Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ancestors of Stone (Open)

The missive had been distributed through various taverns and watering holes throughout the galaxy. An oddity it stood out among it's fellow bounties by virtue of being both physical instead of digital and written on thick parchment rather than cheap paper. No less striking was the writing as it bore sharing similar characteristics with the calligraphy inscribed by monks of ages long past. Gryphons, gargoyles and many other outlandish beasts danced and writhed bordering the letters entangled with ivy and towering ramparts.

Should one draw their eyes from these decorations and take in content of the message they would read thus
Beneath the light of the thousandth moon a crusade to the depths shall set forth soon.​
Calling the strong and brave of heart, fools and cowards need not depart​
Possessed corpses walk and feed upon men - return them to the dust again.​
Bring thy sword , blaster, bow and shield for the undead will not easily yield.​
Death and suffering abound in this hell but there also resides riches and glory as well.​
Nullam Partem Tenebrarum.​
Ashla Vult.​
Gwrtheyrn of the Silver Sanctum.​

Beneath this lay two maps. One gave the coordinates of the planet Iego now held by the Silver order, the other led to a particular spot on the planets surface. Surely the vast majority who saw the call to arms would think that it was a prank or merely the deranged errand of a deluded fool. It was like something from a children's story and doubtless it was merely a trap to lure those foolish enough to be taken in by it. But the galaxy was a big place - for every hundred or even thousand who passed such a thing up as lunacy one might take the chance to see if there really was something to this madness...

On the surface of Iego.

The Silver Jedi Gwrtheyrn stood , his carapace giving of a silver hue in the moonlight. As a bull Maelibus coming into his strength the warrior poet cut an impressive figure. At twice the height of a human man Gwrtheyrn wore the traditional robe of the Silver Jedi order over a naked torso. Woad glyphs of warding were painted over his chest and arms and a wreath of holly adorned his horns signifying that he was under a geas. Ashla's mercy - a colossal force imbued greatsword hung at the Jedi's back instead of the more traditional lightsaber and at his hip a handgun that looked like it could drop a rancor nestled in a leather holster.

Not far from where the filid stood was one of the many openings to the labyrinthine tunnels that lay just under the surface of Iego. These winding passageways had always been dangerous for most sentient life as it was only recently that the Maelibi had signed a non aggression pact with the members of the silver order. However at the moment it was dangerous even for his kind.

Cosmic upheaval had caused something in Iego's mystic currents to shift. While the planet was saturated in the force at the best of times it had recently surged with dark side energy. In the deepest of tunnels where the Maelibi had interred their dead corpses had begun to awaken and search for fresh meat. Spirits long dormant were awakened and their screams echoed through the halls. Worse still creatures thought long extinct from the annuals of history had reappeared - some not even native to the isolated planet.

This festering canker needed to be removed from his home before its poison spread. There had to be a locus from which this rot emanated and the warrior poet was set to find it.

He would wait for several hours. If any brave souls arrived to assist him in this task he would bless them and set off as a proper warband. If not then he would steel himself and venture into the pit alone to do battle with what lay there.
Aviary had seen the poster, like many others, and travelled to the planet of Lego. Avier was a coward, and this was his chance to prove himself to his family, who had high expectations. He had never heard of this place. It sounded like the name of some building block company. He carefully landed his freighter, and stepped out, with all of his gear. He saw a lone swordsman standing before some tunnels. 'Strange.' He thought. 'I would never have expected to see a swordsman this day and age.' He then asked the swordsman, "Why can't they just block these tunnels up?

Finding a note in his pocket about a Iego was strange "If i didnt had blanks in my memories i could knew why i grabbed these in the first place" it was four hours since he woke up. Get wasted was a thing he did once a week. Getting a ship that could take him to that planet was easy. Acaleus was bored. He didnt found a job since weeks and his money were almost gone after building the wrist hilt lightsaber. After landing, he found a Maelibus and aproach to him "You are the one who send these notes? Im free enough to come here for just a message" he sighed and looked to the newcomer "I dont know. It would be much easier to blow it up"

[member='Gwrtheyrn'],[member='Avier Ackbar'],
The filid nodded his respects to both of the newcomers. Two soldiers of fortune looking for shiny lucre to line their pockets. They were a far cry from Jedi but Gwrtheyrn would not turn away those willing to risk themselves in the face of danger. Indeed those who made careers out of dancing with the reaper in a game of tall odds were more than welcome. As long as their resolve held throughout the harrowing tribulations to come then they would have earned their precious stones thrice over.

