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A New Templar, or just a Crazy Fool. (Open to all CIS)


Solan's eyes watched the stars and clouds on the cool Dantooine night, the plains stretching out in all directions from the home of a 'sith'. In truth he was the 'Sith', though the simple fact was that he wasn't a Sith at all, no he was just a young man that lay on the roof of his home and stared at the sky without much care for the world around him. It was a boring existence though, no friends, no family, no nothing. Just him alone on a roof looking for something to draw him to do in the future, to give him reason to leave.

He had tried to leave, but being branded a murderer by the very people that had killed his parents, it left him without the possibilty of going to a spaceport peacefully and only furthered the rumor of his being a sith because of his heritage. And when the Sith invaded, the people on the planet thought he had been a spy... dooming him to complete and remorseless solitude, a cold lonely existence that angered him but also kept him to think on his past.

Every night he sat here, looking to the stars and hoping for his family's peace in death, what had his father done to bring him to Dantooine in the first place, why did they have to come to this hell? That is what Solan thought about once more as he laid on the roof of the home that had once been his family's own many years ago. Beside him a antique looking Violin and its bow rested carefully on the roof with him and his glasses on them as well. He had become a hermit in a sense, reclusive yet his being there very well known, he was after all considered a murderer by some, an orphan by others.

He wore little more than simple trousers and pants, his father's saber rested at his waist and his pale blue eyes stared at the stars as he started whistling, a soft, peaceful tune that carried on the wind as he waited for what might come next.


Well-Known Member
Dantooine. Dantooine, Dantooine... that little nobody planet that everyone wound up on at some point or other. It was grassy, filled with life, the perfect place for someone like Rhoujen to centre himself. There were also those odd rumours of crystal caves and Jedi and Sith ruins that cropped up every so-often, but he wasn't here for any of that tonight. Tonight, he wanted to enjoy himself and have a little fun. Blow off some steam. As his mentor told him, 'never forget the simple pleasures'. So here he was.

Going 240km/h along the vast plains of Dantooine with his speederbike in wheeled mode. It was exhilarating, and he loved every second of it. The wind sweeping into the vents of his helmet and rushing past it like he were a bullet. The lights illuminating the fields before him in the night, though if he turned them off he could have seen just as well from the moon. He ducked low behind the visor as the hill reached a sheer edge, and the jump made him feel like he was flying. That sensation of flight... he decided he would look into piloting starfighters later on.

Eventually he slowed and rolled into a town, where he parked his speeder and dismounted. He hung his helmet on the handlebars and took a stroll to calm his adrenaline. His arrival would have caused a bit of a stir to those awake, even those on rooftops...

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]

Solan was a bit outside of the town itself, though those in the town were the ones that had been effected by him and his family. And the moment they saw a new face one of them went straight to Atretes. "Ahhh Traveler, perhaps we can interest you in something. Or did you come to help us with our local Sith problem, a dangerous Sith that murdered the fathers of some families lives to the north of here and if you are here to put an end to him we will gladly pay you for such..." He smiled and seemed almost pleading in his words, as he had come to believe the very things he said, the whole town had, and thanks to that there was the problem that kept Solan on the planet.


Well-Known Member
The younger-aged Templar looked between the two, his senses feeling tenderly at the two. They felt... damaged, somehow. It was hard to place, but as he looked around he felt out to the interwebbing ethereal constructs and felt... something. It wasn't dark, like he'd learned of the Sith, but simply there. Weak. Naturally, with no viable skills in deception yet, he spoke truthfully and without consideration of later consequences. He straightened his black jacked that hid his modified armour and looked to the man who'd approached him.

"I sense no Sith presence here, my good man," he said calmly, "But I shall... keep an eye out for you." he added, that twist of diplomacy coming to him by instinct than by wit. Still, that presence... it merited investigation. If there truly was a murderer in proximity he wanted to ensure he wasn't going to end up next on the tally.

