Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Place Of Forgetting...

The artificial lighting had no visible source and was ever-present, glaring down into the wholly-metallic room. There were no windows or doors that were visible and the only piece of furniture happened to be a sheet-less bed without pillows or other furnishings. The room was always just a fraction below standard room temperature, just enough to set someone on edge, and the sound-proofing was so violently effective that the inhabitant could almost always feel her heartbeat within her ears. Each day, unbeknownst to prisoner #10453, a powerful knock-out gas was filtered into the air systems, during which time the room was completely cleaned to retain an immaculate and unbearable sheen while the prisoner herself was also tended to.

It hadn't always been this way, but the formerly head-strong girl had put up quite the resistance to begin with, limiting her 'rights' and extending her time. They did not trust her to leave the cell in order to eat or shower, they did not trust her to do anything if truth be told. Thus everything was done for her, even her nutrients were administered when she was down under. Not that she'd ever really had any noticeable rights before, or at least any she could recall. She could barely even speak these days without a lengthy amount of time to think on the potential words and further goading from her captors. Her life had become nothingness, there were no days or nights just the same dim artificial lighting which occasionally flickered when a storm erupted outside.

Eli had never done anything to warrant imprisonment, she was there due to the failings of her family and their wrong doings as opposed to her own. But secretly the system on Kiffex had become twisted and disjointed over the years, each Prison Sector disintegrating into an ineffective free-for-all. Unknown to the government who had imprisoned Eli and her family, she had been sent to one of the worst facilities. There was no recreation time, the only interaction she had was with the occasional 'doctor' who was used to check whether she was broken enough; too little or too much meant they had to adjust her lifestyle in theory... But this wasn't a very good prison system. Truth be told they didn't really care for the girl who had grown up in their system.

Now she barely even spoke to herself. She just sat there, thoughtful or distant, empty and weak-willed without any real knowledge of why she was there. And all the while a darkness blossomed within her very core, occasionally revealing itself in fits of anger which left the room devastated and sometimes a 'doctor' or guard too. At times she felt as if they were scared of her, but that notion was swiftly removed from her thoughts. I am the fearful one, the one who must obey... Do as they say, El, do as they say... The child just remained upon the hard bed, shivering into her thin clothes, occasionally rocking back and forth. Part of her wanted out, in any form of the word, and another more abrasive part wanted to remain there forever. You are nobody in this Galaxy...

How true that seemed to be.

@[member='Jacen Cavill']
The little man's body lay there, lifeless. A small, two centimeter wide hole going through his forehead. Ozone flooded the small room, and the silence would be uncomfortable to most in the room. Yet, the lone, living occupant was quickly disrobing from the guard's suit he had worn upon infiltration into the prison facility. Dull, gray, guard's uniforms fell to the floor. Rolling his shoulder's back and standing to his full height, his black Iron Skin reflected off the lights. Cavill's crimson cape reflected some of the light as well, and the pair of electrum lightsabers on his belt captured it as well. One was from his day's with the Sith Empire, the one he had constructed after murdering his father on Serreno himself. The other was different, with different markings from the Obsidian Knights. Cavill was the enforcer for that band of Force users in Confederate space. Too long had he wandered the stars on his own when he wasn't in the confines of Blas-Tech. Direction was what he had sought, and he was getting that with this new Order. Rave Merrill was also helping with that, she was feeding him information to hunt down specific items for what he needed in the future. It was why there was a dead guard, and bombs planted in the core of the prison now.

Cavill sought a Holocron from the Warden's office.

The door behind him opened with a wave of his hand, and with a press of a button all the power to the prison was immediately cut. A simple thermal detonator went off about a mile from his present location, and darkness consumed the hall he was in for a moment. Screams of panic could be heard, and then klaxons sounded as the emergency generators powered the weak lights that now lit the hall somewhat. Like a predator, he quietly stalked his prey. Jacen had long studied the layout for this prison while in transit, and he was only a few footsteps away from finally getting what he sought. If the coordinates and information are correct, my target should be across this door. Acute pictures of the holo-maps formed in his minds eye, and he pulled both lightsabers from his belt as he paced ever closer towards the door. Blue eyes closed for but a moment, and Darth Kryptus reached deep inside himself.

Then he became the axis of the universe as his power and emotion flooded his veins.

Darkside empowered rage shot up his spine, and the blast of energy shot forth from his eyes. The durasteel door before him was obliterated, as was the master control panel for the whole prison behind it on the other side of the room. The doors to every cell just opened, and a riot would soon start. While not originally part of his plan, the ensuing result would only help him later. Kryptus didn't think of this though as he strode in the room and quickly found the fear from the warden emanating under his desk. Twin lightsabers ignited, one blue blade and one red blade soon lit the room. "Come out and play," Kryptus said as he lunged forth with the speed of the darkside towards the desk...