The aquatic sentient was the first to speak. While the Silver Jedi had plenty of firsthand experience with humans (His mistress Coci was herself one after all) he had none whatsoever with the amphibious humanoids. His mind wandered back to the countless hours pouring over volumes in the Silver archives. What was the name of their species? Utilizing the memory tricks taught to an apprentice poet Gwrtheyrn dredged up the evasive information.

Homo Pisces their scientific classification - also known colloquially as Mon Calamari. Clearing his throat Gwrtheyrn answered the young amphibian in a voice at one both remarkably deep and yet smooth in a way not seen in many sentients.

" These tunnels are the ancestral home of my people. It is there that we have spent countless years going about our lives. As our people do not face the ravages of time as do the smaller races there are ancients that have wandered the subterranean halls for millennium. We do not wish to simply abandon our homes. Imagine a world where you were denied the caress of the ocean and you might understand. There are also many wonders beneath the earth - entire halls and chambers filled with stone-craft such as you have never seen. Statues of kings and heroes , mighty scenes of battle with the Diathim. Giant subterranean lakes lit only by the glow of phosphorescent fungi wherein dwell all manner of life ranging from the tiniest albino shrimp to great blind dragons that could swallow five maelibi whole in one gulp. And the choral chambers wherein my people congregate to sing... "

The poets gaze had taken a faraway hue while describing the beauty of his home. For half a second he trailed off as if miles away within his own musings. But the half second ended as do all interludes and the Maelibus continued this time addressing the human bounty hunter.

"The tunnels are far to far spread for explosives and the heart of the corruption lies far deeper than one could easily hit with such devices. It is the necropolis of catacombs that exists beneath even our lowest dwelling tunnels that the eye of the black maelstrom resides. During the event known as the netherworld breach something from the darkside slipped through into our reality and has been defiling the remains of my ancestors. Even if we do eventually use explosives to fell the fiend I would to witness its destruction with my one eyes"
Gwrtheyrn paused to hear the two mercenaries reply to his words.

[member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Avier Ackbar"]
[member="Gwrtheyrn"] [member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Avier Ackbar"]

The Jocasta class cruiser landed gracefully on the surface of Lego and from within its depths emerged a hooded figure clad in robes as black as a moonless night. This hooded figure was the Jedi Knight known to most as Ryker, A formidable young Togruta raised by Mandaloians. He had traveled to Lego after reading a poster plastered to the wall of a cantina on Nar Shadda, it had been a long trip and he was not in the best of moods.

Spotting the three men standing on the hill overlooking the catacombs, Ryker made his way towards them, His beskar plated leather boots carrying him swiftly and rather silently to their location. With both his face and his aura expertly masked it would be hard for them to sense that he was a Jedi, Or even a Sith for that matter. The armored robes he wore reeked of the stench of the darksider, Having been liberated from a Sith corpse, And the mask one made of malraas bone, Hell if he didn't know better he'd mistake himself for a Sith. Luckily for him the twin blasters holstered to his hips made him appear to be just another blaster jockey seeking an adventure, The twin lightsabers tucked safely at the small of his back meant that he was much much more, Though both were hidden beneath his robes.
Acaleus turn one of his wrist hilt lightsabers and drew out his DD6 blaster pistol, pointing the Calamari "Do you usually take your weapons out like that?" he used his force power to create small force shield as a defend for himself "I will not put my weapons away until you do it first!" screamed being serious

[member='Avier Ackbar'],[member='Ryker Tal'verda'], [member='Gwrtheyrn']
Gwrtheyrn understood that in some cultures the drawing of weapons signified a challenge to the authority and honor of those present. Possibly the human hailed from such a society. However since they were about to venture into highly dangerous territory infested with revenants from beyond the shroud having means to defend oneself at hand was entirely justified.

