Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Will be Done

Zhea Nox Zhea Nox

The heavy weight tolling his heart disappeared when Zhea honestly denied any other involvements with the mentioned Jedi. He could breathe better and profoundly, and his heart paced normally than it did a minute ago. She had never been a liar, and the because of that concrete fact was why he believed her. He knew she would come open forward had there been something else.

His hands wrapped around the Kiffar’s and pulled into her embrace. Simon could feel his heart soar from his despair with joy at the sound of Zhea’s words when she confessed he was the only one to have eyes for. It made him slightly guilty to have left her that night.

The only regret he had was to not wait for her and the two to leave the Order. What would life had been should that alternate been taken?

“Together…and I’m sorry if I seemed mistrusting with my words. I never thought about how badly my actions were when I left you.”

The couple marched to Edwin’s holding cell, Simon stayed behind to speak with one of the guards though he could overhear their dialogue quite well. His voice irritated Simon despite not knowing him. He frowned with disgust to know the man would attempt an excuse for not helping Zhea when she was overwhelmed by the thugs in the cavern. If he truly was a friend to her, he would have jumped at the first sign of trouble and help her. It didn’t take much to know Edwin was a coward. There were Jedi worth more than Edwin’s weight, Jedi whom wouldn’t abandon their friends in times of peril.

Then he heard his words cutting off and then directed his venom at the sight of Simon. Simon never knew this man personally, but it was somewhat strange this stranger could recognize him. He stepped forward to stand by Zhea, listening without interrupting Edwin. He only earned a cold glare from his narrow slit eyes at each word he uttered, angry that his words upset Zhea. Edwin had become obsessed with Zhea and confused it for love acting nothing more than a vulture to try to deceive Zhea for her affection.

It was clear this interrogation was over after obtaining the answers they needed from Edwin. It was only to find out what his motives were and why he did not aid Zhea, unintentionally discovering more of the callous nature in his heart. Zhea had enough from the former Jedi, turning away after addressing her indifference towards Edwin’s fate to Simon.

"Oh! You have her brainwashed into a full-blown Imperial now, too?!"

“Enough!” his hand outstretched, commanding the Force to ensnare Edwin’s neck to keep him from speaking. He had enough of Edwin when he tried to give whatever poor excuse to Zhea. “I will not allow you insult her any further. You know nothing about her, you insignificant rat.” Simon knew well to not conduct business with criminals when he left the Order unless it was to deceive them in order to bring them to justice. He despised anything related to crime and corruption, and was surprised to see this man nestled into the filth of crime.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you,” as if giving the man hope before destroying it with his next choice of words. “You should know I have organized an execution ceremony later this afternoon. And you will be the last one to lose his head. You can witness the death of your colleagues before coming to your fate,” and then let the man go, the prisoner stabilizing breath as he continued his filth at Simon. There was a small smile of victory and pride to know soon this rat would meet his end. No need to kill him now when he could embarrass himself in public to plead and squirm his way away from death.

The sovereign would turn and soon leave Edwin and his madness, standing by Zhea and reaching her hand with his own before leaving the cells.

“I’m terribly sorry you had to hear him, Zhea. Are you alright?”


TAG: Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad




Zhea had come to a stop not far from the door that would lead out of the cells.

She had to stop as a much colder and more dangerous anger threatened to unleash itself. She had to bring it somewhat under control first before she destroyed something. It had taken the last of her self control to not throttle Edwin herself. She no longer cared if Simon killed the man now or if he left him to be publicly executed.

She was busy pinching the bridge of her nose to try and contain the anger within her, when Simon's hand slid into hers and he led her from the cells. She was taking short, shallow breaths to help with containing the bubbling pool of rage within her by the time they exited the cells and came to a stop back next to the table full of plans.

She let go of his hand and walked past a few paces, running her hands through her hair.
“I’m terribly sorry you had to hear him, Zhea. Are you alright?”
Zhea clenched her jaw for another minute, her back to him.
"I should have left with you all those years ago." she finally said, her voice clipped. "I'm such a fool to have ever believed that the Order or anyone in it could change for the better. That my influence with the young ones would improve everyone's way of thinking." She laughed bitterly before turning to face him. "He's right - I am naive. I didn't see his motives and truly believed that I wasn't alone in thinking everyone can be redeemed." She shook her head in disgust. "Turns out I am the biggest idiot in the Galaxy."

She looked away again for a minute, her hands resting on her hips as she chewed her lip. With a huff, she looked back at Simon.
"Mercy brings us nothing but trouble and heartache, clearly. Why should I continue enforcing it? So that people like that...rat...can walk free and continue to ridicule other innocents?" she asked rhetorically, motioning to the cells. "Why continue to fight for the non-existent good in people? It gets us nowhere."

