Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Invitation


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Finding him was easy enough. With enough time, the teenager could find just about anybody. Being the head of a group of thieves and one of the greatest slicers of her time had some advantages.
[member="Dez Sosa"] impressed her. He had skills, though like most, he left a digital trail that was easy enough for her to follow. The Holonet was her kingdom, her own personal playground, and everyone else was children playing with a fire they were incapable of comprehending. Ao she hacked his personal datapad easily enough, and left the following message:

I know who you are. And as of right now, I have a hold of your personal bank account as well as evidence of you committing a lot of crimes. If you have the brains I think you have, you're going to meet me in the left corner table of the Bantha Cafe on Ord Mantell.

She sipped at her caf as she waited, her blue eyes searching for her guy.
She had an offer he couldn't refuse if he knew what was good for him.
[member="The Black Hat"]

Have being only a little while since Dez had left the clutches of One Sith space, it's capital, and all the torment that came with it. After leaving, he had joined the Galactic Alliance, and Republic in hopes to get more skills he needed to fight his battles, he was tired of being scared of a fight. Being only but an agent of the systems was not working out, he needed more, his lack of galactic exposure was in need of being sated. So you can guess his reaction when he felt his datapad go off with a beat. He didn't much in that account, but what he did have...was his life savings. Dez obliged the words with a silent nod of his head.

It was a hop, skip away from his current position, Ord Mantell. Getting off the shuttle near the desired localized meeting presented Dez with a series of aliens he had never seen before, and sights very new to him. It was almost too much data to take in. He pulled his hood over his face, placing his bicep over his bionic eye as it began to ache some.

The Bantha Cafe was a two minute walk straight, another two going in a zig-zag, and by the end of the trail, Dez was sure he was lost before he saw the sign for the caf shop. His bionic eye seized to hurting some, and allowed him to access it's some what decent hacking abilities. He watched the left corner table from his right corner of the street, saw the datapad light up with a yellow outline, and began to process the hacking. It was difficult at first, but throwing in false data into the datapad allowed him entry.

You're contact has arrived. He is wanted by the One Sith as a war criminal, bring him in, and they will award you one hundred thousand credits for his return. We are watching.

And he let it send. Waited a moment, then walked in while removing his hood. The bionic eye glowed an intense orange color, scanning everything, and anything. Dez made his way to the table, and sat down.

"Let me make it very clear to you before you even begin this conversation. I have been through hell and back, and I dont feel like going back there. You dont know what the Sith are like..."

His hand grabbed the side of the table, gently squeezed and left the table bent, and destroyed. It was all a bluff, he was scared to death of this person, of the people around him. He trusted no one, but her reaction to his message he had sent would tell him how quick he would need to run.


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Hmm. She stared at her datapad as it lit up, an eyebrow shooting up. Hmm. It wasn't her personal pad, just one she had procured for this business, but still, finding it wouldn't be easy. Whoever did it wasn't a slouch when it came to slicing.
She picked up the pad, her pale blue eyes glancing over the message. 100,000 credits? Certainly not something you'd offer for just your average thief, and not an amount most sentients would pass over. But she wasn't most sentients, and credits did not interest her. If she truly wanted to, she could design a worm that would garner that much money in an hour. But why bother? She would be no better for it. But then her target had reached the table, and her attention was elsewhere. She made a mental note to trace the message soon.

Her expression remained neutral at his opening comment, and his bending of the table. Her experienced eyes darted over him, recognizing a cyborg when she saw one. She'd hacked enough of them to know one. She leaned forward, her crystalline blue eyes boring into [member="Dez Sosa"].
"Mr. Sosa, I think we both know who has the advantage in this situation. With a touch of my fingertips, I can bury you with so much bureaucracy you won't see the sun until you're an old man. So let's cut past the dick measuring contest and cut straight to business."
She slid over a datapad containing amounts of credits. Very large amounts of credits.
"Those are the amounts paid to members of my organization for work. In your current state, you could perhaps make that much in a couple years. But I think you might just have what it takes to be among us."
[member="The Black Hat"]

Dez's one eye widened at the numbers, then looked back up at the woman. That was a lot of money being offered right up front. Rubbing his chin, he leaned back, trying to relax some without but his guard was still not down. Not one bit. Once again, he rubbed his bionic eye, then his arm, wondering what the catch was.
"Sure, that's a nice fat pay check...but let's be real here. There's way more than that you're aiming for, which mean's more danger, meaning more hassle. You're going to need more than a fast runner."
He removed his jacket while a woman came up to take his order, he got a water mixed with some fruity juice carbonated. When it returned, it was delicious as he sipped on it with his one eye closed.
"Let's go through a test run. I trust you about as far as I can throw you....I'm not sure how far I can throw you, yet."

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