As a filid it fell to Gwrtheyrn to settle such disputes among his own people. Doing the same here would be little different he suspected. Warriors were warriors no matter where their origins lay. Each was a mixture of pride, courage , paranoia , caution , bravado and sometimes in the better cases honor.

Addressing the screaming mercenary Gwrtheyrn began.

"Hark warrior I believe our aquatic companion bares you no ill will. So close to a portal to the abyss it is merely expedience to have weapons at hand. While I praise your instinct to err upon the side of caution I feel that this aggression is perhaps misplaced. We will be faced with plenty of true foes wishing to do us harm. Save your ire for them. "

Now there was also the matter of the new member of their band. Gwrtheyrn turned slowly to the newcomer making no sudden movements. When he spoke it was with a steady and controlled tone.

" Newcomer do not think me rude but it would seem that you have the stink of darkside taint about you. I do not wish to jump to conclusions about your person as it is possible that you are merely under the influence of some curse or else have unknowingly inherited a talisman or fetish belonging to a Sith practitioner. However if your allegiance does lie with the Sith then either surrender immediately or prepare yourself to duel. I would not want a warlock at my back when heading into a pit of vipers even if my oath as a Silver Jedi did not hold me to rooting out and destroying evil where I found it."

[member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Avier Ackbar"] [member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
Aver squinted at the screaming man. "Imma call you dagger man." He said in his mom calamari accent. "You are crazy. Did you not read the poster? There are monsters and demons and fierfek." "All right down that cave thing right there. RIGHT THERE" He raised his voice for the last two words and pointed towards the labyrinth.
[member="Avier Ackbar"] / [member="Gwrtheyrn"] / [member="Acaleus Thorn"]

He chuckled

It was funny to the young Knight, He knew what he looked like, And its exactly why he looked how he looked. Sith were feared throughout the galaxy and most people avoid Sith, Let alone question their actions. That fact had been used by Ryker on various missions where a Jedi would have almost certainly been killed on site. He was a Shadow and a Shadow had to blend with their surroundings to survive.

Silver Jedi..

Upon hearing this from the massive warrior, The young Knight openly smiled, his lips just visible under the edge of his malraas bone mask. Also upon hearing these words he would release the suppression upon his force aura allowing all around him to sense his ever strengthening connection with the light side of the force. His slender hands lifting to the dank black hood and lowering it from his head before slowly removing the mask to revealed his lightly scarred face to the warrior and letting his gentle yet almost forceful tone emit..... "You've nothing to worry over " Brother" , I am Ryker Tal'verda, Jedi Knight of the Silver Sanctum, I realize my appearance seems odd but a Shadow must blend with the shadows. I am here to help you cleanse the taint from this sacred area...... And honestly I'd worry more about your other two trigger happy companions before they kill each other..... We may need their help."
"Need them?"

Andreas walked right up to [member=Gwrtheyrn], gesturing towards the two rookies flinging their weapons around. Though he was responding to something [member=Ryker Tal'verda] said, he walked right past the Shadow to stand with the towering nightmarish creature that had requested his services.

"Not anymore, you don't. The professional is here."

He turned to the other people briefly as he continued.

"Feel free to tag along and take notes if you want, but don't feth this up."

He turned back to his employer, golden eyes meeting those of the taller man.

"Yo, Diablo, let's get this over with?"
"One does not simply take out their weapons in front of some stranger" he lower his weapons and looked to the jedi "Im not looking for a death wish, but if im not going carefully, im going to get myself killed" he sighed looking at the Maelibus "Alright, so we are not going to explode those tunnel. Just destroy the thing that went out of the netherworld and...payment day for us" he smiled keeping his weapons away "My name is Acaleus, i will follow you" he wanted to know what kind of equipment he could loot.

