Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ashlan Crusade

A gathering of religious fanatics, political extremists, mercenary bands, exiled armies, and others united under the goal of liberating their homeworlds occupied by the various Sith states.

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within the Crusader territory where could I install myself with a small construction site? not the capital though.
What are you looking to build?
Eric Vales
I have a tiny construction site in GA, I'm about to approve a big one outside of faction territory but it's a long way from Crusader territory. As maybe but only maybe (which is evolving) there will be an alliance between two groups (crusaders and pirates) with whom I work, a small construction site in an area not too visible to support the pirate pirates who agree to work for the crusaders.
Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Building a construction site inside Crusader space shouldn't be a problem, as long as you pay your taxes any industry is good for the economy.

Openly supporting pirates may raise issues as the arrangement is likely to be fairly "off the books"
Eric Vales
The English corsairs of 5-600 wintered alongside the regular British navy. francice drake was the equivalent of a modern counter admiral. he did piracy but also real naval battles as a high officer of English squads led by a royally appointed admiral.
Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Yeah, but drake is set way way in the future in a distant galaxy so I wouldn't count on it top much for a precedent :)
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