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Approved Tech Annonîn

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Intent: A simple method to control entry and exit in unfriendly territory
Development Thread: If Needed
Manufacturer: Ceredir Industries
Model: Annonîn
Modularity: Superficial - labels can be added to buttons to make them simpler to distinguish by sight, adapters (sold separately) can be attached for abnormally large wires
Production: Minor - Ceredir Industries customers with purchase posts here or factions with contract thread
Material: Duraplast, circuitry, comm receiver, clamps, battery

Description: Opening a door is simple. Push a button or cross some wires and hop right through. Keeping it locked behind you, especially in unfriendly territory, not so much. This changes that. Assuming that a person has the ability to open the control panel for the door and isolate the wiring responsible for triggering the door's open and close function, this device can change that. By severing the requisite wire and feeding each end into either end of the device, the device can serve as an interrupt. Enter the correct code - either by pushing the buttons in the programmed order or transmitting a proper code over comms - and the 'open' signal is allowed through. Otherwise it is blocked.

A single, low-power LED shows green when the device is powered on. While the internal battery is fairly small, the device is designed to pull power from the host system. Programming the device is done by powering it on when there are no cables plugged in (or the provided loop-back cable is plugged in) and punching in or transmitting the desired code. Once the door's wire is plugged in on either side, clamps engage that hold the ends firmly in place and penetrate insulation, preventing the user from needing to strip the wires themselves.

It is worthwhile to note that this is not a replacement lock, merely a supplementary one. Unless an existing locking system is disabled, the existing lock may prevent the door from opening even if the Annonîn device would allow it. This device also does not work with manual doors, nor will it prevent a door from being manually opened.

Primary Source: N/A
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