Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Tatooine Market (OPEN)

'What is my purpose, why the hell am I here?' Aaron wondered as he looked up to the bright Tatooine sky. He looked back down then pulled the collar of his jacked up as he began to walk. He rremembered when his Uncle Razz met with him on Coruscant, Razz was a wise man, many a time helping the great Romeo Sin. Aaron flashed out of his memories, he then almost smiled.

He continued to walk until he was in a busy marketplace, he never liked this marketplace, anything could happen there. The teen slowly pushed his way through the crowds until he was near a small vendor which was next to a building, he climbed up the building and walked to the edge before sitting down and overlooking the busy market.

He sighed. What did he want to do with his life...

(Anything can happen, ANYTHING)

Ranga Desilijic Boga

SCUBA Captain. Merc. MOTM Dec. 2016
Ranga set up his small spice tent and took a puff off his Hookah. He put out a sign with a list of his spices. He shouted in his gruff voice.
"From Andris to Zabran, get it all at Ranga's Spice Hut!"
Ranga saw Aaron walked around the market. Ranga needed an assistant. He called out to Aaron.
"Hey you, come here for a second I want to talk to you. I mean no harm."
Ranga came out from behind his tent, unarmed.
​"How would you like to be my assistant? I could use a young gun like yourself. So how 'bout it?"
Aaron snapped out of his thoughts when he heard something, Aaron heard a someone calling directly to him. . Aaron jumped off the building with his sand gourd and slowly walked towards the creature. Aaron smiled, a spice shop. He then heard the question about an assistant.

"That depends on what I'm going to be doing...." Aaron said in a low sorrowful voice.

He then stepped closer to the Hurt and picked up grains of sand with he force. He let the sand fall into his hands and just as quickly fall back to the ground.

"I am Aaron...." He said.

[member="Ranga Desilijic Boga"]

Ranga Desilijic Boga

SCUBA Captain. Merc. MOTM Dec. 2016
"I see you are one with the force. I am a Jedi, but rogue of course. You can help me with the traveling and discovery. I do more than this, I travel the galaxy and I'm always looking for ways to make money on the side. Are you interested in the job? You'll get paid well."
The Hutt perked up in hopes of Aaron saying yes. He was a curious child.

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