[member='Gwrtheyrn'],[member='Avier Ackbar'], [member='Ryker Tal'verda'],
And then they were five.

Gwrtheyrn's muscles relaxed as the Silver Shadow revealed his true nature. Though he had heard about such operatives the warrior poet had never actually met one face to face. Cloak and dagger games of deception were anathema to his nature but rarely did the servants of the Sith fight fair thus Gwrtheyrn understood they must be met in kind.

"My apologies brother. Were I more perceptive I would have not slighted you name with such suppositions. Though it speaks credit to your skill as an infiltrator."

The Mon Calamari and the Human had settled their quarrel. This was for the best as the two might be forced to rely upon each other in the challenges ahead.

Gwrtheyrn was about to reply to the supremely confident newcomer before his attention was drawn from the mercenary. The first rays of sunshine were beginning to shimmer across his carapace and light up Iego. But that couldn't be right.... it was still the wee hours of the morning.

And as the poet turned he saw it.

Hanging in the sky was a new sun. Ophidian green it gave off pale leprous light that seemed to sap vigor in stark opposition to the life giving rays of an ordinary solar sphere. Nights caul had been ripped away and beyond the sky was crimson as raw meat purple clouds streaking across the heavens giving the illusion of celestial arteries bared to all.

Surreal as this vista was it was not the only change to occur. With the shrill cries of myriad distorted voices the hole leading to the infested tunnels disgorged first a plume of noxious black smoke interspersed with what could only be described as faces - contorted into a rictus of agony. Next came an emanating wave of solidified malice sufficient in power to cause even the titanic form of Gwrtheyrn to stumble.

When the fumes had cleared something impossible was arrayed before the small band. On the fields near the entrance to the Maelibi tunnels stood rank upon rank of malformed figures.

First were the dead. From newly fresh cadavers to the mummified remains of ancients hollow eye sockets teeming with maggots and carrion gazed out in sightless hatred. Most numerous of these were the settlers of Iego - humans , twilek , togruta all desiccated with rotten teeth and finger bones that looked like claws. Looming over these were the forms of Diathim and Maelibi grander but no less repulsive in death.

Next came the soldiers of the abyss. Attired in a bitter mockery of proud mandalorian warriors they wore armor of something that resembled a bastard offspring of volcanic glass and beskar. However where a mandalorian would palace much care and attention to cleaning and maintenance this protective layering had no such devotion paid to them. Ordure and offal caked both their armor and the jagged beskard. Blood or some other crimson fluid dripped for what might be considered a T visor were it not disturbingly organic. Chitinous insectoid legs writhed and gouts of sulfur discharged from what could possibly be considered a rocked pack.

Last were the beasts. Apparitions out of nightmare each was a demented mass of talons , fangs , tentacles , wings and a hundred other implements of death. Gurgling growls and muffled hisses escaped from the predatory mass as multifaceted eyes fixed upon their new quarries.

High above all this a largarotz war dragon hovered. Lanky and seemingly starved to the point were a normal creature should give out under the terrible needs it was not a pleasing sight. Ribs jutted out and the creatures hide was marked with scabs and lacerations were parasites feasted upon its fetid flesh. Even it's wings were not spared taking on a translucent cast that displayed the muscle structure underneath. But for all this it was still a dragon and formidable in a way that no humanoid could truly match.

Sitting upon the dragon was a figure in black armor. What light was cast by the new sun seemed to flee his presence and the baleful glow of the T visor adorning his helmet spoke of the fires of gehenna. A two handed great axe hung from the figures back and there was little question as to whether or not the the otherworldly warrior could use it.

From the massed undead a single figure strode forth. Clearing its parchment dry throat is spoke to the band of Jedi and mercenaries before it. The language was a corrupted form of Mando'a but all who heard it would understand every word even if they did not know the parent language.

"My master Kor Vishran - Al'verde under Mandalore the infernal claims this land as his own. His lordship is not such a coward as to merly sit within the tunnels awaiting intruders as would some common haint or bogey beast. He is warrior in his own right and thus challenges you all to face him and his force. Already we have sent heralds to the nearby Maelibus communities demanding that they send their bravest fighters join in this battle or watch as their women and children are slaughtered. I wonder however if your meager gathering can hold out till these reinforcements arrive."