[member="Solan Charr"]
Feeling of a good day of hard work came to her mind . Taking off her leather hide gloves putting after getting off the speeder for the night. Sending her family foremen into town with the rest of the hire hands. Grandfather had wanted to bring new blood into the herd. After much research it was decide that choose of three bulls. Which two of the breeders lived on planet here. Finding it not hard to to find both of them. Been out helping round up the herd, for the night from the creature of Dantooine. some like the hound like easy prey. Getting herself off the biker that she had borrow from the rancher after her crew had left. Taking with her the long rife that had hang on her back. Stretching herself out, bending herself backwards to hear all the bones in her back pop loudly. Knowing the rest had a good head start. Brushing off her blue jeans and taking off her top, which was stain with sweat and dirt. Under it having her corset on.

Taking out a deep breath walking on into the place, looking over the place before spotting her men. Giving them a nod, before coming up to the bar to order a good pint of ale. Taking it to find her way to sit. As it was with out not noting how many empty. Hey lookie Lookie our sexy boss is here." glaring down at the one saying it, as if shoot daggers at him. Stepping up to him, Listen here Sweet Pea, call me sexy again, might not have your balls left, understand. If it wouldn't be for the fact that this one had just been hired, not knowing better like the others ones. Others just laughing at him, as they told him that she was dead set on doing that. Telling him some story of some of the other hire hands that ended up leaving. Taking a seat to drink on her ale. Letting her hire hands of a little bit of fun. Only to see that two of them was drooling over another a barmaid. Putting her feet up on the table to push back to put her chair on two legs. To find herself relaxing more to enjoying the ale it wasn't the best she had but it wasn't the water down stuff that some joints served. [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Atretes Rhoujen"] [member="Astrian Callus"]
To [member="Seanna Vel "]:

A man looked over and laughed after he said something to a friend, after that he stood and walked over to her and spoke. "Well, aren't you tough, if you want to act so tough why don't you go out to the home out on the plains themselves, because otherwise we dont care about your threats." Without letting her speak or do anything he turned and left back to his seat to go back to drinking with his friend, laughing as they said something that was obviously geared at her.

To [member="Atretes Rhoujen"]

"Thank you, and be safe stranger." He moved off and walked towards the others he was talking to before, leaving the man to his own business while he talked with those around him.

(Sorry these posts sucks, i cant RP NPC.)


Well-Known Member
Atretes gave a quiet nod to the man who'd stolen his attention, and now the Templar sought this small focal point in the Force. He reached out with his senses, following the tendrils that led to where he wanted to go. Slowly he followed the trails like one would track the faint footprints of a game animal, making sure he didn't accidentally fall off the path and end up tracing some wild Force signature that led off somewhere else. The benefit was that the closer he got, the stronger the presence became, though it reminded him of himself not long ago. Wild, mostly-untamed energy that flowed and ensnared its owner.

When his sensory perceptions brought him nearly to an apex of awareness, similar to a proximity detector would shriek at you when you got close to your target, he found himself faced with a wall.

"Up..." Rhoujen thought to himself. He looked around for a way to either see into the second floor window or to get on top of the building itself.

[member="Solan Charr"]
Hearing the voice got her dark eyes of her's to open to a most ugly looking man she had every set eyes on. Giving him a death stare. Finding it hard to not let go after making their side remarks. Legs coming down off the table her eyes locked onto the table that the two guys where. Not doing anything until she finished her pint. Wiping her mouth off, before standing up walking over to the two. First punching the one in the jaw line, it wasn't a lady kind of punch hearing maybe a few teeth coming loose.

Listen, Sugar I think you need to be taken out back, showed some manners... his face wasn't smiling any mores, but hers had a slight upwards curve. As she heard the ones behind her start taking bets on how many punches it would take to knock the pour bastered out. Waiting for his response only she didn't have a good set of skills to wait. Hell with this... Grabbing him by the back of the shirt taking him out and down the street. Having herself a grin on her face. Knowing he was more stun then anything that would go way. You want to repeat what you just told you sweet cakes back there...
[member="Astrian Callus"] [member="Atretes Rhoujen"] [member="Solan Charr"]
To [member="Atretes Rhoujen"] :

Solan's head moved slightly as he lay on the roof, full well sensing Atretes before he laid back down, now was a game of waiting to see just who it was that seems to have stumbled upon his abode. There would be a few second story windows and even a balcony but no way in which to get into them as they seemed to be locked and a metal grid like covers that denied entrance. The roof was flat though and offered more than enough room to get onto if you were able to climb up the grates or jump high enough.

