Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Force Unknown... (Maya)

[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Location: Raxis Homestead, west of Keldabe. Mandalore.

The day was bright and the crops had just been harvested leaving Jack with an empty barren landscape to endure. The forest was nice and green, but brown dirt fields with rich soil stretched for miles around his small cabin and barn.

He grunted, shaking his head as he leaned against a post of his roofed in deck and sipped from a Stimcaf canteen. The warm nutty aroma filtered in with the wood smoke mingling in a strange smell under his nose. It was cold, but only a small bite of what was to come.

Dak was inside sleeping somewhere. Jack was expecting a guest today. A Master he'd found in the Archives on Voss before his trip to Yinchor. He'd always been rather astute at Navigation by instinct, reading intentions, persuading folks and moving things unexpectedly with his mind.

The Zeison Sha he'd encountered on Yinchor had sharpened that talent, introducing him to the power behind it, and helping him to focus. He knew the basics, but the abridged version. Zeison Sha used the force in a neutral tone, neither invoking Light nor Dark, simply moving their diskblades and utilizing aspects of it to survive. Then he'd met Jorus, who'd told him about his mother, and how she was a wandering Jedi and a Crafter.

Jack wanted to know more. He wanted a greater clarity of traditions outside his own. A greater grasp on the overall utilisation of this hokey mystical energy field turned reality.

So he waited, thoughts of how he would arrange his next crops floating through his mind, as wood smoke floated through the breeze.
As her ship came into view of the homestead she couldn't help look at how simple this place. In her mind it was prefect and peaceful. Having really not fully understand this culture. After all the father of her twins had been a mandalore, just what happen to him. It had been many years since she had last seen him. More likely he was buried some where on a far distant planet not heard of battle the darkness that had tighten its grip on the galaxy. No matter how much they seem to enjoy each other they hadn't always seen eye to eye on the matter of the force. In a way her view of the force and others that used was very much different then haven a side and hating the other side of the force.

Setting her ship down a ways off so not to harm the crop land, she would make her way on foot the rest of the way. After shutting down the ship, after having went through all the cheek points that the planet had set up. Making it the homestead, the one that sent her a message about wanting to learn more of the force through her teaching. In a way she found it odd that one like him wanted such a few of herself then a season warrior like that of Master Connor, or that of the Grandmaster himself.

Finding that her first step in the ground soft. In a way Maya was fully of a rare wisdom that it seem very few took the path down. Wondering letting herself get lost in the very nature of this place. It still was a different planet, with a different life beat but it still had the very heart beat that she had came to love about any planet that had life on it. The real beauty didn't lie with what one could see what what one couldn't see with out the force. This land was like that of a whisper to her calling her name to bond with it make her a part of it. Fulling now seeing that harvest had just been done, just the smell of the dark soil being turn over brought a joy to her lips.

Coming dressed in her robes of sliver that by no way made her own shape take form under the loose flowing robes. Finding the gentle breath coming to play with it then playing a dance in her hair of such a bluish-purplish wave only tie back by her long clip of gold and gems. It was more then just some hair crown it was her only weapon that she had on her. Closing her eyes to the world around her, even so feeling that their her new pupil was eyeing her in a curious way. In a way she was a blinding light with beacon for all to hope.

As she got closer the smell of the wood burning smoke played in her nose, this only brought her eyes open once again knowing that she would soon speak to this one that had requested her present. "Greetings, " as she look now for the first time at her new pupil studying him with eyes full of wisdom and experience. "I must say that what you wrote about your homestead didn't do justices until I let my fist foot step foot on the very ground."

[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

She was a curious one alright. Jacks jaw fought to stay from falling at her beauty. That skin and hair were something else. He felt a surge of attraction and grinned, taking a sip of the stimcaf from the canteen and dusting his trousers and coat off. then he snapped his eyes upon hers and let them pierce into the depths of her being.

