Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A New Library, A New Day (Open To All.)

Location: Coruscant, Back of The Library
Reason: To Learn, and To Rest.

A brand new library, a nice day, but no people other than him in the new library, what to expect. He walked to the back of the library and sat at a table. He then took a data pad out of his bag, he began to study certain planets and their history. He looked up and still nobody's there, it is still nice to finally get some peace and quiet.

"Now, what the hell are you doing here Aaron?" He said to himself. Aaron had no idea what he was doing to be honest but he still was pretty happy where he was.

Aaron went deep into his thoughts about his life, his parents dying before he even knew them, to him it was pretty heavy. He closed his eyes and slowly opened them again, time to see what the day brings me. He thought to himself.
stardust walked into the new library with a smile as she looked around only spotting another person in the library she sat and took a data pad out readying on random stuff weapons different ships planets s she sighed and day dreamed
[member="Aaron Kidd"]
Aaron quickly snapped his eyes open and looked at the woman. "Hello" was the only word he said to the woman he didn't know her but it would be nice to talk in such a empty place.

Aaron turned off his data pad and put it back in his pack, he then went back and waited for the woman to say somthing.

Courscant, city streets.
Reason: I am running for my life!

Harsh breaths were taken as I tried to out run the little gang of people that I had stolen from. Oh it was no that bad for me to take a few credits here and there. Turning my head for a second, I saw about four people running behind me. All big and wanting to beat me to a pulp. I had already drawn my chain whip. Lashing it out with practice at a box. Small in it's size, the chain wrapped around and with a large tug, I sent it flyin behind me. I heard a solid umph sound, and a small scuffle, and that's when I used my parkour skills.

You see, as an amateur thief I was good at getting away from people. So with a leap on top of a dumpster, a jump with a mid-air flick of the wrist, and I swung up over the chain fence and continued running. Laughing as the four men would have a little bit of trouble with the fence before they could ever catch me. The chain then wrapped itself up into my right arm. Taking a right I headed for the library. The last place a thief would be!

I took off my jacket and flipped it around to be a dull blue instead of a brown, and the beani on my head was reversed to be red, instead of blue. It was nice knowing how to sew so you could escape from someone with a thing as small as a switch-a-roo. Moving past the others I the. Sat down at a table and began to fake read. Hopefully the book I picked up would be something appropriate. Unlike last time, I was caught reading a womans magazine about breast implants. Not a good cover.

[member="Aaron Kidd"], [member="stardust"],
Aaron kidd thought for a moment. "I could be better." He looked up at a man who had just entered the room, he seemed to be out of breath. "Is something wrong?"Aaron asked [member="Asher Kellan"] while staring at him, interesting it was weird to see a man out of breath at a library. "My name is Aaron Kidd, and it is nice to meet you both."


Looking at whatever it was that was on the datapad, I looked around me to get a view of my surroundings. See where I could escape and where I could have a place to hide here. Maybe even places were I could use my parkour skills to get onto a different floor. already I found like three different routes when I heard a man ask me if everything was alright? I looked between him and the Twi'lek that were talking back and forth.

"Um... just getting here to make sure that I got the right holobook before someone else." Smiling with one fake sly of the lips, I tapped the screen to indicate what I was meaning and bowed my head to look at the holo images while the two continued to talk.

[member="stardust"], [member="Aaron Kidd"],

Mike plays a slow soothing melody on his guitar as he walks the streets of Coruscant. He had stopped playing his guitar for a long time, but once he started again, he couldn't stop. Life without music meant nothing. Completely transfixed by the music, he wanders into a new library and takes a seat on top of a table. He puts his leg up on a chair to rest the guitar on as he continued to play softly and reminisce of days long past, when he would play this song with his friends. All Mike wanted was to see them again. Let them know he was sorry. That he couldn't control it. He still didn't know where his powers had come from, and he probably never would.

As the song continues, Mike slowly falls into a trance. His eyes start to fade black as his metallic hair shimmers in the sun, and suddenly the ghostly apparition of his dead band members appear before Mike, playing along with him. Mike didn't know what was going on, but it didn't matter. He smiles as the song softly continues and then immediately turns loud all of the sudden, booming across the entire library.

[member="Aaron Kidd"] [member="stardust"] [member="Asher Kellan"]


Active Member
The library was a place of knowledge, interactions and to get away from the cops. Yet, the crowd today was an interesting bunch of loners. Each having there own plans, in the background of book shelves they were around.

The other people in the library were passing by, none cared about the two that talked. The two seemed to be getting to know each other, while the third one was a different story as he was showing some odd signs but they didn't know why. Maybe running from some men or even the police.

The sound of angry men could be heard outside, passing by the entrance of the libarary for now at least. They would look around for the trail of the man they were searching for, which would lead them to the item that was stolen from their stash.

[member="Asher Kellan"]
[member="Aaron Kidd"]

( OOC- I am only describing the scenery and some of your actions. So don't mention me. )

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