Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aiden Bacra, CEO of Ghallanda Ltd

NAME: Aiden Bacra
FACTION: Techno Union, Ghallanda Ltd.
RANK: Chief Executive Officer (Ghallanda Ltd.)
AGE: 37
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 187 lbs
EYES: Amber-Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Tan/Brown


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Credits from Thin Air: Aiden grew up in a moderately wealthy family, but has since taken the family business to soaring heights, seemingly overnight.
+ Charmed: Aiden was raised to be the sole heir to his family's resort business. As such, he has received first rate education and training in the courtesies of many cultures.
- Ethics: They say that power corrupts, and with Aiden that holds true. He will bend or break nearly anything to maintain power and welath
- Skeletons: Aiden has more than his fair share of skeletons in his closet, some of which could ruin him if revealed.

Aiden is slightly above the average in height, with dusky skin and curly black hair that is graying slightly. He is in excellent shape, and is almost always in a finely tailored suit.

Aiden Bacra was born into a moderately wealthy family that owned a series of resorts on Maramere. Growing up in the hospitality industry, Aiden learned etiquette and management from an early age, leading him to be a decisive and charismatic man in adulthood. When he turned eighteen, Aiden served as an officer in Maramere's Defence Force, partially a space navy and partly a space coast guard, which furthered his self-discipline and leadership skills. Once his term in the Defence Force was through, Aiden journeyed through nearby systems. He spent four years at a university on Roon, followed by several more years at a university on Kamino. After still more time away on 'Little Coruscant', Aiden returned home and started taking a role in the management of Ghallanda Ltd. Under his increasing management, Ghallanda's resorts turned from rustic getaways in the mountains and on the islands to the premiere choice for hospitality on Maramere.

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