Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff A Community Reminder

Hi there, lovely writers of SWRP!


Over the past few days there have been a number of events triggering discussions of importance pertaining to behavior and atmosphere here on the board, our primary SWRP Discord, as well as the individual major faction discord servers. This is not in any way intended to be a response to any singular event, person, post, or message. What this is, is a reminder to everyone in this community that behind every avatar, every name, every post and every GIF/emoji, there is a real person. A person like you. A person with feelings. A person with opinions. A person with beliefs. A person doing the best they can.

What this is, is a reminder that SWRP is a hobby. An outlet for writing something we are all (I would presume) passionate about: Star Wars. We cannot hope to achieve this common goal if we are at odds with one another. We cannot achieve this goal if we are sewing discourse among our fellow writers. We cannot achieve this goal if we are harboring an environment that is not conducive to bringing in new faces, or retaining those already here.

What this is, is a reminder that we have a shared responsibility to ensure that our attitudes, behaviors, demeanor, and energy is directed in a meaningful and constructive way. It's easy to feel frustrated with a person or situation, to send a passive-aggressive message or status update, but ask yourself is that going to in any way help the situation or the community by doing so? Engage your fellow writers. Rather than seeing the worst in those around you, talk. The vast majority of problems here are easily solved with open discussion, but that is difficult to do if you enter a conversation already determined to undermine the other, start an argument, or only intend for your voice to be heard. Disagreeing is a part of life, but respecting your fellow writers is paramount.

What this is, is a reminder that your comments, be they in jest, out of reflex, or in response to a slight made by another, can have an impact on someone in ways you can't predict. It's difficult to discern tone from text, and the manner you choose to word your messages can and will be misconstrued at times. It's important to clarify, if someone has mistaken your intent, but do so with tact and civility.

This community exists because despite all of our vast differences, backgrounds, ethnicity, races, political stances, orientations, goals, and life choices, we all share at least one thing: Star Wars. There will be writers that are simply incompatible with you for whatever reason. Don't ruin your, or anyone else's experience in this community or fandom by demonizing those you choose not to write with or those you disagree with. Move past it and allow one another to continue enjoying their hobby by distancing yourselves from one another.

This is a reminder that there's nothing to lose by being kind to one another. It costs nothing to be civil. We're all human beings.

Thank you,


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