Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Worse for Wear

Capris collected herself just in time to see Talin booted to the ground. A flash of red and the blonde's face came back bloody. The runes snaking up her arm burned in visceral anger. Capris said nothing to Cade's ultimatum, but the mention of chains saw a muscle in her face tense. Suddenly any hope of a return on their bounty vanished. Cade needed to die. And his death needed to be slow and especially painful.

Luckily enough Talin got the memo.

Within seconds Cade was on the ground, gun trained on his head courtesy of Talin. Something akin to sympathy crossed like a shadow across the young bounty hunter's face. Had the blonde killed anyone before? Capris left it alone, instead moving to handle the mando. It was a lesson to be learned, especially if the cowgirl intended to keep running. If she wanted to make a name for herself down here, it would have to be written in blood.

Careful, measured steps took her to where the mando was busy engaging the Twi'lek. Capris broke a bottle against the bar, the liquid hardening and reshaping into a needle of ice with the assistance of a rune. It was enough to get the man to turn around, right before the needle zipped forward and buried itself in the gap between his helmet and chest. His body slumped to the ground in the next moment, beskar and all. Tawny eyes met the Twi'lek's own, her head silently canting to the door in suggestion.

The needle tore right back through the mando's chin, bloodied but intact. It moved in sync with Capris as she pivoted back to Talin and Cade. As soon as that beast of a man was down, they were getting the hell out of dodge.

Talin Treicolt Talin Treicolt
“P-puhlease…” Cade managed to spit out in between convulsions. “D-daughter… I haaa-“

Blood interrupted the pity party, but it had been enough for Talin to connect the dots. He had a daughter. Somewhere outside of her skin, a voice questioned how old she was. Kara had only been a baby when Pa ran off to save mom. The gangsters face was momentarily replaced by a younger version of her father. He didn’t grovel. Instead, a defiant stare met the barrel.

“Do it.”

The plasma silenced the life. Maynard was gone again, and it was just her. The gun rattled as her hand fell to the floor. She was shaking; oh force. Capris would be able to peg her amateur now and never work with her again. It had taken so much less for her to be found out on Castell. Talin dragged her knees in, squeezing, head against the bar; just a moments respite to inhale a quaking breath. When it released, she was far steadier, the bad bits buried so deep she’d never find ‘em. Then, she ripped her heels off, and peeped back over the bar to find her partner.

“We’re cooked.”

A surveying glance revealed a rallying group just beyond the barrier of flame.

“Let’s scram. Back way?”

Leaping over the bar to avoid the hard truth of justice, she bounded past Capris, flying. A hall behind split off into gold rooms and silver rooms and bedrooms. Suddenly, Talin didn’t feel so guilty. Closed doors were thrown open to check for any girls who might’ve been kept in waiting.

“Hey, you two! Stop!”

The blondes head swiveled back to the end of the hall. The bouncer who had let them through, flanked by others clad in the same uniform, were sprinting after them.

“Okaaay, never mind a mass liberation. Run!.”

They had done what they could, toppling the pyramid and drawing eyes to their damages. Now, it was time to save hide. Talin broke into a run, huffin and puffin and imagining her brothers with the training sabers behind them.

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