Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A change of Hands (The Death of Hakora)

Darth Vaildra stood looking out over the scenery of the Empire from his office. His helmet was removed and his orange eyes lacked their fire that screamed Sith, he lacked the hatred, the anger. He did not know what or who he was anymore. His hands were weapons that had killed many, even whole villages, could he ever be forgiven for such crimes? Would he even ask? The real question, did he want to be forgiven?

Since a young age he had always been the follower, the soldier fighting for others and never himself. He was constantly trying to please others, but he never even stopped to ask what he wanted. He joined the Sith through his hatred for his sister [member="Alexandra Feanor"] someone he could never forgive. He was taught how to feel again by his two daughters [member="Azula Feanor"] and [member="Astrid Feanor"], but in the end even they left him. Azula was off trying to become some powerful god of water, or wind, or fire, he couldn't follow her desires, she was like shifting sand. Astrid, his apprentice, left him and a month ago and he hadn't seen her since. This left him back to where he began, when he started the Empire.

Would he return to the Dark Side and cut ties with them? He wasn't sure that was him anymore, but joining the Jedi or trying to be a lightsider wasn't ether. He grabbed his Obsidian sword, Wintersthorn and strapped it on his his back letting it rest on his read armor. He looked at his desk, there sat a lifeless clone of Vaildra and his helmet, the real one. It was better if he left it all behind and found out who he was alone. For Empire purposes, he would fake his own death. Most likely [member="Vengeance"] wouldn't believe his death was real, but his daughters might. This was to keep them from seeking him out. He needed to be free, he needed to find himself.

He harnessed a fireball and launched it in the room behind him lighting his office on fire. He opened and locked his door, soon he would be free, free of everything. He moved down the halls his mind a mess as everything wanted to come up at once. His mind was quickly brought to the present as a red lightsaber flashed and struck his neck slicing it open. How did he not sense this? The old man was losing it and for what? To die at the hands of an acolyte. He tried to see his killer, but his eyes were growing hazy as his life left him.

His mind turned to everyone, in the end he wondered if [member="Taeli Raaf"] would have killed him or [member="Darth Ferus"], but it seemed fate had a different plan. He fell to the ground, life quickly leaving him as a smile came across his face, he didn't deserve to live, he lived the majority of his life alone and now he would die alone. No one to mourn his passing, no one to know of his change. He lived as a monster and the monster was slain.

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