Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ancestors of Stone (Open)

"WELL THIS ISNT GOOD" Avier screamed over the speakers. The beasts were smashing his precious ship up. He sent his droids to man all the guns on the ship, and they began firing at the giant creatures. "I HAVE TO LOSE THESE GUYS! ILL BE BACK!" He then flew up past the atmosphere, and the creatures fell off. As they we falling, the laser cannons pounded them into the ground. "Major damage, but I can still fly. I really hope we don't have to go down into those tunnels!"
"Dammit" the Acklay felt dead he landed to the shoulders of some Twi´lek woman, throwing her down with her neck broken. He knew that attacking other part than the head was a waste of time. When the chitinous beast attacked with his fangs, trying to eat him "SO EAT ME YOU SON OF A..." Acaleus jumped into his mouth cutting everything he could. He almost vomit for the bad smell of a years of rotten flesh...or the burned meat smell created from the heat of the lightsaber slashing the inside mouth of that beast. He felt the sharpened teeth scratching his armor. The beast fall death and Acaleus cut rapidly until he got out with blood and other things he didnt wanted to know.

But he didnt had a time to breath. When a swordsman draw his way high to make a up and down slash, Acaleus raised his left palm, force pushing the sword when it was about to hit him. It made a change of direction into the skull of the undeath "Dammit!" he run to the rogue force user "You and me will have to watch our backs" told while evading hits and stabbing. It was the only thing he could do, but something was sure. They were going to die if this army didnt stop. They couldnt kill everyone of them..."SHUT UP! Dont you dare to surrender now!" scream in his mind "Avier! We need you to start shooting like a maniac!"

Ryker Tal'verda Avier Ackbar Bloodknight Acaleus Thorn
(Since Ryker has been gone for a bit I decided to move onto the next round to keep things moving. That part of the plot can be continued whenever as long as the threads up. )

Were the opponent any mortal creature biology and physics would dictate that the hulking form would topple to the ground unable to support its immense weight. Kor Vishran had transcended such frivolities with the destruction of his mortal shell. What had appeared on the battlefield was a darkside construct forged from ectoplasm and tempered with odium for the living. So it was that as the blade severed through the lighter more malleable armor of his knee it met not articular cartilage and muscle fiber but a mass of black glassy sand that began to hiss from the wound onto the wind.

Kor Vishran did not even deign to block the kick to his back - rather letting the blow impact and warp the plates of his armor. The message was clear, as enhanced as Andreas was the undead juggernaut could take it in stride.

"Now that your measure has been taken Firrero"

Removing one gauntleted fist from the shaft of his axe the undead warrior spun with lariat to impact the Firrerreo's chest. Should the blow connect the hardy matuki's healing talent would need to be put into full effect. Yet again the attack was followed by some innate sorcery involving the phantom blades. Vanishing from the air around Kor Vishran and even the now ragged gash in his leg plating the blades now in greater number thrust up from the dirt creating a field of swords around the Mandalorian revanent. This macabre tract of death would stretch out far enough so that if the warrior had been thrown by the whirling backhand he would suffer a very unpleasant landing on the tips of the blades.

In the trampled morass of mud and noxious fluids something reached out for Acaleus's leg. Thick claws chipped and running with hair line fractures reached up blindly to snag and tear at his clothing and flesh. The downed maelibus corpse was not alone and more and more hands reached from the bloody mire sensing the pulse of life though they had no functioning organs to do so. From above the bamboo thin frame of a Diathim dropped its wings retaining just enough tissue left to glide. A ruined impacted face bit out - once then twice looking for a mouthful of juicy meat.

Like a battering ram the dragon surged through the fray of battle pulverizing undead into fertilizer in its efforts to close on the Maelibus Silver Jedi. The Firbolg cracked once then again leaving gaping crimson holes in the dragons torso. A third shot jammed in the chamber - a sign of the poets particular curse with technology.

"You misbegotten quim."

Gwrtheyrn cursed his sidearm then the beast was upon him.

Flames erupted from the tyrant lizards mouth as Gwrtheyrn both dove and erected the best telekinetic barrier he could at such short range to disperse the conflagration.

No sooner had the poet thought he had safely escaped the flames as the tip of a serpentine tail connected firmly with his gut. Clutching for dear life the Silver Jedi worked to bring air into his lungs as his form was sent through the air with every thrash and whip of the reptilian limb.

