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Alkahest Adventures 1: Dxun

[member="Elpsis Kallikora"] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Aitis Powarth"]

Dxun, the demon moon.

Dxun was the moon of the Republic capital Onderon, and whilst that planet had been somewhat domesticated, its satellite had not been. Creatures of terrible ferocity roamed the planet, and it was home to many dark and twisted secrets from ancient times.

Therefore, it made a perfect place for Phylis to land as part of her expeditions into the unknown.

A small outpost had been constructed in a relatively safe part of the moon. There Jedi researchers could mix with treasure hunters and others.

Phylis headed to the makeshift local cantina, dressed in her traditional robes. She was looking for people who had knowledge of the area and ones who might be interested in a little adventuring too.
Dxun, the moon that haunted the Republic capital. Not that Tiland really cared about such a thing. He had heard rumors of a powerful healing herb that could be found on the moon and had come in search of it. He strode through the outpost, leaning on his staff and searching through the shops for someone who might have an idea where to find this plant. Nobody seemed to have the appearance of one who would have such information.

Now what? He paused, and turned to study the area. Perhaps that cantina? He gave a shrug and walked over towards it, staff clumping along in the dirt as he slipped inside. He paused at the entryway, letting his ideas adjust and feel the presence of the room.

Was that a Jedi? She had to be, going by the robes. Nobody else wore robes like that. Not even Tiland wore robes like that and, well actually, he wasn't very traditional at all. Not in the traditional sense of the word traditional, in the way it was traditionally used in this context. But that was enough word games. Time to progress the story.

He walked over to the woman and paused, leaning heavily on his staff. "Well met, fellow traveler. What brings you to these parts?"
Aitis had been out of the world for a spell. Trailing from here to there, tither and yon. Hidden was the word for his presence these past few months or so. Hidden was his abilities within the Force, most especially his precognition and farsight. Where he had been was almost inconsequential, for he hadn't stayed in any one place for more than a glance of time. There had been much to do, really, though nothing of grand and sweeping consequence. And, somehow, here he was in the heart of Republic space, exploring ruins and searching for whatever feeling in his meditations had been driving him on the past few weeks like a maddening itch.

As Phylis entered, Aitis turned his head, staring from an eyeless face shadowed in the hood of his tunic. As soon as the woman in the traditional style robes had entered, the nagging push he had felt in the very air seemed to cease abruptly, causing him to choke a bit on the water he had been sipping. Recovering, he let the other who walked up speak, merely eyeing from his seat at a table. There was no sense of danger, no imminent threat. This was just who and where he should be with at the moment. The key was, why. And to figure that out, he would need to watch. As a courtesy though, he closed his eyes, focusing on the meditative slumber he so quickly achieved. Almost as if waking a forgotten leviathan from the depths, he shrugged off the dulling of his connection, and reached out, a tentative pulse towards Phylis mentally, as if to say hello, but nothing more.

[member="Phylis Alince"]
[member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Aitis Powarth"]

Phylis had been moving up to the counter when a man dressed in similar robes and leaning on a staff greeted her. She smiled.
“Well met!” she said politely. “Hmm, well, I’m looking for information on historical sites. Have you been here long? I would be very interested in discussing some matters with you.”
He wasn’t a Jedi…or at least she didn’t recognise him…but he seemed pleasant enough.

There was another presence in the cantina which was interesting. A mental connection, a telepath?
Reaching out with the Force she located the other figure, and then she understood. This man was a Force user, but was watching her.
Unable to send telepathic messages herself, Phylis gave a little wave to the other man, a gesture to come join her if he wished.
[member="Aitis Powarth"][member="Phylis Alince"]

Tiland nodded in greeting, listening as she spoke. Historical sites. Well, historical depended on one's perspective and much of what he still thought of as new was considered old by most humans. It came with age, unfortunately. He'd been here, while not long, but for enough time. Not enough for leads on his plant, unfortunately.

"I have been here for some time," He said after a moment, "And I have heard word of historical sites, although I suspect not in the detail you desire." He shifted as he sensed a slight surge in the Force. Nothing specific enough to pinpoint, but he stretched himself out, trying to seek it out. He had the general vicinity and studied the individuals over there. Perhaps the one seemingly in a trance? It was surprising to run into so many at the same time.

"I am seeking a plant with, allegedly, very strong healing properties, so our search may intersect in this journey."
Rising, Aitis would tug his hood forward, striding calmly over to Phylis with a natural gate that spoke of utter calm. Though he was far from calm, the truth was there would be nothing to gain from panic and worry really. Wandering the galaxy required a certain trust in oneself, and when you quieted and listened as he had been lately, things became clearer. Not always perfect and crystalline, but with his gifts they for sure became something discernible.