And with that said the speaker pointed out with one spindly finger towards the group.


[member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Bloodknight"] [member="Ryker Tal'verda"] [member="Avier Ackbar"]
"We are in deep bantha fodder now..." Aver said. He fired his pistol a couple times, then running back to his ship. He got in it, and thought, 'the others must think I'm retreating'. He called for reinforcements from mom calamari, and turned the ship towards the oncoming horde. He fired all the weapons he had, and it had quite an effect. He shot at all the abominations behind the zombies, and the Warriors with the armor. He then fired at the dragon, which didn't seem to do much. Aver then turned to his microphone, shouting, "Aim for their heads! Destroy the brains!" And the message came through the outer speakers on the ship.
[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
[member="Acaleus Thorn"]
[member="Avier Ackbar"]

Golden eyes widening into an expression of confused astonishment, Andreas watched as nightmarish creature after nightmarish creature came into view. When he woke up this morning in the luxury of his expensive home, Andreas was not expecting to be fighting an army that looked like it crawled out of the core of Hellgotha. Being born and raised in said hollowed out prison planet, he was used to seeing terrible things. He even descended the rings of his home planet, with the people getting crueler and more evil the deeper he went and the closer he got to the core sector. Hell, he even saw some deathtroopers when he went low enough. Luckily, he never had to reach the core sector, but the people of the sector right above it were vile enough. Andreas didn't have the imagination to do so, but if he had to imagine what the people of the core sector were like, he would have a pretty good idea right now. Without taking his eyes off of the undead army assembling in front of him, Andreas spoke to the demonic poet beside him, unable to keep the growing uncertainty out of his voice.

"I was expecting deathtroopers..."

For the first time in a long time since he had started his career of killing people for credits as a kid, Andreas was seriously considering bailing. He had not prepared for this at all. Deathtroopers were mostly slow and all of them were dumb as chit. He didn't need much to take them down, but this...
Suddenly, Andreas's eyes narrowed as his face twisted into a sneer. Had that flimsy, karked up looking motherkarker just insinuate that he wasn't brave? Wasn't a warrior? Was basically fodder? Oh Hell no.
With an animalistic snarl only a Firrerreo could accomplish, Andreas rushed into the charging hoard with incredibly inhuman speed and force. Granted, he wasn't a Human in the first place. He was a Firrerreo and he possessed musculature that guaranteed that he was much more powerful than he looked (and he looked pretty damn built). When his fist struck his first victim, a Mandalore from the Abyss, its head was knocked clean off and was sent flying into one of the airborne creatures above. The force was flowing through his veins, increasing his strength and speed and enlivening every muscle in his body. He was a Matukai and that meant that unlike Jedi or Sith, he used the force specifically to enhance his body's physical performance to purely fantastic levels. But he also used the dark side and its corrupting influence threatened to consume him with each use. Andreas used it sparingly, calling on its sickening yet euphoric power only when he attacked.

Moving like a vexed whirlwind with a grudge utilizing kicks, punches, chops, knees, elbows and the sort, he cut his way through the army, heading straight towards the black armored figure on the skeletal dragon.
He was seething with rage, directing it all towards that dragonrider and any of the mooks that got in his way.
"Why don't you hop your ass up off that lizard say that to my face, huh? Or is an unarmed man of a meager gathering too scary for a warrior?"
He spat every word like pure venom. He really could not wait to get his hands on that mook. These undead abyss whatever people thought they were scary? They haven't seen scary.
Opened his Force Channels, Acaleus took out his twin blaster pistol and throw them to the sides when he empty the mag of the guns. He turned his lightsabers and started stabbing what was in front of him, force pushing his way in. He sensed the newcomer moving through the army of whatever the hell that was. Acaleus moved like the wind, never staying in one place, or getting distracted as that could guide him to his death "Push!" scream angry. He evade a sword from a...human? then cut his head of his body.
The corpse of an Acklay was being ride by a lot of undeath with range weapon. Bows but no blaster "If im not receiving a pay with this..." he do a force jump and got to the head of the beast, creating a Force Shield to stop the incoming arrows, then proceeded to slash the animal in his eyes. Without sights, the animal attacked the undeath that were near, thinking of them as foes. Acaleus force pushed the crew that were in his back and mount him "DO NOT SHOT THE ACKLAY!" it was difficult to control it...doesnt matter because it was crushing the undeaths with his feet of biting them. He managed to guide him following the newcomer for assistance