High above the battle everything was remarkably quiet. The pursuers of the Mon Calamari had fallen away not being able to retain the same altitude as a space faring vessel. The silence however was short lived as in the distance a host of diathim could be seen descending from orbit to the planet. Trumpets sounded and silver blades gleamed in the wan light of the new sun. This was no second horde of the dead but rather the planets natural inhabitants mustering for battle. Across the plane the amphibious pilot might also make out a golden horde of towering warriors each bearing weapons of a size to match. If the defenders could hold out only a little longer help would arrive.

[member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Avier Ackbar"] [member="Bloodknight"] [member="Ryker Tal'verda"],
As more and more creatures pounded onto his lowering ship, taking more and more damage, Avier formed a plan. Well, not really much of a plan more of a crazy idea that probably wouldn't work. He turned on all of his freighters thrusters, readying to fly right at the dragon and surrounding dead army. He grabbed all the important things in his ship, threw them in a bag, called to his little sand dragon, Aavak, grabbed his droids, and jumped out of the ship. He probably broke his legs, but he didn't care. The monster-covered ship flew straight into the horde, right at the dragon, making a huge explosion as it did. "Hopefully that ended them", he thought. The smoke had not cleared yet.

[member="Gwrtheyrn"] [member="Ryker Tal'verda"] [member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Bloodknight"] @
Explosion of the ship, death and its smell, the effort of his partners trying to stop the undying army, the sound of the trumpets of the Iego inhabitans "Diathim? Damn..." He felt something on his feet and tried to jump away, but it wasnt seemed to let go "I will have to sleep in a fire " he made a force shield around him to push everything around him for several meters away.

The fighting movement he was thinking was difficult. Stab or cut using the point of the wrist lightsaber to attack only the neck. Attacking one foe at the time was easy, but it was an army that was surrounding him without a time to breath. Acaleus didnt let any chance, putting force in his muscle, he became the wind. Strong, fast and untouchable. Sword, arrows, slashes from claws or even , going for him but end up missing. But as he thought that with the arriving of the allie army would be an advantage, a dozen of undead jungle rangor raised and position themself to the side, were the Diathim army was coming "They are going to get slaughter..." he got close and started slashing the heels, making them fall and smashing lots of undead "This is going to be a long, long night..."

[member="Gwrtheyrn"] [member="Bloodknight"] [member="Ryker Tal'verda"]

It would have taken his head off. An instant too late to duck and he would would have had to find a way to win this fight without a head on his shoulders. The fearful thought pressed at the flame in Andreas's mind, threatening to quench and smother it in fear as he ducked under Kor Vishran's monstrous backhand. Mentally steeling himself, he allowed the thought to fuel his fire instead, keep the blood pumping through his veins, the force rushing through every muscle, his will to fight and to kill alive and kicking. Wasting no time, the Firrerreo moved within his opponent's guard and wrapped his powerful arms around the Mandalorian's armored waist. Roaring with the effort, he leaped from the ground bending backwards to effectively suplex the dark giant and possibly impale him on his own bed of swords jutting out the ground.

Leaping to his feet, Andreas would notice that Vishran now had only one hand on his battle ax and that weakened his grip. Hurrying, he would grasp the thick haft of the battle ax in both hands, twisting it away from the dark giant's single-handed grip using not only his powerful arms, but the great strength of his entire force-enhanced body in his attempt to get the weapon in his possession.

If he did manage to yank the battle ax from Kor Vishran's grasp, Andreas would cock the weapon back like a man about to split wood and aim three full bodied downward swings. The massive blade of the ax would come down on Kor Vishran's head and shoulders with the force to split boulders. Andreas roared like a wild animal, putting every ounce of energy, fury and power he could into these swings. His opponent did not bleed or seem to feel pain, but it was made clear that he could be damaged. Now all Andreas wanted to do was see if all those years bathing in fire would save this big guy if he got hacked to pieces.
The impact of Kor Vishran slamming into the blighted earth was terrible to behold. At first the humongous figure's armor grated on the edges of the field of blades but by some unseen command the phantom weapons vanished as abruptly as they had appeared. The axe locked in the grip of a beskar gauntlet gave way under extreme duress of the Firrerreo warrior's pull. Were Andreas's perception keen enough he would notice that the mandalorian had resisted his pull up until the last second in which case he had let go - close to but not quite on the cusp of his unnatural threshold of endurance.

