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Bounty A Death Mark's Not an Easy Thing to Live With

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Jerec woke up deeply uncomfortable and also in jail. Well, imprisoned anyway: there wasn't much in the way of justice attached so far as he was concerned, just a grudge gone nuclear. Now a Gand Gand bounty hunter had handed him over in stun cuffs and he was aboard a Directorate destroyer, so things just kept escalating.

Two point five million credits they'd paid for him. Blown up his ship, the Colichemarde, with its crew aboard. Hunted him planet to planet.

Truth be told, Jerec was halfway glad the chase was over.

James Cerensp Natian Sanorge

Ivan Stadd

James Cerensp stood on the bridge of his Subjugator-Class Star Destroyer , the Enforcer as it arrived at an Dock Station within the Anoat Sector in which served as the headquarters of the DIB. Despite the Outer Rim being ignored by the Core , the DIB despite originating from the Core had apparently alot of interests in the region seeing the Outer Rim as a perfect hub for Mercenaries to conduct Proxy Operations for the DIB. Just what they needed after Maracel Yorkell had ordered Natian Sanorge to conduct his operation through proxies and therefore Natian had resolved to turn to the Outer Rim an area of the galaxy that was ignored by many the perfect place to position the Headquarters of the DIB.

As his Ship docked within the Docking Station , James Cerensp awaited the arrival of Natian Sanorge who would inspect the DIB's prize. Already Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr was a clear danger to future DIB Mining Operations given that the Directorate had been making plans for a new weapons program nd required a few diffrent types of crystals for such weapons. However after capturing Jerec . James had realized that he was worth more then expected and learned that Cole Merill was nothing but a Sith Experiement gone wrong and that perhaps he could use this to his advantage but for now his focus was solely on Jerec.

Soon Natian Sanorge arrived at the bridge of the Enforcer escorted by 2 Supercommandos and greeted James. "Well hello there James it's been a long month for you huh , chasing people here , chasing people there." Natian began. "Now since that has payed off let's take a look at the prisoner". Soon , James and Natian had arrived at the Detention Block where Jerec was being held prisoner soon opening the door to the cell of Jerec and facing the man in cuffs. "So Jerec Asyr is it?" Natian said. "You have caused great trouble to the DIB but we do not have plans to torture you or kill you for now. Instead we have a proposition , one you won't like but nevertheless one you can't refuse. "
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Jerec looked down at his stun cuffs and back at Natian Sanorge. He ignored James Cerensp, both because Sanorge was obviously in charge and because Cerensp was the bastard who'd blown up his ship, crew included.

"Given a choice between death, torture, and an awkward business arrangement, I'm feeling right at home. Reminds me of my second marriage. Alright, let's hear it."

Natian Sanorge James Cerensp
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