Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Unexpected Turn of Events

[member="Theseus Reneun"]

Nara read through the datapad again. It talked about interesting articles on Dantooine that were hidden. They were the odd nick knacks that no one really cared about besides the interested party. Not worth much, but money was money, and this mission didn't seem hard. Anyway, a trip to Dantooine would make a beautiful holiday. Nara set the coordinates into her ship, set it on auto pilot, then leaned back and relaxed. This was going to be enjoyable.


Nara heaved a sigh. "Of course. My moment is ruined," she muttered. Turning around, she faced the little Rakghoul climbing into the cockpit. "Well, what do you want?"


"You just ate!"


"You can wait until we land." With that, Nara quickly stood up and strode out of the cockpit and into her room, slamming and locking the door behind her.
Dantooine a planet Theseus had never adventured to before. It brought him a bit of excitement to be traveling there now. The opportunities that may present themselves, being the main drive for his decision. After all when he wasn't serving The Rising Sun, Theseus was on his own agenda, trying to gather and protect knowledge. Every planet had their secrets, even if one thought they knew them all. Something was bound to appear to crumble that belief. Like most times Theseus headed on this trip alone, it was the manor he was accustomed to. He had no companions, he had no pets, nor slaves. Not even a military group under his command. After the experience on Balkadan however when Theseus had enthralled a mass of poachers to work as his personal body guard. Theseus wouldn't be opposed to leading troops someday. He just needed to build a military outpost and begin recruiting. Though Theseus had so many things occurring it wouldn't be easy. An example would be Theseus' quest to destroy his former Jedi master, and all their plans.

Theseus was aboard a borrowed ship. After all Theseus had never acquired a ship of his own. Another thing Theseus would need to tackle off his list of things to do. Theseus looked at the navigation computer, and then ahead to view the planet that he was approaching. Theseus would need to begin landing procedures. As he started flicking the switches and contacted the local space port of his arrival. So they didn't feel inclined to try and blast this ship out of space. Though it wouldn't of been the force ship Theseus' destroyed that was owned by another. In fact an occurrence of that situation happened not that long ago. Though Theseus wouldn't dwell in the past as he started to enter the planets atmosphere.

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