Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Acera Militis

Acera Militis

Name: Acera Militis​
Age: 26​
Species: Human​
Gender: Female​
Faction: The Moross Crusade​
Rank: Acolyte​
Divines Worshiped: Neth the Keeper; Salee the Shield​
Hair: Honey Blonde​
Eyes: Chestnut Brown​
Height: 5'10"​
Weight: 132 Lbs.​
Build: Athletic​
Complexion: Lightly tanned​
Force Sensitive: Yes​
Strengths and Weaknesses:​
+Faith: Nothing can shake Acera's faith in the Divines.​
+Loyalty: Acera defends and protects all comrades and allies of Moross.​
+Knowledge: Because she avidly worships Neth, Acera is wiser than she appears.​
+Melee Skills​
-Intolerant: Acera cannot stand infidels of any kind.​
-Lust for Knowledge: If she doesn't know something, Acera makes it her mission to figure it out, even if it means throwing herself and/or others into danger.​
Acera is a serious person. Humor goes nowhere with her, as she never laughs at jokes. She will laugh occasionally, but those times are rare. Despite this, she is friendly with her comrades and prefers to be near them when she can. It isn't in your best interests to question her beliefs. She'll give you an in-depth history of the Ten Divines, the Great Crusade, and all of the teachings of Moross. If you refuse to listen, she could very easily get violent. Don't ask if you don't want a lecture. She also enjoys learning new things from people. Be it the smallest tidbit of information, or an entire library's worth, she can't get enough of learning.​
Acera was born on Exocron. She was raised by her mother and father in the Temple of the Divines, studying as much as she could about them. As she became older, she focused her worship on Salee the Shield and Neth the Keeper. She trained for Salee for the first half of the day, and then studied for Neth into the night. The majority of her life has consisted of this routine. She remained very sheltered until five years ago, when she went on her first missionary journey. Her first time in the Galaxy left her awestruck at its beauty. This awe was shattered soon after, however. She encountered many sentient species and attempted to convert every one of them. Many listened to her and became Cleansed in the Divines' Guiding Light. But those who didn't listen immediately earned her hate and disgust. Acera realized that so much of the Galaxy was blind to the truth, and it saddened her, but also angered her that they were so ignorant. She has since then made it her life's mission to open the Galaxy's eyes to the Gods, and grant everyone passage to The Great Hall.​

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Why are all the beautiful women on the dark side!? Sad day... sad day... I like her personality. So basically, anyone who refuses to listen to her will be forced. Also, I'm not so serious but I am most of the time. So I hope I don't crack any jokes around you *starts running in the opposite direction* [member="Acera Militis"]

Acera Militis

You only believe it is the Dark Side because your eyes are closed. In time, you will open them....

Thanks! I can't wait to make her awesome! :D
[member="Oka Osaa"]

Acera Militis

Thank you. I hope she proves to be a lovely little addition to my alt fam. :D
[member="Cross Ikon"]
Yeah... another Dark Siren...

May you cause nosebleeds to all your enemies.

And go on Rikki, real quick. Me and Okaa were having a discussion that you should see.

[member="Acera Militis"]

Acera Militis

Fair warning: Failure to convert will automatically target you for future termination. :p

Acera Militis

*blinks* Ahem..... Thank you...... :p
[member="Pyrrha Nikkita"]

[member="Shiro De'Vol"]
Thanks. I just wish my avi fit her a little better.

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