Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another busy day...

Khantor Ruu

Senator of Shili
It was just another long, hard day at the Senate Building on Coruscant. Passing new laws and approving of pointless was still all so new to Khantor and he didn't exactly feel like he was settled just yet into his new role. From another person's perspective however, it was a different story, or so he had been told. "You're a natural kid", and "Senator Rant would have been proud" were just of the few passing compliments he had been given during his first month as Senator for an entire star system! It seemed crazy that only a year ago Khantor was only dreaming of leaving Shili and now here he was, sitting in Senate Building of the Galactic Republic on Coruscant. It all seemed so surreal.

He continued down the corridor and walked into his office, where he sat in a finely carved wooden chair imported from home. Picking up his datapad, he skimmed through his mail, only briefly reading parts of the messages. As he was the most recently appointed to a Senatorial position, many other Senator's intended to take advantage of him, getting him to help win approval for a bill to be passed or make sure they had his vote for the next election. All of which he had accepted. He needed to make friends, if they could be called friends. Afterall he was new to all of this and needed someone on his side to give him helpful hints or advice.

It was when he was halfway through reading Senator Poochii's request to export some of the native Shilian turu grass to his homeworld of Malastare, when Khantor decided it was time to get some fresh air. Leaving his office, he began to wander through the gardens in the Senatorial sector. He found a sturdy tree and sat down to lean against it. He found himself slowly falling asleep listening to the sound of yet another busy day in the Capital world. He felt the presence of a figure standing in front of him, using his montrals he found that the figure was staring at him, however was already just on the verge of sleep that he couldn't sit up and shoo the person away.

Akodya Mune

Akodya felt the familiar foul taste on her tongue as she pressed toward the senate, a sense she had grown stronger every time she had to travel to this place of politics and lies. The truth of the matter was; she hated it. She hated the mad scramble for power and desperate falsities leaders would manufacture in order to gain a upper hand on someone else. Her elders constantly reminded her that this bitterness would only lead to even deeper hatred...which was the path to the dark side. In spite of the many warnings and meditation sessions, the sly and misleading ways of a few of the senators still made her skin crawl. The young jedi tried to force her focus on the scenery around her, admiring the beautiful buildings and the small patches of garden that otherwise were not available on this planet.

This is pointless. How am I to gain any experience from wondering around this place. A jedi should remain separate from politics. She thought to herself as she wondered around the senate, politely bowing and faking a smile at every well dressed person she met. What am I expected to do anyway? casually walk up to the first important figure I encounter I see and ask to shadow them for a while? this is kriffing ridiculous.

After wondering around for what seemed like ages for the padawan, Akodya finally found her way to a large garden that looked totally deserted. Almost. Leaning against the base of a elderly tree, a finely dressed togruta sat alone with his eyes half closed. Akodya resisted the urge to smirk at the sight, it was obvious enough that he was exhausted...he looked awfully young for a senator though. "Excuse me, Sir, but I don't think this an appropriate place to catch up on your sleep." She said jokingly as she approched the young togruta. Maybe he could assist her in her search for someone to observe.

@[member="Khantor Ruu"]

Khantor Ruu

Senator of Shili
Khantor swore he had heard someone's voice. He ignored it believing the owner of the voice to be talking to someone else. Why would they be talking to someone who was obviously asleep? However he pictured what he would look like to those passing by. A well-dressed Togruta Senator napping against a tree in the city centre. Yes well it would look a little odd. He opened one of his black eyes to see if the person who had spoken was still there. Standing over him was a young woman, still quite young, giving him an odd look. Her mouth was slightly raised into a smirk as if she had just chuckled to herself. The obvious reason being, the state that he was in at this very moment. Realising that he was staring at the young woman, he abruptly stood up, brushed himself down and approached the woman. "Oh I'm terribly sorry my dear lady, did you say something to me? Would you mind repeating yourself?"

Akodya Mune

"I was just questioning your choice of sleeping arrangements." She chuckled, watching in mild amusement as the togruta shot up and brushed off his expressive looking get up. The poor guy still looked half asleep as he forced his charcoal black eyes to stay open. Now that he was standing up, it gave the young jedi a chance to study him. Her hazel eyes scrutinized his movements, trying to figure out just who he was and why he was in this particular destination. He had to be at least in his mid twenties judging by his height and the length of his lekku and montrals. He was taller then her, much to Akodya's disappointment, and his expression seemed to be genuine, which was rare of anyone lingering around the senate. As she cocked her head to one side her eyes widened, finally realizing what first thought couldn't be right.

"You don't happen to be a senator, do you sir?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, her back stiffing as she fell back into formalities. Akodya awkwardly pushed a loose strand hair from her eyes before she snaked her hands into her robe leaves.

