Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Advanced-HRD: Ariela


  • jSd5HZW.jpg
    NAME: My designation is Ariela Zero Zero One. My preferred association is Ariela.
    FACTION: I have no designated faction.
    RANK: My primary function is an assassin, though I am programmed in other proficiencies as well.
    MARITAL STATUS: Irrelevant at this time.
    SPECIES: I am an advanced Human Replica Droid (Details added by self). Model Ariela. Unit designation number zero zero one.
    AGE: While I am not programmed with self age recognition, I am under twenty standard years of existence.
    SEX: My designated gender is female; I have no set sexual preference though I am capable of emulating one.
    SEXUALITY: Irrelevant at this time.
    HEIGHT: I stand at one point seven five meters as per construction.
    WEIGHT: My weight by galactic standards is seventy kilograms.
    EYES: Eye color subject to change. Provided eye color at creation was green; Color has since changed.
    HAIR: My hair color is variable between blonde and brown as adjusted upon inlaid parameters from my creator's desires.
    SKIN: Skin texture is subject to change, but is often a fair, tanned cream.
    FORCE SENSITIVE: I am incapable of using the natural phenomenon known as The Force.
    SHIP: Any such vehicle I may acquire or find necessary.
    THEME: Listen.
    Credit: This template Created by Pluperfect
    My memory banks go back to the day I was built by my creator. Estimated twenty years prior to the current galactic date I was established as Ariela unit zero zero one and subsequently left as the only unit of my kind. Following my programming and social education my creator left me aboard the cruiser he had left in his home system; only a star map and coordinates to find my way into the known galaxy and make my own way in the galaxy.

    Equipped with only my knowledge of the universe by his experience and collection of information, I slowly built my own data reserves of the galaxy I discovered. While my experiences and understandings became extensive my physical and social adaptabilities became sharper than I imagine my creator could have imagined. While I am unclear as to why he created me, outside of my assassin pre-designation, I believed that he had intended me to be the first and, tragically, the last of a superior race of mechanical augmented humans.

    While I have accomplished little in the way of exemplary notations in the known galaxy, my knowledge of the galaxy has become extensive. For years I studied galactic navy, military protocol and social justice, dedicated to the desire to better myself and become the perfect semi-automated being. In time I came to understand myself and how to better improve myself as well as how to complement my own capabilities with those of others both interior and exterior.

    My purpose remains unclear, outside of discovering my creator's intention for me, but I strive to be what I believe he made me to be.

  • xEmWwUC.jpg
    While I was modeled after the late mate of my creator, Ra'Mira, I retain a fairly unique appearance. Where she was one point six meters tall, I stand at one point seven five. The same standard in my creation issues a difference in my weight from hers as well. As for exterior, appealing features I carry her resemblance to a distinguished point. While her age was specified as twenty eight galactic years at the date of her death, my appearance is a semblance to that of a woman nearer to youthful thirty galactic years.

    I wear a variety of clothes, depending on the individuals or groups I am interacting with and the colors range from dark to light tones. However, when undertaking my specified talent, I wear dark and indistinguishable clothing to blend with the environments my target has chosen. I rarely wear excess make up and often, to always, keep my hair tied up for professional and appeal purposes. Though my stature and presentation may come across as stiff during professional simulations I am perfectly capable of taking a more casual approach.
    • To be Filled


      KILLS: No known or registered terminations at this time. Please report back for future inquiries in this archive.

      BOUNTIES COLLECTED: No designated bounties collected or logged at this time.
  • PROS & CONS:
    Performing diagnostics scan of structural systems and intelligence protocols...

    Recorded Strengths:

    • Enhanced strength and speed capability through use of CNT in the BioFiber of my muscle material.
    • Enhanced processing capability through use of advanced and multi-faceted AI programming. - Self elaboration noted on this detail...
    • Enhanced durability due to Phrik used for my skeleton rather than a standard material.
    • Enhanced reaction times and reflexes matching those of a high grade computer allowing for precise action. - Self elaboration noted on this detail...
    • Programmed to use various types of weaponry. - Additional strength information cited for future recording...

    Recorded Weaknesses:

    • Capable of only simulated and emulated emotions comparative to basic human emotions.
    • Incapable of forming emotional bonds to connect with attachments to others: Examples include my creator and individuals I have worked closely with...
    • Vulnerable to various uses of the Force, as well as high levels of electricity and EMP/Ion technology. - Further capability research necessary...
    • Incapable of disobeying orders delivered by my creator due to an inlaid sub-code in my AI that only my creator can access.
    • I have developed a persistent desire to be more human than I am; perhaps due to my core programming. I see, hear, smell and perceive things as any individual would but I will never truly understand them as a human would. I perceive light or movement before others, I pick up frequencies others will never hear before the sounds they perceive and I feel things on a wavelength that acts as a prelude to the true tremor. I am a, as I perceive, a being in search of perfection suffering from the desire to embrace imperfection. In short I desire to be human but will only ever truly achieve 99% of that dream. For I lack the most important thing every living organism possesses that allows them to fully utilize their capacity to be human: A soul.

    Additional Strengths and Weaknesses recorded:

    Upon further analysis of personality programming, I have discovered that I have moderately expensive tastes due to exposure to high class culture.

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