To [member="Seanna Vel "]:

The man was trying to figure out what in the seven hells just happened but all he could do was just nod and speak. "I...i said theres a murderer outside of the town, and if you want to act so tough why dont you go take care of of him instead of sit around here." He swallowed and smiled, trying to get the girl that for some reason was not like the normal ones off him.


Well-Known Member
Atretes always liked to climb. It's why he customised his armour to allow greater freedom of movement. He looked along the nearby buildings. They were too far from this particular one to make a good leap point, but there were several crates on the ground, and the apprentice had a well enough understanding of telekinesis to use that to his advantage. He hopped up and climbed the ladder to the roof of a nearby roof and navigated to one of the rooftops adjacent to the roof his person of interest is on. He could actually see him from here. He looked down to the crates below and moved one into position. This would take a bit of timing and hopefully he wouldn't fall and break something. He gave a running start, and leapt to the too-large gap between rooftops. He looked down to the crate below him and motioned for it to rise. It lifted, met his feet, and he used that moment to spring off of it and lengthen his jump. He landed on the target rooftop like a cat pounces.

Atretes stood and dusted off his pants, and winced when he heard the crate fall to the ground and, likely, smash.

"Hello." he said politely.

[member="Solan Charr"]
Giving him a long hard look did she did it again with her angry miss read this ones attention. Still giving him a long hard lasting look from her black eyes. Before just dropping him in the middle of the street and walking off. Looking back down at the man that still seem to be kind of puzzled with her behavior. Shrugging her shoulders as she pointed in a direction. Walking in the direction as if more of a feeling then anything until she was facing a old run down building. Wondering if how the beans she was going to be able to everything looked closed and no life. Until was that the wind or did she hear a voice coming from the top of the build. Either way it better then just drinking the night away, right.

Taking out her gun shooting it up to the top then pulling at it to make it sure it would hold her. Beginning to climb slowly as she did some of the building crumble under her feet. Until she reach the top, Until she let herself over the top, now her white corest was now dirty. Oh the hell beans...

[member="Atretes Rhoujen"][member="Solan Charr"]
Solan looked first at Atretes and then at the next arrival from where he laid, not a single emotion crossing his face as he did and blinking at them with pale blue eyes ringed by black with hollow features to his appearance. For a few seconds, he said nothing and just stared at the two of them as if waiting for one of them to attack him and then after a good thirty seconds of nothing he spoke with a cheerful and joyful tone, light and soft as it flowed from the one that looked like he was half dead. "Hello, im Solan, who do i have the honor of meeting?"

[member="Seanna Vel "] [member="Atretes Rhoujen"]


Well-Known Member
The newcomer from below was... unexpected, to say the least, but he nodded greeting to her pleasantly. (OOC: I'm going to assume this is before Atretes and Seanna met) After the long silence of nobody doing much of anything, the Apprentice jumped slightly when the other spoke.

Rhoujen couldn't help but give a pleasant, polite smile at the roof inhabitant's demeanour, but he was cautious with things like names.

"I am... a bit of a vigilante, I suppose," he said, thinking to what exactly he would call the Templar order, "part of a group. I was taking a bit of a break and enjoying the night air, and when I stopped here I was accosted by these most peculiar individuals and bludgeoned with questions about saving the town from a Sith." he said plainly, yet he maintained his air of politeness. He looked around and acknowledged that the only one here, aside from himself, with enough power to remotely try to be a Sith was the man he was speaking to. He held up his hands in a placating manner as he spoke.

"Now, I'm not accusing you," he said calmly still, "I only followed me senses to the strongest Force signature besides myself. I'd like to know if you know what they're on about." he finished, and scanned for a reaction.

