Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Amon Garrith

Amon Garrith

Name: Amon Garrith

Age: 23

Faction: Black Sun/One Sith

Rank: Apprentice

Height: 6'0

Weight: 174lbs

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Brilliant Officer
Extremely Fit


Potential mental illness cropping up in the future

Personal History: Born to two highly patriotic Imperial citizens in a well to do area of Atrisia, (Dieter Garrith and Sandra Garrith) his young life was comfortable and filled with Imperial propaganda. Particularly from his father, a banker, Amon was raised to be an Imperial Officer. His strength in both academics and athletics combined with his love of the Empire, demanded it.

Amon's young life was filled with praise from both fellow students and teachers,as both an accomplished runner and intelligent student. These bright points in his life were occasionally brought down by the occasional disciplinary actions that resulted from the occasional fight with "rivals". Some of the things he said as a child about the "rival" children should've thrown up huge red flags but were more often than not buried by his teachers.

In his teenage years he maintained a high grade point average and what appeared to be a healthy social life. Beneath the surface was another life entirely. His "friends" were fellow classmates who he often manipulated into doing his will or going along with his plans while he truly felt little connection to them. Most of his relationships continued on like that throughout his college years.

He attended the Imperial Officer's Academy on Atrisia after he came of age and went for a degree in Naval Sciences with a minor in Political Sciences. After his successful completion of the Academy Amon earned a commission as a Naval Officer and has been waiting for a chance to prove himself to his superiors and the Emperor. Was proven loyal enough to be an ISB Officer and has hence transferred.

Left the Empire after they merged with the Fringe, decided to go out on his own.

Personality:Extremely polite unless angered, analytical, observant, loyal, paranoid, highly organized, efficient, ambitious, brutal. Sociopath.

Weapons:Thirteen inch long dagger made of reinforced cortois with an Imperial logo on both sides of the blade near the hilt on both sides, has a black gripped handle. Standard Issue sidearm.

Other: Force Sensitive

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