Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Staff Team Openings

Hello everyone! The Sith Empire is seeking new additions to its creative team, how long you have been a part of the community and how old you are will not be qualities we ask for when considering potential joiners; instead, here are some qualities we will be looking for when arriving at our decision:
  • Presence: A member of the Sith Empire staff should be a familiar face in our discord and on the website at large. Active community engagement, trying to work with other members to create stories that enhance the experiences of both those involved and the faction at large, all fall under this.
  • Participation: Applicants should be open to being a guiding hand in the Empire's threads, as well as willing to start and lead new ones, ranging from dominions to skirmishes and all the way to social activities for members to unwind.
  • Proposal: Members of the Sith Empire's creative staff will be expected to act as a level head for brainstorming faction story lines, planning out the direction of the faction, and cooperating with other factions to come up with ways to interact in a meaningful manner. Evaluating our current direction and providing input is also a necessary part of this, do not be afraid to challenge the status quo!
  • Persistence: A part of being on the Sith Empire's creative team is also introducing and helping to introduce factory and codex entries which will both provide incentive for our faction's writers as well as build upon the lore and image of our faction itself.
If this is a position which interests you, and you feel you qualify for any of the above - you needn't check every box - then please send a Sith Empire staff member a PM on the forum or drop a message in our discord direct messages to give us your pitch.
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