From her tells on the outside he could tell she was surprised she liked the place. Even masters had stray thoughts. while he couldn't determine what exactly they were he could determine their general nature. Surprise, but pleasant surprise. Which meant she was truthful woman.

"It's my hideout from the troubles of the galaxy. I'm glad you are enjoying it!"

He reached out his calloused hand and nodded. Manners first, business second.

"Pleasure to meet you Master Whitelight. Can I offer you food or drink?"
All she could do was to give her nodding approval. Before she could speak of anything else on the place that laid before her. Came a hand, to shake, something that she wasn't used to but knew all to well. Letting her very slender fingers be the first to reach out taking the hand, finding that maybe he would think it strange that she didn't have such soft hands as one would expect to find with one like her.

True she was teaching and running the ademeny on Voss but also she had her love of plants and herb making, keep her hands busy working. It seem that he was no different by the the hands that worked the land himself.

"I would like that very much Mr. Raxis." as she let go of his hand after a few shakes. "I must say I was surprise at the meeting place you pick but now I can see why you pick this place,", as she could feel how bonded he was to the land that laid before them. [member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Jack nodded and opened the door. He pulled out an old wooden chair for her. It was a small kitchen and dining room. filled with herbs drying from the ceiling rafters and rough hewn carpentry. The stove was gas, the table was old and stained. The chair were rickety and it was lit by a combination of sunlight through the windows and a dim old lantern that burned in the corner.

The living room was a table, a couch, holo projector and a simple wooden chest filled with his mothers old notes and recordings. She was old fashioned, and had made backups of her work on this old thing called paper. Weird.

Jack fetched two cups, and some Ujj cake from the Preservation unit. He set the platter on the table, and the cups, and set water on the stove to boil.

"So tell me of the Silver Jedi? Who are these folks, what do they represent?"

Jack raised and eyebrow taking a seat while the water heated.

"I know about Republic Jedi, bunch of dogs supporting a corrupt system if you ask me. Saw what they did at Roche, defended the actions of their Government, allowed Commander Hadrix to vent half a station and kill old man Rekalis daughter."
After she was sitting did the the question come flying from him. Until he was finished she sat there and smiled. Even those she was one to stay as far a way from the political battles. It wasn't new to her in no way shape or form. Wanting more to talk about the Silver Order it self. Sadly as it may seem she had last touch with most of the order over the years. "Silver Order is a complex Order that don't have any political ties to anyone but ourselves, we fight for what is good. " even then some of the idea came from each one different from the next but still they was there to do away from the evil in this galaxy.

Knowing a little of what he spoke of on Roche, she didn't want to show it in her eyes, as the fact that it was hard when it came to war. Her eyes slowly coming up to met his as they first met, like he was looking deeply into her again. "Yes, some time in the heat of battle with in a person, the very thing that they guard against they became the monster themselves." as she look at all the herbs drying.

"All these herbs come from your little piece of paradise.", as she pick up her fork to eat a little bit of the cake. Letting the sweetness place with her taste buds on the way down after swallowing after the slow chew. "So tell me what made you seek out a Force Master, for training." this was very much curious as much as the man himself that sat before her. After all if she was to teach him the ways of the force she would need to get to know him a bit more on a more personal level or was it maybe more. This thought how every little it may be she pushed to the back of her mind for now.

"I have these peaches back on Voss that would be very delicious with this cake, they are sweet and very juicy."

[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Jack removed the hot water from the stove and then some bark tea. The water steamed as it poured into the cups. He set the tea in and pushed one gently her way, leaning back in the seat he had retaken. As the bark fermented and steeped he was searching for the correct combinations of words. Then she mentioned the peaches. Those sounded good.

"Well I ran almost Afoul of some Zeison Sha on Yinchor. Helped them fight off some Dark Jedi and low and behold, turns out I'm force sensitive."

Jack sipped the tea.