@[member="Khantor Ruu"]

Khantor Ruu

Senator of Shili
The woman seemed to study Khantor after repeating the question. Her gaze began to make him feel slightly uncomfortable, as if she could see right through him. Suddenly she froze, as if coming to some sort of realization. Her attitude and posture swiftly changed, she straightened herself up and began fixing the loose strands of hair back into it's tight formation. "You don't happen to be a senator, do you sir?" This confirmed Khantor's suspicions, he must have looked like quite the character during his very short nap. Not very becoming for a Senator in his position. Before answering her question he had just enough time to study the woman in front of him. He had only been on Coruscant for just over a month and hadn't seen much of the well-known Jedi that the Republic held so dear. However he had heard enough of them to recognise this woman as a member of the order. Her tanned robes and the lightsaber hanging on her belt were a dead give-away. Khantor knew that the Jedi tried to steer clear of the Senate politics and instead tried to maintain more of an advisory role to Senators and other politicians. It was very rare for a specific Jedi to devote themselves to advising an individual Senator, however it was not unheard of. If he could give this woman a good first impression, then he may have one foot into the door of the Jedi Order. This woman might even offer her services, Khantor thought to himself.

So without another thought he began to form the words that might forever change his life and he hoped to the stars that things would work out for him on this busy metropolis. "That indeed I am my dear. And do I have the pleasure of speaking with a member of the fabled Jedi Order?" His fate was sealed, it was all up to this woman now, a woman he had only just met moments before.

Akodya Mune

"Yes, yes you do." Akodya smiled slowly before dipping her head in a low bow. "I am Padawan Mune, under the apprenticeship of Master Dragonsflame. I have been sent to the senate long to observe leaders at work and hopefully grasp a understanding of politics and the part Jedi usually play in them." She said, her voice turning stiff and forced. Watching the red and white man in front of her, she wondered who he would be representing at the senate. It was not uncommon for an alien not native to a planet to speak on behalf of it's people, as immigrants settling across the galaxy had not been unheard of. However he had fallen asleep under a tree as if it was the most casual thing in the world...he was probably from Shilli. The man's expression had changed into one of a calculating nature, Akodya could see intricate plans forming in the darkness of his eyes. Typical. Still, the man seemed decent enough, and new at that. Maybe the dirty ways of the senate hadn't began to change him yet? Only time would tell.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but could I please shadow you for a day? It would be useful for me to observe a senator at work..." She asked, raising her chin a bit. "Out of curiosity, who do you represent?" she quickly added.

@[member="Khantor Ruu"]

Khantor Ruu

Senator of Shili
Her answer left him speechless. This Padawan, although not that high in the ranks of the Order, would be the first step to his political alliance with the Jedi. Although an internal conflict began in his mind, he didn't want to seem to be using the girl to the point where they wouldn't be able to build some form of relationship afterwards. So he wasn't sure whether to go through with his plan. However he couldn't get rid of the voices inside his head, taunting him, the voices of the Senators echoed in his mind, doubting his abilities as a politician. His desire to prove those Senator's wrong was what helped him come to a decision. "It would be my pleasure to assist you young Jedi. Most Senators wouldn't have a chance at the the opportunity of working with a member of your order. I'm sure we can learn a lot from each other which will be very beneficial for both of us." He tried to hide the excitement in his voice, but he was sure that the speed at which he was speaking gave away a bit of what he was feeling. "So do you want to accompany me to the Senate now, or shall we organise for another date?" The next few words leaked out before he could stop them. The colour in his cheeks darkened with embarrassment as he realised how she may interpret it. "I'm really looking forward to us working together!"

@[member="Akodya Mune"]

Akodya Mune

Akodya's head tilted to the side a little as she watched the young senator talk with such speed it was almost hard to follow. She could sense a little of his doubt, in what, she didn't know. Her eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion as she tried to figure out the reason for his actions. Then again, having a friend in the Jedi order must be useful for someone in the senate. She felt a wave of annoyance flood through her body as she looked at the young togruta. Although she had the distinct feeling she was going to be least he was letting her trail behind him for a bit. He continued to let words spill out of his mouth, before going an even darker said of red because of his embarrassment. The corner of her lip quirked up in a smile at his reaction, his flustered appearance told he was still capable of feeling shame, unlike half of the corrupt politicians.

"I am not exactly occupied at this point, so I can accompany you while you work. I promise not to interfere." She stated coolly, her smile growing a smidgen in size. "I am glad that you are so optimistic towards our agreement, senator...?" she began, before realizing she didn't know the togruta's name.

@[member="Khantor Ruu"]

Khantor Ruu

Senator of Shili
"Senator Khantor Ruu of Shili, pleased to make your acquaintance" the Senator said holding out his hand to shake. "I am fairly new to this whole political business if you hadn't noticed already." he said sheepishly, raising his hand to itch at his montral to catch the Jedi's gaze and carry it away from his darkened cheeks. Images of his little nap against the tree flashing through his head as a reminder, he began to set off for the Senate Tower, not looking back to see if she was following. "I'm so pleased that the Jedi take interest in what we do here in the Senate. Are you a big fan of what goes on in here? he asked, curious to find out more about this interesting woman.

