Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Nice Day on Metalorn.

[member="Athena Nikeos"]

Her eyes ran over the place that she was staring at, it was the single garden on the planet, a memory of a rebellion long ago that had fought the empire that had remained. She was in her robes as she moved to kneel next to a small flower, lightly touching a petal as she breathed in the fragrance of plant.
Metalorn was a place of barren wastes and trash heaps taller than mountains. But their was one place that was rumored to have the smallest of plants that had grown into a garden. Rumor had it that the single plant was placed there by a child who was filled with the only thought of hope from the prejudice of oppressors.

I wanted to find this place myself. Maybe finding this would help my own planet of Morellia. I came dressed in my usual attire of a leather corset that looked to almost merge with the citing black shorts that draped a red sash that matched my hair. Nor did I forget the headdress or the cornet on my neck. Carrying a shield on my back, a sword on my hip, a pistol on my right thigh, and in my hands a custom Adventurers slugthrower rifle. Each ready to be used in a moments notice.

Turning around I looked over the top of the barren wasteland, wondering how a simple plant could fight through all of this.

[member="Ellain Hadrin"],
Ellain smiled as she breathed in once more, a place of peace, sure many knew about this place or rather the rumor. But Ellain had found it through hard work and now she was being watched by the caretakers as she sat there, her eyes closed and her mind focused inwards as she listened to the wind and the movement of the world around her, how dead it felt... it made her sad without her knowing why she was sad, to feel nothing but metal around her now changed her, she could feel life and it was that that wounded her as she sat there and had summoned up the sorrow.

[member="Athena Nikeos"]

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