[member="Eli Fenric"].
She had been sat staring at the wall for several long hours without moving, her head subtly bowed while her gaze remained in full view of the wall. And yet, without warning, her eyes slowly lifted and stared right at a hidden holo-cam. Eli could sense that something was wrong, it felt like there was static in the air, that a storm was brewing somewhere on the horizon. And with that she stood, swiftly moving her body over to the wall as if ready to run straight into the metal itself.

Only the second she reached it the wall slid aside, revealing the entry point. Had it been pot luck or had she predicted as much? "Eli... Eli.." she whispered to herself, eyes wide as she stared around the hallways. All of a sudden she felt extremely lost and out of place. "Back... Eli must go back..." It was as though the walls were closing in on her, waiting to lock her in a new, smaller, room. There was darkness which hurt her eyes more than any flash of light, yet at the same time oddly soothed and rested her.

"Close eyes, Eli... Sleep... Sleep..." How tired she felt, when had she last slept of her own accord? A booming voice rang through the hallway. PRISONERS GET BACK INTO YOUR CELLS OR LETHAL FORCE WILL BE USED TO REDETAIN YOU! And as if to make a point there came the distinct sound of a blaster firing and a pig-like squeal from whichever unlucky individual it had struck. THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING. Yet this did nothing save break the spell she had been put under.

No, Eli would not fall back like a hound and cower when the gate was opened... There had to be something more than the four walls of durasteel she had been subjected to.

There had to be.

[member="Jacen Cavill"]

"I promise I don't have what you're looki-"


Cavill's hand was a blur, and the warden's neck snapped from the force of the blow. No normal man, or Force-user for that matter could hit like that. Darkside energy flowed through his veins, and seeped through his very muscle fibers. What was a minor blow from Cavill was the equivalent of being hit by a speeder at full force, and currently the warden lay on his back...yet his face was facing the floor. Such grim power was his blessing, and the Sith Lord quickly stalked through the office looking for two things that held interest to him. The first of which he found in seconds of ripping the desk off the floor after he put the lightsaber's he had been wielding back onto his belt and picked up the data-disk he was looking for. Putting it in one of the pockets on his belt, he soon moved for the crate he had been looking for since arriving on the station. Any Sith worth their weight in salt didn't leave their things to be easily taken, so he found the container that had been shipped to warden himself upon Jacen's arrival.

Kryptus opened it, and pulled his belongings from it. The bracers he had purchased from Rave were put on first, then he put on Moridn's telekinetic gauntlet on over the left hand. On his right arm he put on the gauntlet of Elcho Kresh on the other side. Dark energy poured through him, and then he pulled on the black, hooded, terentanek duster on over his Iron Skin as he took his crimson cape on. Lastly, he pulled the last thing he needed from one of the pockets of his duster. It was a simply mask that he placed over his face. There was still work to be done on this station, a signature had brought him here. So he would go hunting, and kill everyone on board before he left.

Save for the girl.

[member="Eli Fenric"]​
Darkness continued to swirl around her save for the occasional piercing drift of light from a high vaulted window somewhere far from her view. Within the beams of light flurries of dust mites could be seen dancing, directed by an unseen force. For that one moment Eli felt content, she felt free -- or whatever whacked out version of 'free' her mind could conjure up. She wandered through the deserted halls at a snail's pace, the other prisoners of Kiffex having either fled already or returned to their cells after the shot had been fired. Perhaps she ought to have done the same, but her feet would not permit her to turn back and return to her cell. No, instead she laboured on.

In the distance she could see the stinging beams of flash lights while strangers wandered on, patrolling the initial area to contain any remaining rogue prisoners. It was amazing how she had managed it, but Eli avoided each individual - sometimes coming dangerously close to being caught. Was it that she did not care if they detained her, or killed her? Or was it more that she trusted in something more, that her feet would guide her away from this cesspit and into a new chapter of her life? Truth be told her mind wasn't even functioning properly, thus she didn't actually think about it at all.

Instead she stumbled onwards, far from her prison cell and block, itching closer to the Warden's Office. The Beast was out of her cage.

[member="Jacen Cavill"]
[member="Eli Fenric"] had no clue what stalked the halls, nor did anyone else for that matter. Darth Kryptus stalked the halls, Daesumnor in his hand. Every movement was pushing him closer and closer to the presence he could feel in the Force. Through the dark he could feel her hope, her fear, and most of all he could feel her life force. A monster was moving through the prison, and he carried another prison of his own in his hand. Every time he pulled the sword out, he could feel it's hunger resonate within his own soul. Two monsters resided inside the Sith Lord's massive frame now, and both were vying for the same thing: death and destruction. Hold fast you both, the fireworks will soon start. Foresight was a gift he had only recently earned through his meditations and regular doses of Sith poison, side effects be damned. Cavill didn't care if he lived for one million years like most, he wanted to change everything and be a supernova while he walked the galaxy.

He didn't hold on to false hope, instead he embraced the truth.

