Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Little Pain

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
Autumn was creeping ever closer. Harvest season was upon them. But even with all they'd managed to grow during the warmer spring and summer months, it wasn't enough to sustain the clan for the coming winter. They had to trade and purchase what they could not get themselves. So Rawnie, as the leader of her small clan, had taken the job onto herself. As she often did. Because she didn't know how not to punish herself for things that simply were not her fault.

She'd spent too much time idle though. Healing from her injuries had taken a huge toll on her emotional health. Made her feel useless. How did she let herself get hurt that badly? And she still wasn't all that much better off. She still had shattered bones in her shoulder from the bullet, and stitches from where she'd been stabbed. One arm was in a sling still. Very annoying. And to top it all off, she was creeping ever closer to the end of her pregnancy. In a few more weeks, just as autumn started to come to a close, she would get to finally meet little baby blue. This would have been way more exciting if she wasn't already so stressed.

She walked through the streets of Keldabe, looking for the cantina she was supposed to meet at. Someone has accepted her trade offer, thankfully. If she could just get through one meeting without stuttering and looking like an idiot, for the sake of her clan, she would consider that a victory.

[member="Doctor Azure"]
Unlike the woman he was going to meet, Jakkar wasn't a leader of his people by any stretch of the imagination, in fact he'd spent much of the last 'skirmish' hunkered down in an old cargo ship waiting to provide covering fire and medical care to evacuating soldiers that'd never come. Such was life though and he was content that he'd done as he'd been asked. Now life had again thrown him a spanner and his little community of off-shoot Bralors had reached out to him for help. Seemed an off-world customer had backed out of an order and left his people holding the goods. Not normally a problem, just left them with some extra food stores to party with, but it had been a large order and the animals had already been slaughtered and packed along with the crop. Then someone had found a request for aid on the net and he'd been nominated to broker the deal since he was the closest.

Ducking off the streets and into the cantina, Jakkar started looking around for whoever he was supposed to meet. Having just the bare description of 'blond woman with red armor,' he had better luck than he was expecting. "Would you be Clan Leader Rawnie of the Tal'verda?" He asked in his easygoing way.
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]

The legend of the space smurf had Isis roaming around the galaxy, she had a look to herself while she stood there cocking her hips t the side with her engineers. They had been working on a few things now with new armor and equipment for Damorian to use on their engineers as well as make some of the weapons. Her lightsaber and grenade launcher pistol were on her hip as she was walking towards the doors of the ship taking her down onto the planer. Thoughts about all the work they had going towards a few of the things as her hand ran across her head ridges with a small tight lipped grin forming exiting the ship.

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
The blonde looked up with a nervous smile. Oh no. A small part of her had been hoping nobody would show. No. Not really. She was just nervous around people she didn't know.

"R-Rawnie Tal'verda," she stuttered, "You're [member="Jakkar Bralor"]?"

Of course he was. How stupid of her to ask. She motioned to the seat across from her.

"I, err... think we should get down to business."

[member="Jakkar Bralor"] [member="Isis Varida"]
Keldabe really was beautiful in the fall. Lor was simply wandering the area around the cantina Rawnie was sitting in, presumably conducting her business deal. He'd left her alone, for once, but not alone enough that he couldn't rain hell upon anybody who bothered her. It wasn't really like acting like a mother hen would help her at all. Hell, his usual brand of protectiveness had been totally unwelcome a few times recently. The way those circumstances had ended up, though, maybe Lor was walking off by himself a bit out of a tiny sense of spite. No matter what his wife said, she and Malcom Renolds had ordered him off the battlefield and that'd nearly gotten her killed.​
So, the Chiss was both attempting to cool off and show his annoyance. He didn't honestly care whether it was working, and there was a tiny bit of guilt in his mind over his decision. At least, he reasoned, he'd hear any trouble and Rawnie could very easily pick him up on the comm. The real question was what the hell he was supposed to do with this spare time.​
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"] [member="Isis Varida"] [member="Jakkar Bralor"]​
"That I am," He said admitting his identity as he followed her motion to sit at her table. "Negotiating business terms isn't my usual, so I ask that you forgive any impropriety that I might cause from ignorance." Nodding his thanks to a wait-girl after she took his order of an Autumn ale, he continued. "My kinsmen have told me you are lacking proper stores for the coming year and that while you may yet negotiate supply from off-world, you require something more immediate. Is my understanding of your situation proper?" Perhaps that was too blunt, even for him, but he wasn't a fracking merchant for a reason. Didn't mean he was unwilling to help, needless suffering was something he hated, at the same time though he couldn't help but be slightly upset that a fellow clan had been forced into this position.
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"] [member="Doctor Azure"] [member="Isis Varida"]

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
The blonde's face went bright red. So her situation was obvious then. She hated to admit weakness, that she had been unable to provide for her clan, but sometimes forces worked against her. Bad weather had killed some of their crops, and wolves moving into their land had killed off many of their animals. All in all, her first year as clan Alor had been a hard one. But she was trying to make up for it. She would get them through it. One way or another.

"That is about the situation, yes," she answered, rubbing the spot where her baby was kicking under the table, "Negotiations aside then, how much were you looking to get paid? I have credits, but we also have things to trade. Furs, mostly from wolf, we also have ore, metals, gemstones. Name your price."

She cared the least about the gemstones. They were found now and again in the mountains, the caverns. Useless pretty things, but when they were found, they could usually be sold for a decent price. Some clans could afford useless pretty things. Hers could not.

[member="Jakkar Bralor"] [member="Doctor Azure"] [member="Isis Varida"]
[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"] [member="Jakkar Bralor"] [member="Doctor Azure"]

Isis arrived and was moving, no time like the present as she slipped in and was looking at the others who were there. Her eyes on a few of them though before she let her attention falter and felt out of place. Most of them seemed like mandalorins and she was a semi petite strong liran with a bodyglove and combat vest... She wasn't the greatest fighter and wasn't certain how they felt about force users. She could keep that a secret as she had worked plenty without the force and her saber looking like a micro grenade launcher helped disguise it as she walked forward more watching the others. "Hello."

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