"The thing is I’ve always had knack for flying, navigating, moving stuff, tricking people and mind-reading. I never considered where it came from. Thought the Jedi were some hokey religion with ancient weapons. Turns out I'm pretty strong with this mystical force. The Sha taught me how to harness the most basic of energies and move stuff a bit more."

Jack set the cup down.

"That's tea from endor by the way. A special bark that soothes."

He paused again.

"I guess I'd like to learn more. The Zeison Sha use the force for survival and combat, to move their diskblades. I'm open to expand my horizons."
Earthy aroma came swirling playing with her sense of smile through her nostrils. Even as it seem that he answer her own question couldn't help but wonder more about one before her. Only then could she begin to understand who she would be training. Taking her first sip it was as if her taste buds woke up. Even with her eyes delighted in the tea.

"Its very delicious."

As she let herself think upon what he said to want to learn farther. Pausing now before chose her next few words.

Well then so where should we start with, maybe what you can do already. As you know that with a warrior training one would say that your path is already set before you, I say that can always change, make your own path your own destiny.

Beside this is only a start, of what she hope would be many times spend together. Being for what every reason drawling to this one maybe his face told all she need to know. Even so she needed to put those feelings aside at less for now as she been asked to train. Even now her own eyes look deeper into his eyes, but more then anything searching deeper with in to really know what kind of person [member="Jack Raxis"] .

I can teach some more of skill of going with out seen. Maybe that would be for another time, we could see what skills you have learn from The Zeison Sha.
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Jack nodded.

"Fair enough, here's what I'm good at."

He felt the tingle come again to his navel. It was a feeling he was no stranger to. Every-time he felt it it was the force coming into his body, moving his spirit. As it fluttered by he closed his eyes and focused, inhaling a deep breath. The Zeison Sha had taught neutrality, using will and presence of mind to influence the force, rather than dominate or ally with it. As Jack focused the powers began to grow, like thin webs weaving an intricate net in his core.

The wheel of focus was spinning and he was emptying his mind, using pure will power to prod and nudge the thoughts away.

One hand extended, aiming at the teapot before them.

His eyes opened and the brows furrowed in intense concentration. And the pot began to rise, in a controlled motion, inch by inch.

"That's basic, I got this too."

The wheels of focus intensified and he brought all attention to a single point above him. Energy flows where attention goes, a tenet of Teras Kasi. And flow it did, as he flicked his wrist the pot zoomed up to the ceiling and smashed into many small pieces. They rained down free-falling and then both hands shot out.

A final exertion of the focus caught the falling shards, and lowered them gently down, spinning counter clockwise.

And then they rattled as fatigue set in, and he lost it. The wheel toppled, the Telekinesis broke and the pieces clattered down in a neat pile on the table...
Even as she watch no only him but the tea pot, she didn't move from her sit. It wasn't as if she needed to but also she wanted to get the whole picture of this one. Amazed at how much he already knew even as the pot circled over and over until it broke in many pieces. After it was all over the hot droplets over her own robes. Even so she flick that thought away for the moment of having a wet.

Coming back to lay her eyes on him after the shards made there finally resting places.

"Very good start," as she give him the encouragement with not only her own eyes and smile. Knowing just by his face that he had use a lot of energy.

Getting up to wipe some of tea looking at the dark drops that now present on her robe. Before he could say a word, "Don't worry over some split tea," as she had a calming.

[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Spilt tea eh? He scratched his head and gave the Master a wry grin as he watched her wipe away the flecks of what was left in the shattered pot. Most of the time force using Mando'ade kept the whole force thing to themselves, so he was happy to finally haven a chance to show it off. Still pride was a bad thing, a thing that got a lot of folks killed.

So he stifled the emotion, pushing it to the side and took another sip of the earthy bark tea. A small breeze was coming through the open window, giving them a tantalizing scent of freshly tilled earth and a hint of salty marsh from the stream nearby. His brows were furrowed now as he focused once more.

The pieces rose slightly, moving through the air in a haphazard formation before settling down into a trash bin nearby.