[member="Solan Charr"]
"Aren't you just a bold one, sweet pea, bet your sweet ass I don't give my name just to any joe blow " Looking at him with her black eyes, then darted to the other one that spoke. Listening to the other one not knowing his name either. This sweet one spoke a lot of information that one could use later on, or nothing at all. This one was part of a group. It sounded to her like they hunted killers and the likes down for a living. Finding her hands slipping down her side to her hips where her pistol rested upon her hips. I don't put up with Monkey business around here, got some piss pour excuse for folks around her scared right down shit in their pants because some damn killer is on the loose wouldn't know who they was taking about sweet cheeks. [member="Solan Charr"][member="Atretes Rhoujen"]
Solan just continued his soft smile, a cheerful one that held no malice as his voice sounded in the same soft and kind voice as before. "That, as i suspect, would be me that you two are looking for so i am simply going to ask this simple question to you two. Death or conversation?" He never changed in anyway, infact the way his demeanor suggested that he was joking but it did hold a tinge of sincerity behind it, they would either talk like civil people, leave, or attempt to claim his head, the last of which would come far harder than the former two. @Seanna Vel [member="Atretes Rhoujen"]


Well-Known Member
Atretes was unsure if the statement was intended to be threatening or not. The woman who crawled out from below was speaking in such a way that the fledgling Templar had never heard before, and he was having some trouble coming to grips with what she was saying between the peas, monkeys, and blowing... so he chose to not pay much attention to her until he was at a more suitable time to learn her vernacular. The matter at hand was more pressing.

"You?" he asked with tones of confusion, "but unless I'm completely ignorant, you barely have a whisper of Dark." he observed. Touched, yes, which could imply that he'd interacted with something of the Dark side, but as far as he knew of Sith he was hardly of the right makeup. He decided, then, to answer the question after a small shrug.

"Conversation. I see no immediate reason for violence".

[member="Solan Charr"]
Seeing that I could use a few more cold ones to throw down, I say conversation.

It wasn't like she had anywhere special to be this after did peek her interested as to why one could place. As she waiting until one would speak again, giving them both a looked at not understand what was taking place what was being talked about.

[member="Atretes Rhoujen"] [member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"] @Seanna Vel

"Oh, how silly of me, one moment." He closed his eyes and focused inwards as he lay there, the whisper growing to become clear as day at the hate and anger kept in him before residing once more as he grinned at the man again. "Still a whisper?" He sat up and stared between them for a few moments before his grin grew wider and he spoke with a bit of surety in his voice. "Jedi, Sith, Rogue, or Templar?" He knew the major groupings and the two infront of him were no doubt force users, something he could very clearly tell between a mix of Force Sense and Sight, the latter of which aided by his natural affinity for the power.


Well-Known Member
The emotions surged forward like a wave, and Atretes found himself surprised, until he reminded himself that in his training he was but an apprentice. His senses weren't quite up-to-par yet. Still, he had encountered a Tarentatek in the past. That was a creature born of the Dark side, and this man had the emotions he was told were typical to that part of the Force that obviously have him his attachments and taint, but something about him told him he wasn't like the true... what were they called... Sith.

"More than a whisper, but still not all-encompassing." Rhoujen answered simply. He took a few steps to the side to get rid of an itch in his legs, and in the interim [member="Solan Charr"] asked his second question. Atretes played with whether or not to answer for a moment, then decided that if this man were an active thread, then the Templar would not have been given the opportunity to converse.

"Templar Order." he responded. He was facing away, but his eyes and senses darted to keep track of what the other two were doing.

[member="Seanna Vel"]
It wasn't like she was the type to just met strangers. Like the ones right now that seem to be doing some kind of magic stuff she had only heard about from her grandparents let at night. Growing up she knew their was a reason why she had stay on the farm with her grandparents. It wasn't until her gift came about one day when handling her mother old blade like she done over and over again did it came out what what her mother had been. It then all came flood to her why her secret had to be kept from all. "Whoa , Whoa there sweet pea this Tempar is that some kind of place for ...people with ...heck gifts to do some mumble jumble stuff with the ...a wave of their hands, or that sort of shit." shaking her head not wanting to hear any more but at the same time she did.

[member="Atretes Rhoujen"] [member="Solan Charr"]

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