Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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House Io

A highly militarized society consisting of Refugees from the Bryn'adul and Maw invasions as well as fully sapient war droids and combat grade HRD units, equipped with some of the most advanced tech and ships in the Galaxy, together as a family.

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People of The Galaxy, we know your pain, for we have lived it.

The Bryn'adul. The Maw. They took everything from us. Razed our homes, our families butchered, enslaved, or worse. We too, cried out to the Jedi for help as well.

And what was the answer The Jedi gave?

"Nah, Fam. I gotta kill the Sith Lords and be a hero."

Oh they were "heroes" all right. So heroic they obeyed stupid orders from a compromised Senate and allowed their OWN to be butchered. So heroic they propped up the fascists of the NIO to win against the Sith, who later betrayed them by dissolving The Bastion Accords! When our leader, The Black Knight, argued for a perfectly sane, rational cease fire so the Bryn'adul could be dealt with, she was all but laughed out of the meetings! It is hardly surprising her disagreement with them eventually turned to violence. Violence is the only thing Jedi understand when it comes to making sure they keep getting their way. And when it comes right down to it, Jedi will lie about, ignore, demonize, and kill those around them to get their way and call you the villain when you point out how selfish and short sighted their behavior is. Who the feth CARES anymore if The Light is the genuine, better path when it's chief stewards have proven themselves repeatedly incompetent, maliciously ignorant of their enemy, and contemptuous of any argument that posits that they might have gotten billions killed by being both.

We at House Io know your frustration. We want to give you the means for your revenge, not just on The Bryn'adul, who we have vowed to hunt to extinction, but the Maw as well as any other who would dare threaten the Galaxy the way those two have. Let us help you and become part of a family where Droids and Organics are equals. Together, we shall bring justice to the planet killers. Together, we shall oppose and punish the Jedi of the Alliance, The SJC, for the heinous crime of allowing our lives to burn, all because they couldn't set aside their rivalry with an Enemy they will never be rid of.

Join House Io! Become a warrior! Avenge yourself not just on your tormenters, but the ones who enabled them!

(OOC: Welcome to the House! Play as Organics, Droids, Force Adepts, in a story driven faction! Deadly skirmishes! Intrigue! Catsuits! Explore the ruins of an ancient Sith Treasure planet called Khemost!)

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