As he arrived at Phylis' side he would nod quietly to the man with the stick, and turn to the older woman, bowing his head in respect and merely speaking a few words. He still was not quite so good at greetings in situations like this, and always wondered what the reaction would be if he merely said something akin to the fact his mind had been having visions of this planet for a few days, and upon arrival he had seen what he know knew to be her face repeated as well. And so, in resignation to have any better ideas, he decided to do essentially that.

"Hello, m'am... I am Aitis... It is a pleasure to see you finally... I have been waiting a few days.."

[member="Phylis Alince"] | [member="Tiland Kortun"]
[member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Aitis Powarth"]

Though Phylis was no botanist she was always interested in acquiring information.
“Very interesting! You’ll have to give me everything you know about the plant. If I have any details in my records I will share them with you. And, if as you say, it can be found close to my destination I will assist you if I can.”

Before she could introduce herself the other man appeared. His words were confusing, and perhaps a little alarming. However, a quicker look under the hood and a brief use of the Force showed the truth.

A Miraluka

“Hmm, waiting for me? I wasn’t sure anyone knew I was coming. Still, a pleasure to meet you both, I am Phylis Alince; Jedi Master,” she said with a small bow.
Tiland nodded as Phylis spoke, and gave a slight bow at her introduction. A Jedi Master, indeed? That was unexpected. It was not something he had anticipated happening here on Dxun, even with the close proximity to the capital of the Republic. There were more important things that what happened here. Usually, but the Force worked in mysterious ways. Tiland adjusted his stance and gave a deeper bow in regards to his own introduction.

"Tiland Kortun, Master Alince. Wandering Jedi healer and student, and I will certainly share what information I have with you. You have my thanks as well." He stepped back to give more room for Aitis, one who had apparently been waiting for Phylis. Tiland wasn't entirely sure how that worked, but it certainly seemed intriguing. His own experiences with visions had been spotty and irregular, nothing that could lead him to a place to wait for someone for days. None of his had yet come true either, so perhaps the future had changed or some other incident had occurred. Only time would tell.

[member="Aitis Powarth"]
Aitis smiled softly, nodding as he cocked his head to the side and sighed, then spoke.

"Yes... One of the few of my gifts with any sort of development is that of Farsight.... Since I left the Republic, I have spent as much time as I can honing it... Recently is has been pressing me to come here, to Dxun, and even then, once I arrived here, the visions shifted to that of this place, and your face, madam. So I have waited here, biding my time, to see what would come of it. I am not sure why, or what will come of it, but I was meant to meet you here."

[member="Tiland Kortun"] | [member="Phylis Alince"]

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination
Dxun, the demon moon. Kind of a melodramatic name truth be told, though it had probably earned it. To walk upon its mud-covered ground was to tread upon land soiled in misery and bloodshed. Creatures of terrible ferocity dwelt in its jungles, dark and twisted secrets were hidden here. Here Freedon Nadd had his final resting place. Time and again Jedi, Sith, salvagers and what not had travelled there in search of ancient power - or to cleanse that same power. Despite being looted countless occasions over the millennia, supposedly there were still mysteries to be unearthed. Or not.

There was an outpost with a makeshift cantina, attracting all sorts of characters, though most of them were unsurprisingly shady. Presumably many would not last long in the jungle if they chose to actually venture inside it. Naamah sat at the edge of the bar, having positioned herself so that she had a good view of everyone else, with her back against the wall. A window was reasonably close if she had to make a quick getaway. Obscured by the table, there was a heavy blaster strapped to her hip, her lightsabre was hidden in the seam of her pants.

The latter position made it a tad awkward to draw, but she could deal. Outward appearances and attire would suggest she was nothing more than another space or would-be adventurer. A cigarette dangled between her fingers as she took a deep drag, a glass filled with liquid was on the table before her. Why was she here? Certainly not out of any fascination for history, but it was easy to get lost among the crowd here. Besides, there was some work to be found on this cursed moon that matched her skill set well enough. Even as diminished as her strength was after getting out of hell.