[member='Gwrtheyrn'],[member='Avier Ackbar'], [member='Bloodknight'], [member='Ryker Tal'verda'],
[member="Avier Ackbar"]
[member="Acaleus Thorn"]

As the army began to form Ryker shook his head. What the feth have I gotten into now He thought to himself as he bypassed his blasters and instead reached behind his back and drew forth the twin lightsabers Ijaat and Kot, Less then ten seconds later the two hilts were securely locked together at the pommels to form into Ryker's double bladed saber.....Which he found easier to use against larger groups due to the wideness of its slash.


Shimmering Violet blades burned to life from each end of the saber hilts ready for what was to come. For now however the Knight would keep his distance and instead would switch his saber over to his left hand as he focused his mind onto pooling the force within him into the palm of his right hand, Pink sparks began arcing betwixt his slender digits as his hand raised and aimed towards the massing army. Seconds later tendrils of lightning known to the Jedi order as Electric Judgment swept violently across the undead army, Incinerating some on contact and outright exploding others that were caught in its line of fire.

Ordnance from the Mon Calamari vessel left steaming craters within the earth gory remains of torn limbs, heads and torsos surrounding each. Even the undead would not rise when on the receiving end of a spacecrafts cannons. As if bidden by some unheard call winged forms took flight from the far ranks and began to swoop towards the offending starship. Primordial raptors caught somewhere between bird and reptile raked over sized talons across the ships windshield. Something far larger slammed its considerable bulk into the top of the craft and with thundering force began to rock the ship with its repeated blows.

Lunging for the side of the rampaging Acklay came another predatory abomination. Covered in chitinous armor the beast stood equal to the makeshift mount in height and possessed a wicked set of mandibles with which it snapped at Acaleus with in a rabid frenzy. Twin mantis sickles lashed out at the Acklays underbelly causing gashes and tears to open up on the wizened husk that was its carapace. What blood fell from the wounds hit the ground sizzling like acid but did not seem to slow the blinded mount.

Beside the togrutan shadow a distortion rippled its way across the air. The emaciated form of the herald who had spoken for Kor Vishran materialized bearing in its left arm a spiked chain flail veritably pulsing with dark-side energy. The right hands too long digits were wrapped around the shaft of a brutal looking scythe. Wasting little time it dove headfirst into an attack sweeping its scythe first at head height to gash open the then Jedi's face then low in an attempt to dismember the shadows knees. As it swung it taunted in a rasping hiss...

"SSssssuch pretty pyrotechnics. It may destroy the petty shamblers but wight of any standing knows that what your display is merely a pale shadow of what the darkside can offer."

Hearing the brash jibes of the Firrerreo warrior Kor Vishran rose from his perch. With no apparent effort he sprang from the dragons back to come crashing down with a calamitous shock-wave onto the ground in front of Andreas. Nine feet tall and crackling with sporadic jolts of obsidian lightning the warlord drew the monolithic greataxe. As if this prodigious instrument of death was not enough in the air around the Mandalorian devil levitating blades began to appear handing suspended as if waiting for the command to attack. Vishrans voice unlike the heralds came in a boom as of hammers striking within a forge.

"Mayhap during my days among the living I would have been impressed by you Firrerreo. However having bathed within the fires of chaos for centuries the enchantments you possess will only serve to buy you mere seconds more of life."

