Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Raider atrok"]

Darkness. That was all the Spacer remembered as she awoke on cold steel decks. The station had been abandoned, or at least she thought so. A routine mission to salvage medical supplies had gone awry. As she rubbed her head she was dimly aware of the hissing Co2 scrubbers and the dull clanging of the stations ceiling fans. Where was she?

"What the frak."

She pushed up, rising to her full height. She was in a hallway. Some random access corridor that existed within some random level of the station. Whatever had knocked out power had damage her datapad. No map readings, no nothing. She cracked a glowstick, holding it high. Vassara's blue eyes narrowed in the orange bath of light, casting about.

Then she felt it, a dark presence...
he walked down a dark corridor with no sense of direction and sensed a presence he was unfamiliar with it sent shivers down his spine he decided to keep walking further to investigate he realized this would be difficult as he walked the power got stronger and stronger

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