She exhaled, releasing the smoke she had been holding and letting a stream of it escape to the ceiling. Eyes fell upon the apparent newcomers in the cantina, focusing upon one person in particular. The woman Her senses briefly stretched out to get a read. Looked and felt like Jedi. Well, the brown hippie robes were a dead giveaway. Didn't she know her from somewhere? Thank my unlucky stars, she thought sarcastically. Yes, Malachor. Master [member="Phylis Alince"] had never met her, for Naamah had slipped away before the grand finale with the box of doom went down. Otherwise the Clawdite would be dead. Then again, she'd have probably deserved that. The brunette suppressed an internal shudder. Malachor was not something she wanted to think about.
[member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Aitis Powarth"] [member="Naamah Aesham"]

Phylis pondered the Miraluka’s words.
“The Force works in mysterious ways, indeed. Still, I will be glad to have you with me, Aitis. And you, Tiland, I will be glad to work with you both.”
This was definitely a sign from the Force, to find two wayward Jedi Padawans she could work with. Perhaps she could even lead them back to the Order, but even if not she could use their help.

Another presence in the Force called to her, quick and then hidden again. It did not feel malevolent, but watchful, familiar even.
She scanned around, but did not see who it had come from. She decided not to push the issue.

“Hmm, did you want to come with me to my ship? I have links to the archives on board which can help with your search, Tiland, and I need to gather my gear for the search if you wish to comem Aitis.”
[member="Phylis Alince"] [member="Naamah Aesham"] [member="Aitis Powarth"]

Tiland adjusted where he stood leaning on his staff, and absentmindedly poked through his satchel of herbs, just running an inventory of everything he had with him. A thought struck his mind and he nodded after a moment. A strange though, to be sure, but he was an itinerant healer monk. Not many had minds that worked stranger than that. Who wandered the galaxy in poverty healing people free of charge? Other than Tiland, of course. Very few. None that he had ever met at least. Most worked in hospitals and clinics, relying on technology and science. That had its place, but paled compared to the power of the Force, as Force was the power of life itself.

"I shall make tea when we return to your ship then," He added, pulling out some packs of herbs and sniffing them. A bit of this, a touch of this. Pretty standard for his teas. Refreshing, relaxing, while also increasing mental alertness. Good for getting stuff done with another herb for a clean, refreshing taste, which had its own medicinal benefits on a mental and emotional level. It comforted people, especially the warmth. Created feelings of belonging and affection, which most sentients required to truly flourish. It was interesting how basic so many of these necessities were and how often they were neglected.
[member="Aitis Powarth"] [member="Naamah Aesham"] [member="Tiland Kortun"]

Waiting at the door for her new guests to follow her, Phylis looked back into the crowded cantina. That presence she had picked up before, it was familiar. Scanning the room though she didn't see anyone which sprung to mind. If said person wanted to come forward and say hello now was the time, or else to follow them.

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination
[member="Aitis Powarth"], [member="Tiland Kortun"], [member="Phylis Alince"]

So...are we playing the waiting game and brooding a lot now? No, I am not brooding. It looks like it. At least we've past the drinking ourselves into oblivion phase. Sadly not the an annoying voice in my head is talking to me phase! Touche. Annoying internal dialogue continued in Naamah's head. Eyes followed the Jedi as she waited at the door. Naamah was nowhere near as good at shielding her presence as she had once been, but there was little about her aura that made her stand out in the crowded cantina, so it was unlikely the Jedi would immediately pick her out, especially since she had more important things to do.

They had never met...yet Naamah knew her. Somewhat at least. Her files indicated she was not the militant type to blast the unbelievers with Holy Light. Perhaps she would have credits to offer if she was here on some undoubtedly important and noble quest. If it was worth the risk. Or you could tell her about those fascinating things the box told you. Yes, if I feeling very drunk. I'm afraid I can't afford liquor that strong since I am sort of broke. The Clawdite took a last drag from her cigarette before putting it out and stuffing it in an ashtray. A credit chit was slapped on the table as payment for the drink and then she got up, slowly heading towards the exit.
Stepping to follow the Jedi Master, he threw his hood up over his face. If they were venturing into the general public, his face usually caused stares. Most of his people wore blindfold like garments around their vestigal eye sockets to conceal them, but to Aitis doing that felt like apologizing for who he was, and that just simply wasn't right. But a hood that prevented a stray glance from noticing much served dual purpose of keeping others at ease, and his irritation at a minimum, so he had decided to pursue it.

His following of Phylis was silent, with just a nod of ascent. What would be, would be.

[member="Naamah Aesham"] | [member="Phylis Alince"] | [member="Tiland Kortun"]
[member="Phylis Alince"] [member="Aitis Powarth"] [member="Naamah Aesham"]

Tiland turned and followed them from the cantina, not pausing at the door, but slipping past Phylis to the street outside, his staff setting up a rhythmic counterpoint to his much quieter footsteps. He paused and stepped aside as others flowed into the cantina, a few seemingly rather rough and out to find someone. But whatever it was, it would likely not be Tiland's concern, unless someone was injured. Then he would step in, or if innocents were threatened.

