but lets hope she doesn't become haughty or anything. Still'd be better then her brother though..."
Dislike of the Old Order​
“She called me and asked if I’d have a problem with her joining the Dar’Manda, THE DAR’ MANDA!”
“She thinks she’s invulnerable. It’ll make it all the worse when she finds out she ain’t...”
“She could argue with ya until the sun burned ou-“
“So you’re talking about me behind my back now, huh?”
“I’m just warning the good peoples of the galaxy of the terror that’ll be unleashed.”
“Yea, terror, I distinctly remember somebody threatening to shoot kids on his lawn, does that classify as a terror?”
”I tell them to stay off the grass! Would put mines on it if I didn’t have to mow it…”
“Sure, ‘I’m the menace, pay no heed to the scatter-brained war vet wanting to lace his lawn with mines, oh no, I’M the threat.”
Atin, this conversation is over.”
“…Does that mean I won the argument?”
“Sha'kajir, uncle, remember your heart...”
Born, (Along with her twin, Callinicus) of Irene Tzimiskes and a father which her mother would not identify While they were still but babes, the Republic Child protection agency declared her and her brother wards of the state due to their mother's deathstick addiction. Ariadne spent the first part of her life as a ward of the state while her uncle, Amethon Tzimiskes, and his clansmen fought for custody over them. Eventually, the Mandalorians won custody over the pair, and Amethon, who was at war at the time, placed them in the care of his old rally master hoping he'd teach them how he'd taught him and make them true Mandalorians. The rally master however, had lost his cruel edge, and "coddled" them as Amethon said. Whenever Amethon could, he'd drop by and give them gifts he'd acquired. Not the sort of gifts one would expect one would give a child, but weapons, armor pieces, and all manner of war loot he'd taken. He'd carefully teach them how to use them, and ingrain Mandalorian values into them.​
Before Amethon returned home on a more permanent basis, Ariadne had made a name for herself among the battle circles and command a measure of respect among the Mandalorian community on their planet. Her brother, however, had fallen with all the wrong crowds and was frequently scolded by Amethon when he arrived. Ariadne's relation with her uncle at this time was... complicated. She lived by his lessons and had a great deal of respect for him, but part of her always blamed him for not giving the support her mother needed when her father left her. Add to that, spending most of his time away caused her Cal to not get the support he needed, and fell into a rut of laziness and the like. Respect would be a more apt description of what the her and her uncle share, her too bitter to reconcile, him too blind to see the problem. Hopefully before the end both of them can finally look at each other and see just how stubborn the both of them are acting.​

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