As the weapon was cocked back above the matuki's head it soared backwards into the sky with the force of a jet taking flight either lifting Andreas from the ground entirely or forcing the warrior to let go. This was unlike the telekinetic push of a Jedi however and more akin to the fell life that possessed some brooms that nightsister crones rode in stories for children. Wasting no time Kor Vishran sprang to his feet and extended a hand eight spears of twisted metal materialized in front of the black clad nightmare and shot towards Andreas at a breakneck pace.

Elsewhere on the battlefield the comet-like form of Aviers ship slammed down like a star ripped from the heavens. Gwrtheyrn barley had time to look up and see the calamitous craft strike the dragon's center mass before the starship exploded into a nova of brilliance. Reflexively channeling force valor to the limits of his abilities the Silver Jedi was thrown through the air flames licking off his carapace as pieces of shrapnel and debris slammed into his body.

The wave of heat , flame and pressure washed over the battle throwing undead forms like rag-dolls. Near Acaleus corpses both motionless and still animated were wrenched free from their earthly moorings and hurled skyward. Some of the more deteriorated cadavers simply disintegrated while others flailed with the stumps of broken limbs. If Thorn did not have some sort of response to the blast he too would likely be carried up into the maelstrom - just another body in the tempest.

Capitalizing on the pandemonium of the detonated ship the Diathim struck down with spears impaling beasts and infernal warriors alike. After a devastating initial strike from on high felling scores of putrid creatures the fighting began to even out as some of their number were dragged down - their wings torn from their backs. The second host of Diathim let loose a volley of chest length arrows more of the creatures toppled.

The Maelibi horde struck the flank of the army of the dead cleaving through bodies with weapons the size of a speeders. Now that their foes had largely dispensed with the sorcery and witchcraft that was the domain of dark-side entities and were facing them in a straight forward battle they would not be cowed.

Gwrtheyrns whole world was pain. Multiple bones were broken and Ashla knew what else was damaged. The dragon had fared even worse Avier's ship having broken its back , obliterated its wings and having torn both of its back legs from its body. The Maelibus had no idea if the creature could ever recover from such a decimating blow but he had to make sure and thus his sword trailing behind him the Silver Jedi began to make step after excruciating step towards the prone reptile.

[member="Bloodknight"] [member="Avier Ackbar"] [member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
Avier, unable to get up, set his bag to the side, and sent his droids away from the battle so they wouldn't get damaged. He took his blaster, and aimed at the vile creatures, firing round after round.

He received an unknown hit to the back. The bodies of the rangor felt, crushing the bodies of the undead with their weight, making it easier for the Diathrim army to attack from the front. Acaleus armor served its purpose, as it got the worst attack "It will cost me around half thousand of credits to repair the damn thing...or more to buy a new one"

He felt a tremble and the heat coming towards him. In an instance he raised both his arms to the side, creating a force shield strong and large enough to cover his body. Claws, swords and mallets hit the shield but everything turned red and yellow. His muscle were going to give up, having to kneel in an effort to stabilize himself. First the undead bodies flesh burned, as you could see them bare bones. The next thing were the bones becoming into ashes. The weapons melted in the floor around the same armor of the ones who wielded it.

The most disturbing thing was that the undead fought with all they had. Not until they werent able to fight anymore. If they had their mouth left to bite an enemy, they would still attack. He sensed how the force shield was cracking and almost passed out, tired "Damnit!" his arms lower down and with that, his protection from the explosion. But when he thought that he was dead, he only received the heat. All around one meter of him was burned down "Yo Andreas. I need some help" said as he put his hands to the floor at the edge of fainting "Acaleus you bastard!" heard Acaleus through his radio "I cant leave you three seconds without you getting in some fight" Venus, his pilot drove the AT-120, firing bolts into the ground "The reason i told you to stay in Coruscant..." "Was because it could be dangerous blablabla. Not get in the ship!" the ship landed without any enemies around, waiting for Acaleus to enter. With a high jump he layed in the floor of the hangar door "Fire around and be careful of my fellow. And winged undead beast... And the arrows of the..." "Shut up and fix your wound!" Venus yelled doing significance damage to the undead army.

