Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Deadly Combination (Asajj)


Crazy Never Looked this Good
Courascant's Undercity. At least a different section from when she'd last come here. Back then it was different. Back then Tanalth, the gen'dai clone, was still being "awoken"; in a sense. She had no true concept of who or what, only why. And why she was there was simple: to kill her original, Kezeorth the Beholder. But the fight had turned gruesome for both of them while half of the block they fought on was leveled in the process. Of course the Sith were not too happy about their own planet being destroyed from the inside, and Tanalth herself had needed to go into hiding in order to make herself stronger for when next she and Kezeroth met. It was only thanks to her new position as a member of the Techno Union, allies to the One Sith, that her past actions were "swept under the rug".
Tanalth had only returned because she was here awaiting information on something or other that was apparently important to her. She didn't pay too much attention to it, if she could be honest. The minute she arrived she checked and saw they were not ready for her, meaning she had time to kill. Where else would a giant red woman go except the Undercity, to one of the bigger cantinas there, and order herself a drink.
Upon entering many had stopped to see the odd alien woman before them. She was tall, strong, and had pure yellow eyes that almost burned as he glared at everyone. She said nothing and everyone began to slowly shrink back into their own business before Tanalth finally walked towards the bar. She towered over a small rodian sipping down his drink. As he looked back to see her she pointed for him to move, which he did in a heartbeat. After that she took his seat and ordered an entire mug of ale. Nothing better to start herself off with after all. After that she sat back, waiting, while listening to the music. She was trying to think of how to keep herself occupied during the wait, but a lot of it would involve smashing things up.
"Another!" Asajj grinned to the bartender, who served her another shot of some odd concoction they were selling. She had no idea what it's name was, but it was alcoholic and that was good enough for her. Sometimes it was nice to get away from the Assassins to where she wasn't recognized and could drink to her heart's content. This cantina was in no means her permanent runaway location, she had been to many before which had kicked her out after fights, but this one was her location tonight. The only downside was the attention she would initially attract. Predators spotting a young, fit girl by the bar. They would try to approach her and spark conversation, but one scowling glare from her naturally red eyes would cause them to turn tail back to their friends.

It seemed tonight she was not alone in turning a few heads, although for some different reasons. To her left a Rodian moved away quicker than a podracer, only to be replaced by a large red woman. With her shot glass in hand, she turned to the stranger and smirked. "You sure scared him." A grin flashed into sight before being covered by the glass, with more of the pink liquid entering her throat. It tasted horrible, but she didn't come here to sate her sweet tooth. Already the cantina noticed the pair close together, and a few curious heads were turning.

"You get alot of attention..." Her eyes flickered towards the rest of the cantina for a moment, before returning to the red giant.



Crazy Never Looked this Good
Tanalth had downed half her drink before hearing a feminine voice to her side. She looked over, seeing the odd, long haired girl, and shrugged at her remark about scaring him. She dropped her glass away from her lips before saying "I just really like this seat." With her arm she wiped away the little smear on her lips before hearing the girl yet again mention gaining attention from people in the cantina. She didn't even bother to look back as she shrugged and said "Not exactly hard to miss. I mean how many girls have pretty eyes like mine?" Her tone was sarcastic as she looked directly at the girl, showing off her pure burning yellow eyes to her before winking. After that she turned back and said "Never seen you around before. I take it your one of those Sith things, right?" She gulped some of her drink down before confirming for her "I have that thing where I can sense people's power. Like a little tinggle in the back of your neck, right?"
A small laugh, somewhat resembling the giggle of a child, came from Asajj at the woman's comment about her eyes. The fact that she sensed her ability in the force surprised her, it was the last thing she expected in a place like this. However it didn't bother her, if anything she liked people to know she had power, even if they had it too. "Yep. Well, I'm technically training to be a Sith, but soon." Her official training had only recently started in truth, but her whole life she had been able to achieve some things, so her true initiation couldn't be that far off. "You don't seem like a smuggler or much of a criminal like every other slimeball in here. How come you've come to this part of the galaxy?" The woman wasn't a Sith herself, judging by her labelling of them, and she didn't seem to be any kind of low-life smuggler. Maybe she was a mercenary? Either way, she thought people like her would be on Bastion with the Primeval. That's where most evil-looking species went these days.



Crazy Never Looked this Good
When [member="Asajj"] had asked what she was exactly Tanalth only answered with "Someone who's just trying to make her way in life." She then realized her mug was empty before calling to the barkeep "And someone who wants a refill. Now!" He quickly scrambled over to get enough ale together to pour into her large mug while she turned her body fully to face the girl she now spoke to. Her answer was something of an indication she either kept her secrets or really didn't know what to define herself as. Either way she was trying to change the subject at this point. "So let me guess..." she began as she seemed to examine her more. "Dathmoir, right? Or at least a part of it. Could sort of tell by the skin tone."
Asajj watched with some amusement as the barkeep rushed to her service in fear. For a moment she mused on how helpful it would be to have an appearance that struck such fear into the weak, it would make her a greater Sith surely. However, her own body was enough for her at the moment. Mobility over strength was always her choice, even if it was the opposite of the giant beside her. "I'm not exactly from Dathomir, but my mother was Human and my dad's Iridonian so... I'm the same as Dathomirians." She shrugged, tapping her glass lightly on the bar, a subtle signal to the barkeep that she wanted another shot. He came over, albeit not in as much fear as before, and refilled her shot glass.

Before she could lift it to her mouth, she noticed an usual amount of movement around the cantina. People were getting agitated, that or rowdy, at the presence of the red giant and the pale psychopath. It was nothing out of hand, well atleast not yet. She chose to ignore them, continuing the conversation. "Name's Asajj, what about you?"



Crazy Never Looked this Good
"Tanalth." she answered before sipping down more of her drink. After finishing she continued with "Though some call me Tana. Others Big Red. Among other things. You can take your pick, I've heard them all." She leaned back in her seat before noticing the long strand of hair [member="Asajj"] had. She cocked her head before saying "Nice hair. Takes you long to get it into a braid like that." She waited and listened to her answer, not really noticing the people in the bar, before adding to herself "Can never get my air like that. Mainly because it's not real. It's just more Gen'dai muscle that fashion out to look like hair."

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