@[member="Akodya Mune"]

Akodya Mune

She stared at his red hand for a moment before reaching out and taking it, shaking it firmly. "As am I to make yours." She replied, smirking at his comment on his political status. Letting go of his hand the togruta scratched at his montral awkwardly. She wondered if her presence was making him uncomfortable...which was understandable. Akodya had heard stories of people being very nervous around Jedi simply because of the myths and often scary rumors that surrounded the order. Of course they weren't true...well...most of them anyway.

Senator Khantor then quickly turned and began to stride in the direction of the senate, obviously expecting for her to follow. Akodya walked briskly to catch up to the togruta and soon enough their footsteps fell into a rhythm with one another as they walked. When he asked his question, she had to bite her tongue before replying in case something rube or offensive would slip out. Her expression turning serious once again Akodya swallowed before answering.

"To be honest, Senator Khantor, I know very little about politics. That is partly why I am here...I have an general idea, but it the details and intricacies of the senate I need to learn." She said, facing forward rather then looking him in the eyes.

@[member="Khantor Ruu"]

Khantor Ruu

Senator of Shili
Khantor continued walking while he talked to the young Padawan, noticing a small almost inaudible sound emanating from her general direction, however he didn't look back, pretending not to notice. He listened to her reply and was a bit surprised that the Padawan hadn't been taught anything about politics at the temple. If the Jedi were to act as advisors and mediators then shouldn't they need some knowledge on the topic? However he was pleased that the woman had asked him to help her with her studies. "Well I feel very privileged that you asked me to assist you. I hope I can enhance your knowledge in this specific genre..." He kept walking and noticed that the girl had gone silent, so in an attempt to reassure her he added, "Who knows, we both might become friends after this ordeal."

They finally reached the Senate Tower and were greeted by some departing politicians. Khantor politely nodded in acknowledgement and continued into the maze of corridors and lifts that was the Senate building. Khantor remained silent until the pair reached his office, where he gestured for the Jedi to sit in one of the carved wooden chairs opposite his desk. Once both were seated he again spoke to the woman, "So where do you want to start? The Senate is being brought together in just over an hour if you want to attend that with me? I could show you around while we wait if you wish?"

@[member="Akodya Mune"]

Akodya Mune

Akodya nodded and briefly turned around to meet his eyes, shaking off his comment on friendship. She was not here seeking companionship, only knowledge. The young padawan was aware of how useful this experience would be for her as she was expected to know the ins and outs of the Republic's democracy Akodya couldn't help but feel this was wasting her time. She was aspiring to be a great healer...why not sent her to the local hospital or the military medibays for a few months so she can study her passion in more depth? Instead she was stuck here at the senate, like some old Jedi adviser...just killing time by turning a blind eye to back hand deals and standing in the opera house while the rich and powerful played nice. When Khantor nodded at his fellow politicians, Akodya decided to mimic the gesture with a courteous smile. The senators seemed to return the greeting hastily before carrying on their journey. The stiffness in the air made Akodya uncomfortable. She could sense the distrust in nearly everyone that wondered past, the stress seemed to linger around these leaders like a bad smell.

After weaving through the endless hallways of the structure the pair finally arrived at what Akodya presumed was Senator's office. Hesitantly she took the seat across from him and rearranged her robes before neatly placing her hands in her lap. She tried not to squirm in the carved wooden chair as he spoke, trying to contain her discomfort.

"As I said Senator Khantor, I am here to shadow you. Just go about what you would do normally and I will observe and ask my questions when I see fit." She said firmly, her expressionless gaze locking into his eyes. "I shall accompany you to the senate's meeting...I'd prefer you not treat me as a guest. You do not need to be the host and show me around you would a visitor. I am here to learn after all."

@[member="Khantor Ruu"]

Khantor Ruu

Senator of Shili
Khantor was a bit taken aback by Padawan Mune's reply, however he didn't show it on his face as the Jedi still had her gaze locked on him. He maintained his cheery persona even though he was a bit hurt by the woman's rejection. He had only tried to be polite as would any other Senator in his position. He replied, still looking into her hazel eyes with a smile on his face, however added a bit of ice to his voice. "Well my dear Jedi, whether you like it or not you are my guest and I will treat you as such, until I see you depart. My offer was only meant to be seen as an act of politeness so I apologise if you took any offense." Leaning back in his chair, he swiveled round to gaze out of the large transparisteel window, breaking eye contact with the Padawan. "The Senate will be brought together soon so what do you want to do to pass the time? I can either take you on a tour around the Senate building which would be much more interesting than the alternative, and something I would much more preferably do. Or you can watch me edit paperwork before it's sent off to the postal department which is very tedious to observe." He began to watch the lanes of speeders travel past outside his office as he awaited a reply from the women.