Perhaps she had lost it or perhaps she had finally seen the light. She didn't know. All she knew was that people kept taking advantage of her bleeding heart and it was doing more harm than good. Not only did that bleeding heart cause her to be the Galaxy's biggest fool, but it had unnecessarily exposed her beloved to a long-held hatred that he didn't deserve. A hatred she didn't even know existed within the walls of the Temple.

She gave a heavy sigh, the anger slowly subsiding to a simmer.
"I'm sorry I dragged you into that. You didn't deserve that." she told him, her voice somewhat warmer. "Whatever judgement you passed, he earned it." Something had snapped within her, throwing her wholly out of balance and dangerously close to the precipice.

She was stuck in a tempest that she didn't know how to get out of.

Zhea Nox Zhea Nox

Her emotional state as of now made yesterday’s merely play as she vented out her anger and frustration. It deeply concerned Simon to hear her words fearing she would have a change of character and no longer emulate that sense of compassion and kindness she always reserved. While they had their differences in ideas Simon always cherished her and the endless work she heavily invested in. In fact, it was her incorruptible nature that touched him in the Temple and had an effect in his studies.

He searched for words to hope ease her and return her balance.

“His words mean nothing to me, Zhea. Nor should they move you. We should not behold ourselves to the opinion of a rat in the gutter.”

Approaching her to lay his hands gently on her shoulders.

“He knows nothing about you, he is a coward and a fake. Your goodwill is an important quality to me. I’m very quick to pass harsh judgement, but I realize I need your mercy to help me see things in a different angle. Much like yesterday when I gave out that order…I should’ve listened to you before it was too late.”

“The Galaxy isn’t as perfect as we want it to be, my love; but we mustn’t let it break our spirits. Especially a piss poor excuse of a Jedi,”
seeing as she was somewhat calm he embraced her tightly, hoping to release her from the tempest consuming her.


TAG: Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad




She'd slowly been drowning until he started to pull her back.

His first words had still mostly just rolled over her, her body and mind tense and unyielding. But when he laid his hands on her shoulders, he focused her attention to what he was saying.
“Your goodwill is an important quality to me. I’m very quick to pass harsh judgement, but I realize I need your mercy to help me see things in a different angle. Much like yesterday when I gave out that order…I should’ve listened to you before it was too late.”
That hit harder than she expected, diffusing her and almost having her recoil in shame. She really hadn't known that the virtues that she had held onto for so long, had meant so much to him. If it made a difference for him, could it be possible that it made a difference for others? She always felt like she was continuously walking against the wind with nothing to show for it. Edwin was one such proof of her failings. The time that she could have spent keeping Simon from the Empire's clutches was another one....she continuously -

Her tense body was pulled into a tight embrace, interrupting the damning thoughts that circled in her mind.
“The Galaxy isn’t as perfect as we want it to be, my love; but we mustn’t let it break our spirits. Especially a piss poor excuse of a Jedi,”
She stood like a pillar for only one more heartbeat before wrapping her arms around him as well, holding onto him like her life depended on it. He was her rock and she held on while the storm of emotions swept past and slowly started to subside. She let his loving presence soothe her heart and calm her mind. Letting him pull her back from the brink.

He was right. She had always stuck to her ideals. She couldn't stop now, as demoralising as it can be at times. With him by her side, she could weather it. With the Order's failings, she was the lone Light on the frontier. She couldn't do it without him.
"Thank you." she said softly against his chest, the last of the tension releasing from her and she relaxed completely in the circle of his arms. "I'm so fortunate to have you to remind me of the good I did." She remained in the warmth of his embrace for a while longer, letting the care and love ease her doubts, before finally pulling back slightly to look at him with the smallest hint of a smile.

"I didn't know my mercy and goodwill was good for something. You should have told me sooner."

Zhea Nox Zhea Nox

She regained her balance and that was what mattered to him the most. To not let despair and defeat sow seeds within her. Everyone had their moments of losing balance due to their own unique circumstances, but it mustn’t persist forever.

"I didn't know my mercy and goodwill was good for something. You should have told me sooner."

“You don’t need me to tell you that. You already know, Zhea,” looking at her with love and admiration.

“In fact, you’ve always known,” his hand departing from her waist and reached again for her hand to walk away from the prison cells. “When we were young in the temple, before destiny brought us together, I did not excel in my studies other than dueling and harnessing the Force. I did not care for history or the other academics we had to learn. I could feel the disappointment from my master and his colleagues, but I still did not care.”

“Until I met you,”
and gave a squeeze in her hand. “I started to improve in my studies all because of you and your qualities. In someway, you inspired me.”

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