"What exactly is your specialization Master Whitelight. I'm open to learn anything."
It had to be in her eyes as if anyone else could see clearly, or maybe it wasn't so much with him. Remember back to her twin children father being a proud Mandalorian now long lost to her. Even so she clear her throat. "My passion is Healing, but not any healing I use the environment around me not not only aid but to heal the land and nature around. I have to say before he give me this look I wasn't always a healer, I was a warrior learn the way of my tribe. "

Even then she couldn't help but smile once again before she let the soft breeze play with her hair, before letting it come down to rest. "I also know the basics of the lightsaber." as she let her eyes shoot downward there it was her weakness in the force.

"What is your desire to learn, I can teach you how to blend into , to let the force be your guild, let you see how to grow something from a seed with out having to wait the season of growing." as she had spoken of what she did have for just the start.

[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Growing outside of the growing season? Jacks eyes lit up at the thought. He was already very astute at navigating and letting the force guide him. Saber styles were a hit and miss as he used his sword most of the time. In fact he did not even posses a saber to begin with. As far growing and healing though? These were things every forcer needed to know.

Jack suspected they would come in handy in his future endeavours.

"Then let's begin. Your strength is healing, and I aim to make it my strength as well then."
Even as she listen to his own words she couldn't help but feel what was laid unspoken. This only brought her lips into a small curve to her face. It was still as if she knew what to do in a time like this. AS she begin to speak knowing that there was something deeper to this knowing that with age came wisdom and some would say beauty. Even so should looked at him. Before speaking to him on the matter before hand.

"I can teach you this but I wonder just how much of the teach you will under stand or be able to do, seeing that you have just begin to tap into your powers. " pausing to let him think this over in his own mind as to what he was asking her to show him.

"To master such a power like this one must remember any force power even the basic takes years to really be able to say one knows it and used it as an aid. " still wasn't done but knowing that righ tnow more then anything she needed to take this very slow for him to understand.

"Can you run or jump with the force to aid you so you can run faster and longer or jump higher then you have every done before. " Even then she could see that there wasn't nothing but a thought that she wanted to get him to think before they even went on by his answers she would know where to start at. Knowing also this would be where she would stay for a while to teach then only then would she leave his side to cheek up on him every now and then after adding a power here and there. For now he needed to know that there was the force this path that he wanted to choice was a lot and not so easy one to be down

[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]

Jack raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

"Yes I can run and jump with and without the force. I'm more interested in skills I don't know."

She seemed a little offish about the whole thing, so Jack sipped his tea again and gave her a playful look, eyes wandering over the Masters pink skin. A Zeltron no doubt, he'd been to Zeltros lately, hunting treasure. The Zeltrons had a strange... allure about them.

"I have a little training in the basics, I've been studying under one Sabine Kurtass for a bit. I'm interested to expand beyond what she knows, which is why I came to you. Healing seems important, especially in battle, which I am no stranger to."
Feeling that she got when asked these very basic question told her all she needed to know. Even then it didn't hurt to let her voice be heard. "Good, then lets begin by this. I want you to see what the body is with the naked eye first. " waiting for his answer. Good now some would say that one oculd see if a body was well or not, but not always. There can be something deep with a person.

" all the body flows in a way that produces life, this is where it comes our next lesson. " as she paused taking a drink.

"Just like when this drink goes down so does all the blood goes to a different part of the body unseen. What I want you to see is where it goes on me." as she was speaking of the vessels that lend to the aterreies others tissues.

"Oh one more then, I"m not what you call your normal run of the mill Zeltron, I control what others would say drove them wild for a Zeltron lustfully." as she giving him a quick flash of a smile. "I never been on Zeltros before, if that answer any other question you had." a she was very different but there was always strengths that she pulls from her race.

Reaching over and patting his arm, " You will do fine you need to see what is unseen, just like nature there is so much that is unseen."

[member="Jack Raxis"]

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