@[member="Akodya Mune"]

Akodya Mune

Akodya sat in silence. That to be the first time in her life she was threatened with kindness. The cold tone the Togruta used was unmistakable. She had underestimated him. The man had held her gaze a little longer then she expected him to, as if to challenge her original requests. whether he knew it or not, the Senator may have gained a bit more respect from the young blooming Jedi. Maybe he wasn't like the spineless politicians she was used to dealing with. With a smile curling onto her lips, she raised an eyebrow at him as she swirled around to face the massive window behind him that overlooked the planet's busy hyper lanes. The colours of the speeders zipping past all blurred together.

"The tour sounds excellent, Senator." She finally said, her smile growing.

@[member="Khantor Ruu"]

Khantor Ruu

Senator of Shili
Pleased with the Jedi's response, he turned around in his chair to look at the Padawan. A smile had appeared on the woman's face which sparked the formation of one on his. With new-found enthusiasm he leaped out of the chair, the past few comments forgotten, "Well don't just stand there smirking, there's a lot to show you in so little time." And with that they set off.

Khantor led her through the maze of corridors and turbolifts yet again, this time stopping at multiple locations. The Senator took her to conference rooms, lounges and even some of his fellow Senator's offices, where he introduced the Padawan to his colleagues. Finally they walked into the Atrium of the Senate, which Khantor had planned to be their last destination before proceeding into the Senate chamber. The walls of the Atrium depicted great battles that the Republic had taken part in throughout Galactic history and the heroes that had emerged from the aftermath of the carnage. "Many member's of your Order are immortalized on these walls Padawan Mune," he said looking at the woman. "The Senate and the Republic do not forget it's heroes." Khantor wandered over to one specific mural, depicting a Jedi holding his green lightsaber above his head. The Senator recalled the man to be a Luke Skywalker, he had read about him on Shili. After the Galactic Empire's great purge of the Jedi Order, he had emerged from the ashes of the fallen Empire and saved the Order from extinction. It was because of him that the Order is as it is today, Khantor thought to himself. Turning back to face the Padawan he asked, "Well what do you think?"

@[member="Akodya Mune"]

Akodya Mune

After following the senator in and out of various rooms and halls of the senate, Akodya found herself amused by how enthusiastic young senator Khantor was about his career. They sped through the hallways, the senator stopping in his tracks to point out something he found interesting, spewing out it's history and importance with a smile on his face. He was like a child in a sweet store. After roaming around what seemed like forever the pair reached the Senate chamber. The padawan had never actually been inside before, and the large room made her feel...small. The history of the republic was gracefully painted on the walls, the story of what she vowed to protect had been depicted with colour and skill to form this master piece. It showed painful defeats and battles won, bloodshed and times of piece. It was breath taking.

The senator soon wondered over to a particular mural had made Akodya's jaw go slack. A man gripping a bright emerald light saber stared down at the padawan, it's eyes locking on hers. His gaze seemed to follow her as she walked, sending goosebumps down her body. Her widened eyes ripped themselves away from the piece as she turned back to Khantor to answer his question.

"It is...beautiful."


Akodya found herself standing in the missing senator's office, her eyes glued to the two chairs the pair had always sat in when she visited. She didn't know what to feel. Guilt mixed with frustration and sadness mixed with shock. The result of this chaotic swirl of emotions that had coursed through the jedi made her sick to her very core. She should not be feeling this way. She should not be feeling at all. The once lively office now felt cold and empty, as if it's spirit had been ripped away. She had failed. For the first time in her life, she had failed something.

And this failure had a terrible cost.

She had lost one of the first friends she had ever made.

Silence played the part of the ghost of the Togruta, haunting her with memories and regrets. Playing with the bandage wrapped around her arm, she wondered when the republic will start their investigation. Shili will want their senator back and the news that senator Khantor Ruu, or Khan, as he insisted she call him, was missing had left the citizens feeling unsafe. Stang, THIS is why a body guard droid is needed you incompetent alien! You can't rely on me to come save you! She hissed in her head. Anger masking the sorrow that was slowly taking over.

And what was Khan feeling now? confused? angry she didn't save him? had He seen Akodya fall from that ship? was he even still alive?

Her last thought made her flinch.

No, Khan's not dead, I sense him...he is alive.

With her eyebrows furrowing Akodya looked down at her bleeding knuckles, a stern, disciplined expression emerging from the shadow of self pity and worry. Her hands curling into fists, she made a quiet pledge.

"I am going to get you back home safely Khan, I swear it..."

"And as soon as you get back, I am buying your sorry togruta ass a blaster."

@[member="Khantor Ruu"]

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