[member="Bloodknight"] [member="Gwrtheyrn"] [member="Avier Ackbar"]

So firm was his grip on Kor Vishran's ax that when it was sent flying, Andreas had no choice but to watch as his opponent, and the ground he was standing on, shrunk away from him. The Firrerreo's silver eyes widened with surprise for an instant, not quite sure what had just happened until he saw the twisted spears come flying after him. Holding onto the flying ax for dear life, Andreas swung himself to the right, then to the left as the spears shot past less than an inch from their target. Then, in a feat of pure upper body strength, he pulled himself up onto the ax and straddled it as if it actually were a broom from a children's nightsister tale. Though in the process of doing so, one of the spears grazed his back. Warm blood soaked his falling shirt as it tore a thin line perfectly along his spine and continued past him. He allowed the pain to fuel his fire and turn it into a blazing inferno. The silver markings adorning his body began to glow brighter as his blood rushed through his veins more forcefully, his eyes, once silver, now shone with a golden hue as the dark side flooded him with its repulsive yet intoxicating power and greatly increased his own. That was the last strike. He was going to turn around and teach this Kor Vishran guy how far below him he was in the pecking order and he was NOT going to be held back by a fecking inanimate object!

Grabbing hold of the ax, Andreas pulled up with all his might in an attempt to get the flying weapon to turn around. His senses were so much better now that they were being enhanced by the dark side. He heard the chaotic sounds of war around him and someone call to him for help. The bounty hunter had no inclination to help anyone at the moment, so he focused back on his target. One of his GE-BSI bacta guns fell from his pocket and landed in front of [member=Acaleus Thorn] and would heal his wounds if he shot himself with it. Andreas zoomed overhead, now flying at Kor Vishran at a break-neck pace. He would angle himself to avoid any attacks coming his way and slam right into the dark giant's midsection, carrying him right along with him as he jetted forward. Andreas would use Kor Vishran as a body shield as he rammed through friend and foe alike in his path towards Gwyrtheyrn and the fallen dragon. Placing his feet on the ground to the side of the flying ax, the Firrerreo began a full on sprint, pouring on the speed and moving faster than even the ax had been carrying him as the dark side pulsed through his every muscle. Gritting his sharp teeth, he angled Kor Vishran up as he ran through the incoming arrow fire, using the humongous figure's body to absorb them.

At his destination, with all his accumulated speed and force, Andreas would rush past Gwyrthern and slam Kor Vishran into his own undead dragon with devastating impact akin to a freight train doing the same. Withdrawing the ax, a deep purple light would encase it briefly as Andreas sent the force through it, shifting and molding it into a Wan-Shen that looked sleek and dangerous in an instant. He then drove the polearm into Kor-Vishran's abdomen.
"Who the FECK do you think you are, Kory? Huh? HUH?"
He would taunt the dark giant in front of him, his voice taking on all the edge of a ravenous attack dog as he yelled over the sounds of war around them and drove his blade into the monstrous warrior over and over and over and...
When fighting the denizens of the beyond persistence was the key. Many of these entities did not exist in the mortal plane as such but rather projected an avatar of their true self into creation. What the living refereed to as physics held little sway over an apparition like thus but even something so other to the universe had its limits. Andreas had pitted his mettle against the great specter and finally the revanant warlords reserve had run dry.

While there was little save under the metallic covering save the obsidian dust the jarring wrench of blade to metal would prove satisfying both in its original and transformed state. The pits of Chaos were looming and whatever superior forces awaited on the other side they were not much pleased with Kor Vishran's failure. Reaching the dragon the Maelibus poet slid the weapon through one of the dragons gaping eye sockets and into the maggot infested lump that could be called a brain.

He may as well have not bothered. The furious assault Andreas had been pummeling the general with had finally caused his tethers to break and all around the area gnarled forms began to evaporate as true sunshine dawned breaking the false light that had reigned before. Diathim and Maelibi found themselves facing nothing but vacant air as their enemies dissolved. The lesser spirits needed a tether to keep themselves anchored to Iego and with that tether gone they simply faded away.

Gwrtheyrn slumped his horns against the flat of his blade. Later he would turn the deed into a song but for now he needed rest.

[member="Bloodknight"] [member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Avier Ackbar"]

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