He took a few more steps from the door, and leaned on the staff, waiting for the rest.
[member="Naamah Aesham"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Aitis Powarth"]

With a nod, the Jedi Master led her two new associates outside. For the moment the identity of the mystery presence was forgotten.

Her ship was waiting for her at the port. The Wellspring was a very nice, if somewhat old-fashioned craft. Indeed, this ship had been fabricated over 5000 years before, but with some modern technology and some touches by the Jedi Master it really was as good as new.

As she keyed in the combination for the lock the door opened. Waiting for her was a watchful looking astromech, welding arm poised threateningly.

“Relax, Six-Nine, they’re friends,” Phylis said, patting the droid on its dome. The little droid still did not look entirely convinced, but tooted something. “Yes, I’m sure. Now, can you please make some tea for the guests?”
The huffy beep did not need translating, but it did roll away to obey.
“He’s a good guy, bit suspicious sometimes,” Phylis commented to the two other Jedi. “Can I get you anything? Tea? Biscuit? Hmm…I think I have some seedcake somewhere.”
Aitis merely merely smiled and nodded at Phylis' words, grinningly cocking his head to the side at the droid as it rolled away. He quietly reminded himself to remember the droid had a faint bit of temper as it trundled out of view, and straightened his head, rubbing the back of it almost sheepishly as he chuckled a bit. This was certainly an odd place to be, but such was the will of the Force, he supposed. Something here was supposed to make sense in some way... Nothing was sure yet, but it was on the right track. There was just a feeling of contented peace that told him so.

Stepping inside after the Master, he looked about, taking in the sights in ways any other person would, but ultimately it would likely un-nerve those who saw his eyeless face scanning the room just as if he had eyes. Finally he nodded and turned to Phylis again, speaking in that soft, quiet warble that was his voice.

"Tea would be lovely... I haven't had any since my time with Master Coryth... Well, none to note, anyway."

[member="Naamah Aesham"] | [member="Phylis Alince"] | [member="Tiland Kortun"]

Naamah Aesham

Redemption is the path, not the destination
[member="Phylis Alince"], [member="Tiland Kortun"], [member="Aitis Powarth"]

Naamah likewise left the cantina behind her, exiting shortly after the Jedi Master and her two charges had left. Outside the lovely, humid weather of Dxun greeted her. Unsurprisingly the ground was very muddy. Stuffing her hands inside her pocket, she walked back towards the port.

Alas, she could not walk the distance without being completely uninterrupted. "Hey, lady. You look the tough, mercenary type. I got exactly the sort of toy you need. Now, I know what you're thinking, but hear me out. Just look at it," and before Naamah could say anything the merchant produced a shiny looking talisman with intricate symbols engraved upon it. "With this talisman, you no longer have to fear 'Force Gods'. It will keep your mind safe and..."

"It's a fake," Naamah said gruffly, after examining the talisman for a few moments.

"What? No, you're mistaken. I'm an honest trader and this is 100% authentic...Crafted by the Jedi Master..."

Once again, Naamah interrupted him, brushing his words aside as if they were buzzing insects. "Why does it have a Sith symbol then? One that's upside down, by the way. Never mind the spelling mistakes in the sigils. That thing's a piece of crap. As for your honest trader speech, you're either a liar or an idiot. Oh, and while we're at it, there's not even a trace of the Force emanating from it. I can tell. Now leave me alone." With that she stalked away.
Tiland followed, still sensing the faint presence off behind them somewhere. Still couldn't tell who, unfortunately, but he reached out with his mind, rather than the Force this time. Who had their thoughts centered on him and the other two he was traveling with? Nobody, in fact, but someone was highly irritated about a merchant trying to sell a false Jedi talisman. He raised an eyebrow at the woman and the less than honest trader, trying to catch the young woman's eye. Only someone with knowledge and Force sensitivity would know that it was a fake on that level. if they made eye contact he'd give a short bob of his head to come up and join. If not, he would follow the other two back to the ship without trying again.

Once entering the ship, he would pause after being threatened by the droid, until it scurried away to make tea. Droids were strange. Alive, but not. Not Force sensitive, but able to be manipulated by it. Strange contradictions. Tiland wasn't very fond of them.

"A tea would be wonderful, thank you," He stepped aside to the edge of the corridor to avoid taking up room as people bustled about. He'd never actually been in a true Jedi ship, which this appeared to be. "And... a seed biscuit sounds very nice."

[member="Naamah Aesham"] [member="Aitis Powarth"] [member="Phylis Alince"]

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