And with that the axe swung in a vertical slice - a blow possessing enough speed and force to part durasteel aiming to split the Firrerreo in two. Even as the blow fell the swords hanging in the air shot forward as if guided by some unseen hand to further complicate any dodging maneuvers made by the living warrior.

Ashlas mercy blazed with a golden fire as Gwrtheyrn split first two then three skeletal warriors in twain. Force enhanced reflexes saved the Silver Jedi's life as the dragon now free of its rider snapped its jaws down for the gigantic warrior. Even as Gwrtheyrn dodged to a side he swung his greatsword into the scaled hide of the dragons face. Slicing the flesh around its mouth the Maelibus was rewarded for his efforts by a punch from one of the warbeasts forearms. A Human or possible even a Wookie would have been killed outright by the blow but as the Maelibus flew and struck the ground a distance from the dragon it was clear that the fight was not gone from the warrior poet. Getting shakily back to his feet the radiant titan smiled revealing bloody teeth. Resting the weight of the greatsword on his shoulder he drew the Firbolg anti sithspawn cannon from his belt and aimed it at the charging reptile.

[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
[member="Avier Ackbar"]
[member="Acaleus Thorn"]

He's dealt with bullies before.
Andreas forced himself to recount this as the shockwave caused by Kor Vishran's mere landing sent dust and wind howling past him, blowing his loose dreads in the wind. Growing up where he did, Andreas had more of his fair share of bullies. The worst people from lesser planets have had to fear from bullies were wedgies or getting a little scuffed up in the occasional school fight. But on Hellgotha, these people wanted to beat him within an inch of his life or even kill him in cold blood. Sometimes they wanted to do...worse things. Why? Because they wanted to. Because they thought they could. They looked down on him in his small and scrawny child stage and believed they owned him. That they could just push him around. These thoughts fueled Andreas's rage, sending the disgustingly wonderful sensation of the force rushing through his body, further enhancing his physical performance. His eyes burned golden now, contrasting with the silver glow of the scars that painted the golden-bronze skin of his face and body like intricate markings. The undead Mandalorian's extended claim of superiority only stoked the blazing fire.

On a planet with such racial diversity, bullies came in all shapes and sizes, all of them bigger and stronger than he was in his childhood. Since quick learners were the only kind that survived to adulthood on Hellgotha, Andreas found out quickly how to use his opponent's size and strength against them. Moving even swifter than he had been before, he stepped to the left of Kor Vishran's swing, just barely avoiding the sword that came afterwards and moving within the Mandalorian's guard. Then, counter-intuitively, he grasped the blade of the sword that almost hit him and swing it at the armorless back of the dark giant's knee. The thing about a well balanced sword is that most of the weight is on or near the hilt, making it more maneuverable by the hand. So when he swung the sword by the blade, the base of the blade would embed itself into the flesh and bone of Kor Vishran's knee joint like that of an axe. Now, normally, Andreas's bloodlust would instruct him to yank the blade out to let the blood fountain down and paint the monochrome ground, but he was not sure if this thing even had blood. So instead, he left it there in hopes that it would lock the joint and keep the giant from moving his leg, impairing his mobility and making the speed difference even greater. If Kor could feel pain, maybe having a bar of metal in his knee would slow him down or distract him a bit. In any case, the attack should bring Kor Vishran to a kneel (if not topple him over), wherein Andreas would continue his momentum and finish off his counterattack with a powerful spin-kick to the small of the mando's back.

When fighting a bigger, stronger opponent, it was always important to abuse any advantage provided to you, whether it be the greater speed and mobility being smaller and lighter gives you or even the environment. Andreas reminded himself of this passively. He had to keep his mind off the fact that he was fighting an undead monster of a Mandalorian that just hopped off a ten story dragon and almost knocked him off his feet. This was just some guy like the rest with an ego that needed deflating. He'd killed every delinquent, boy or girl who challenged him as a kid no matter how big they were. This was light work. He was going to teach this mook a lesson. He could do this. He could do this...

"I'll take a childhood surviving on the streets over your lifetime playing with fire any day, Bastich."

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