Another switch materialized from one of the pockets of his belt, and his gloved thumb pressed the switch without hesitation. More shockwaves could be felt, and the prison once more exploded in pertinent areas. A holo-display formed before him as he walked the empty halls, all the guards were in the prisoner's deck. "Good, life support will fail within ten minutes and the entire security network is down." Whatever power was holding the cells closed, and kept the guards protected was down now. A full blown riot would now commence within the prison, he just had to make it to one person and leave the rest to die. "Hold fast little one," he whispered to himself as he came to the turbolift he had been looking for. A fool would have assumed he would take the stairs given the fact that the power was out, but Jacen was an efficient man, monster, or whatever you wanted to call the Sith Lord.

Stepping onto the lift, he closed the doors with an extension of his will and made the lift move down to the lower levels. Nothing would stand between him and the girl he sought, he wouldn't fail.

She had to live.
It was as she neared the Warden's office and was preparing to enter that a disgusting smell drifted through the air: it held a distinct scent of ozone, burning and a sickly coppery smell which she couldn't quite put her finger on...

The moment she entered the room, however, she realised what it was; there was a man upon the ground, yet his visage did not ring any bells in her mind - he wasn't someone she had ever met. He was lay upon the ground, with a trickle of blood streaming from his nostrils and pooling on the ground around his head. His neck seemed a little too contorted, the veins risen and deathly blue. Eli had never seen a corpse before, yet she had created all of three in her life time without fully realising it.

Itching closer she stared down at the grotesque sight. Her face held no expression, yet a small amount of wonder and curiosity rose within her. She felt nothing by seeing it, instead she simply turned and surveyed the room. It was a mess, a desk over-turned and crates tossed aside. What had been so important to find in here? She could see no trace of anything precious, not that Eli would recognise such anyway. Material possessions and wealth were not common place within the systems of a prison, especially not one such as Kiffex... Especially not for a child such as her.


Eli had been busted, numerous guards flooded into the room around her. But one thing she knew was that she liked this new-found 'freedom'. She would not go down without a fight. Reaching to her side she grasped onto the first item which touched her hand, curling her fingers around the cool durasteel rod which had made up part of the upturned and broken desk. Let them come.

With that she rose to face them.

[member="Jacen Cavill"]
[member="Eli Fenric"]

Give the Force credit, it sure knew how to mislead a Sith Lord. Two dozen men lay dead, their souls trapped in Daesumnor. Darkness permeated the halls, but that one aura he was looking for was nowhere near. A fist shot through the durasteel wall, causing the entire area to rock with his power. Yellow and red eyes were practically glowing with negative emotion, and rage was etched over his features. All of this was hidden, except for his eyes, behind Nihlus' mask. Dark terentanek hide covered his body in the form of a massive duster that appeared like robes, and the dark Sith Lord moved back towards the lift he had been on. Emotions reached into the dark, and he sought that same aura he had discovered a few years ago. Where are you, he asked the dark.

She's above you, it answered.

"You've got to be fething kidding me." Turning on a dime, he took long strides towards the turbo-lift. Except that aura he was locked on suddenly changed, her fear grew exponentially. Expanding his senses out even further, he felt numerous other life forces near her. Their anger and aggression was apparent even twenty levels above him, so he set down the "gift" he had brought for the prison quickly. It only took a quick turn of a nob to activate the barandium charges, and the detonation switch was inside the Gauntlet of Kressh. The light went from green to red, indicating it was armed and primed, when the darkness whispered a warning. She will die if you don't hurry. Jaw muscles tensed, and he quickly weighed his options. If I take the lift, she dies. If I detonate the charges, he looked over at them, we all die. A third option formed, and darkness flooded all the sinous fibers that formed his muscles. Reaching into the living force, a protective aura formed over him as he bent his knees and looked up at the ceiling. Kryptus quickly sheathed his sword before crouching further. Muscles tensed, and he bent the Force to his will as he exploded up.

Arms extended, the speed of his leap only accelerated as he launched through the ceiling and only increased his velocity. All his focus was on pulling and lifting the shield he had fit around himself, and his power burned through the facility as he flew through layer and layer of durasteel. Nothing could stand against his will, and within the furnace that was his heart a fire was growing. Some would label it desperation in a weaker man, this was focus at it's purest level. Kryptus would achieve what he wanted, how he wanted it, and when. There would be no working with the Force, it would be bent to his will, and it was his to command. So he dug deeper, and his speed reached a supersonic level just as he was three levels away, destroying everything his flying form came near. Within seconds he was right under the attackers, he could feel it, and he immediately sped up as he launced himself through the floor.

They never stood a chance.

Bodies went flying as he erupted from the floor, and in an instant he was standing with Daesumnor in his hands. One of the men had fallen near the girl, but the rest had gotten their bearings and had lunged on him. In a blur of motion six souls were bound within the prison that Rave Merrill had made for them, their fates too graphic to be recounted. Limbs had flown, and bodies lay everywhere as the Sith Lord became death incarnate for a moment. For a two meter tall man, he moved like the wind. Every blow was near invisible to the naked eye as he breezed across the room as if death himself had strolled in and taken care of the guards. They were nothing against the monster, their life force now forever trapped in Daesumnor. Seeing nothing but death, he turned to see how the girl had fared.

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