Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anan Korjan


NAME: Anan Korjan
FACTION: Omega Protectorate
SPECIES: Twi'lek
AGE: 25
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 125 pounds
EYES: Gold


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Anan's greatest strength is also her great weakness, she desires nothing more (or less) than the total destruction of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
This strength gives her a huge amount of devoted, powerful rage, which as all strong emotions can make one do increadible things. She is also fast due to being small, and has the advantage of being sexually attractive and of a unique type in her species.

Her weakness is wrapped up in the rage that motivates her, she secretly thinks one day it will consume her and must constantly fight not to become what she wants to destroy. Her second weakness is that she has little experience actually dealing off world with the universe, this is something that will change over time and she will work to overcome.
Anan is a rare shade for her race, she is also slightly smaller than most Twi'lek's, though she knows how to use that to her advantage when underestimated. She normally has an intense somber expression though she can just as easily slip into another when it's of use to her. She has a very lovely face, golden eyes, and full lips. Her frame is trim and very fit, though she does have scars from being injured when her planet was attacked, for the most part she does not hide her scars from view, unless on mission.

She holds the government of the Confederacy responsible for the destruction of
Druckenwell, where she had been born, and started a family. She lost her young son, and husband due to the massive destruction caused by their cruel actions and has given up her private life in order to get revenge, and justice for their death, ending her interesting, happy life. Before the tragedy of Drunckenwell she taught weapons use privately as a contractor, though this did not help her protect her husband or son. They lost their lives when their home was crushed under falling debris, Anan left severly wounded and only saved by the kind actions of a stranger.
Anan does not consider her story, or her loss, unique, it is something that has echoed across the planet's. Many have lost so much, and yet it's just considered a matter of course. "Normal" people thrown to the wastes for the profit of the rich, the powerful, and the gifted. She considers herself then to be a speaker for the everyday people, for the ones who have lost everything they ever had, and have no way to fight back. Anan is willing to endure any evil, commit any act, in order to fight for justice. This is a perilous task that weighs on her heavily, and she must constantly remind herself that the line between what is justified revenge, and what is cruelty, can never be forgotten if she hopes to remain true to the memory of her family.




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